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Xinhua: Be Vigilant to the Intention to Resolve the Syria Issue Outside of the United Nations

Xinhua published a commentary from a contributor having the pen name “Zhong Sheng (the pronunciation is the same as ‘Voice of China’).” The article pointed out that some big Western countries are trying to seek other avenues, outside of the United Nations, to resolve the Syria issue. The article stated, “At this critical juncture, China invited the special envoy of the Syrian president to visit China, while also considering issuing an invitation to the relevant Syrian opposition organizations to visit China in the near future.” The article claimed that (by doing so), “China, as a permanent member of the Security Council, showed a high degree of responsibility toward world peace.”

The article commented, “Regarding the solution for Syria, the key to solving the Syria crisis is in the hands of the Syrian people. At the same time, the support of the international community is also indispensable. The coordination and cooperation among the countries on the UN Security Council is extremely important. Some Western countries have never abandoned the goal of making a "regime change" in Syria. They continue to increase their support for the rebels. Recently they publicly discussed the establishment of a "no-fly” zone. This has destroyed the internal solidarity of the Security Council, so that the international community cannot reach a consensus and Annan’s mediation efforts have been to no avail. All of the indications suggest that the rumor that certain Western powers seek a solution for Syria outside of the framework of the United Nations is not groundless.”

Source: Xinhua, August 15, 2012

People’s Daily on the Growth and Benefits of Confucius Institutes around the World

Qiushi Theory carried an article, that People’s Daily had originally published, on the expansion of the Confucius Institute project around the world. The article claimed that Confucius Institutes offer many benefits. One example is that they “enable foreigners to understand China without bias and hostility.” According to the article, the Confucius Institute project has not only bridged the gap between China and the rest of the world; a member of the Austrian parliament commented that it has also become a “China Affairs consultant” for the Austrian government.

As of July 2012, there were 387 Confucius Institutes and 509 Confucius Classes established in 108 countries and regions. The number of Confucius Institutes is expected to reach 500 by 2015. In the meantime, according to the article, the project also faces challenges in teacher resource and materials shortages.

Source: Qiushi Theory, August 10, 2012

China’s Public Security Bureau Stops Issuing Visas to Potential Dance Competition Participants

The upcoming Asia-Pacific region preliminaries for the 5th "NTD’s 2012 International Classical Chinese Dance Competition," usually held in New York, will be held in Hong Kong on August 18, 2012, in order to accommodate potential participants from mainland China. The Chinese Communist regime has repeatedly threatened dancers not to participate in the competition. Recently, China’s public security bureau has denied visas to mainland Chinese dancers who want to go to Hong Kong.

(Editor: Some involved with the NTD Chinese Dance competition are Falun Gong practitioners.)

Source: Epoch Times, August 8, 2012

Huanqiu: A Victory for China

Huanqiu published a commentary on the recent protests in Hong Kong against the plans (for the mainland) to introduce a “National and Moral Education” course into the Hong Kong public school curriculum. The commentary stated that Hong Kong residents were claiming that it amounts to “brainwashing” young people with pro-mainland propaganda. It observed, “These protesters act more like they have been brainwashed by the British colonial and Western ideology, since they are so paranoid and resistant about the course. Their views of mainland China are totally Western views. … The core of the ‘National and Moral Education’ course is to provide national and civic education to students, with answers to such questions as ‘Who am I?’ ‘What is Hong Kong?’ and ‘What is China?’ It is not to instill allegiance to the central government into the people of Hong Kong. The patriotism in this course is beyond the political realities. … But we believe that the Hong Kong SAR Government will not concede to its opponents on whether to provide national education, which is a matter of principle.”

The commentary concluded, “The final outcome of the controversy on national education in Hong Kong will be nothing but a ‘victory for China.’ Perhaps it is not realistic for the protesters to pursue their own victory.”

(Editor: According to an opinion piece in the New York Times about the course, "It decries multiparty democracy as unfavorable to the lives of ordinary people …" and contains only praise, with no mention of faults.)

Sources: Huanqiu, August 1, 2012
New York Times, August 1, 2012

South Korean Rights Activist Kim Young-Hwan Said He Was Tortured in China

Huanqiu, whose English name is Global Times, is a publication under Xinhua News.Huanqiu reporter, Li Daming, reported from South Korea that Kim Young-Hwan, a South Korean “human rights activist for North Korea,” claimed that he was “severely tortured” while he was detained in China and that he was studying ways to sue the Chinese government through the International Criminal Court. The report stated that China arrested Kim because he was conducting subversive activities against North Korea in China and that Kim claimed this nonsense recently after he was released and returned to South Korea.

Source: Huanqiu, July 30, 2012

Xinhua: Vietnam Welcomes Russia Back to Cam Ranh Bay

Xinhua recently reported on Vietnamese President Zhang Jin Chong’s 5-day visit to Russia. In a press conference, Zhang told the Russian media that Vietnam welcomes Russia to set up a vessel repair center in Cam Ranh Bay. Russian President Putin agreed to provide Vietnam with a US$10 billion loan, of which US$8 billion will be for a nuclear power station construction project. The two presidents also agreed that the two countries should eventually establish a partnership in the area of defense. Zhang emphasized that the services provided to Russia at Cam Ranh Bay will not have a military orientation. The Russian Navy Commander in Chief confirmed that there were talks among Russia, Cuba, Seychelles, and Vietnam to build “technical support centers.” Vietnam recently also agreed on a joint-venture with Russia to develop oil fields in the South China Sea. In the 1980s, Cam Ranh Bay was the largest Russian military base outside of Russia. 
Source: Xinhua, July 30, 2012

Xinhua: Sansha City Is Not a Flower Trellis on Show for the Philippines and Vietnam

Huanqiu, a publication under Xinhua, published a commentary on the Philippines and Vietnam’s protests following the inaugural ceremony for Sansha City, Hainan Province. The commentary observed that Chinese media essentially ignored the two countries’ protests. The Chinese mentality, in general, is "I will enjoy going my own way no matter what you do or feel.”

The commentary stated, “[China as] a big country should act as such. There is no need to practice verbal sparring with the Philippines and Vietnam. Action is our real language. What China’s position on the South China Sea means and how the Philippines and Vietnam should deal with China in the South China Sea should all be understood from our actions, in addition to what we tell them.”

“The Philippines and Vietnam’s responses are not worthy of our real-time tracking. If they have a general knowledge of what’s going on, that is sufficient. Sansha City should seek its own development, becoming a real prefectural city, not a flower trellis that is on show for the Philippines and Vietnam."

“Regarding the friction and conflict in East Asia as well as in the world, China should also gradually change from asking others what to do to actively taking the initiative on our own. That way, we would not have much of a burden and would be much more relaxed.”

Source: Huanqiu, July 25, 2012.

China Formally Establishes Sansha City on Yongxing Island of Xisha, Hainan Province

On July 24, 2012, an inaugural ceremony was held for the opening of Sansha City. The ceremony took place on the Island of Yongxing, one of the Xisha Islands (called the Paracel Islands in Vietnam), Hainan Province. Sansha officially became China’s 285th prefectural level city, the southernmost tip prefectural city with the least population, the least land area, and the largest total area under its jurisdiction.

Hainan Provincial Party Secretary Luo Baoming spoke at the ceremony, saying that the CPC Central Committee and State Council’s decision to establish Shansha City was to carry out the administration, development, and protection of the Xisha Islands, the Dongsha Islands (also called the Pratas Islands in Taiwan), and the Nansha Islands (also called the Spratly Islands); and strive to make Sansha City an important base for maintaining South China Sea sovereignty and resource development services.

Source: People’s Daily, July 25, 2012