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Chinese Communist Party Engages 570 Political Parties in 160 Countries

At the press briefing of the CCP’s Central Committee, the spokesperson from the International Liaison Department, one of the 11 spokespersons from 11 agencies under the party’s Central Committee, showed up to talk to journalists, and confirmed that the CCP has been in contact and cooperation with more than 570 political parties or organizations in 160 countries around the world.

“The communication mechanism between us and political parties among the big powers such as Japan, Russia, India, Vietnam, and Brazil is set. We also signed certain inter-party dialog agreements with the UK, Germany, and France. With Russia, we have Dialogue Mechanism between the Ruling Parties of China and Russia. Not long ago, we invited political parties in Europe to a China-Europe High-Level Political Party Forum. We also held a High-Level Dialog with both parties in the U.S.”

Source:, June 30, 2010

State Owned Companies Growing China’s Soft Power Overseas

A forum on expanding the Party’s propaganda in other countries was held jointly by the Party’s Propaganda Department and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

At the forum, staff from several State owned companies spoke about their achievements and lessons learned when spreading propaganda overseas while doing business.

Staff from the China Ocean Shipping (Group) Corporation, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group Co., Ltd., and Hisense Group Co., Ltd. shared their experiences.

Liu Yunshan, Politburo member and Minister of the Party’s Propaganda Department delivered a speech at the forum.

Source: Xinhua, June 23, 2010

Germany Investigating Chinese Officials Spying on Falun Gong

Germany’s Federal Prosecutor’s office is investigating two high-ranking Chinese officials on allegations of espionage targeting Falun Gong practitioners, German news magazine Der Spiegel reported on June 26. One of the accused is said to hold the position of a Chinese vice-minister and serves as head of the “610 Office,” an extra-judicial arm of the Chinese Communist Party, which executes the Communist Party’s directive to fight the Falun Gong meditation movement worldwide. The Spiegel report mentioned the investigation could make Chancellor Angela Merkel’s upcoming China visit more difficult.

In December 2009, a diplomat of the Chinese Consulate in Munich was ordered to leave Germany after being found to have spied on the German Uighur community.

Source: The Central News Agency, June 27, 2010

More Than 45 Million Overseas Chinese, Official Said

Xu Yousheng, deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (OCAO) under the State Council, said in an event in Hongzhou that the population of overseas Chinese exceeds 45 million, topping the world’s nations. “Among the 45 million people, many are newly emigrated and mainly located in Europe.”
OCAO is the agency channeling communication between overseas Chinese, whether naturalized or not, and the Beijing regime.
Source: China News Service, June 16, 2010

Beijing Trains African Officials in Handling of the Press

A two-week training and “press research seminar” was launched in Beijing on June 17. Thirty-six officials from 19 African countries, including senior government press officers, spokespersons for presidents or prime ministers, and key personnel in local major media participated in it.
Wang Cheng, Director of the State Council Information Office and deputy chief of the Department of Propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee, gave a keynote speech. “Western media dominate most of the information in international news reporting, leaving developing countries with weak voices. Strengthening the communication and cooperation between China and African countries will not only better mutual understanding, but will help defend the common interests of developing countries in international public opinion.” 
Around 200 government press officers in 48 African countries attended the training series, initiated in 2004, with the current one as the 7th session.
Source: Xinhua, June 17, 2010

Global Times: The Nonalignment Concept has Past

Global Times, under Chinese state daily news Renmin, published an article calling for the establishment of a Security Alliance with surrounding countries. The author is a Japanese who is currently the deputy director of JCC New Japan Research Institute. The article claimed that the Nonalignment Movement was the result of the Cold War era, when smaller countries did not want to align with either the Soviet Union or the United States. Today, the author believes, the situation has changed significantly and the concept should change too. It was suggested in the article that China should introduce various types of “alignments” depending on the degree China wants to cooperate with different countries. It should be considered as an innovation in foreign policy.

Source: Global Times, June 8, 2010

Global Times: Chinese Netizens Launched 6-9 Jihad against South Korea

Global Times reported that, by June 10, more than 100,000 Chinese netizens had jointly attacked South Korean web sites and dozens of them were hacked. Meanwhile many QQ (China’s most popular instant messaging platform) groups and Baidu forums about South Korean pop stars were overloaded. The movement is called the “6-9 Jihad,” which was caused by the recent chaos that happened in Shanghai regarding a show by South Korean pop star group named Super Junior. Chinese hackers demonstrated their capabilities in this event. However, many netizens remained neutral and called for a rational attitude towards social events.

Source: Global Times, June 10, 2010

Ties Deepen between China and Uzbekistan

In a joint statement on Wednesday, after a two-day visit that Chinese president Hu Jintao made to the member of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), China and Uzbekistan agreed to boost their bilateral relationship in security, natural gas, science & technology, agriculture, trade and investment. 

Uzbekistan reaffirmed its support of the One-China policy by opposing “Taiwan Independence” and Taiwan’s participation of any international or regional organization of sovereign states. China reciprocated with long-term preferential loan projects. The two countries vowed to strike against "East Turkistan terrorist forces" and “extremist religious forces.” 
On Thursday, China’s state company, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), signed a deal with Uzbekneftegaz, the Uzbekistan state gas and oil company, to buy 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas every year. Both sides will connect Uzbekistan’s natural gas transmission system with the China-Uzbekistan pipeline, which is part of the larger 1,833 km (1,136 mile) long China-Central Asia gas pipeline that opened in December 2009, linking fields in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to northwest China’s Xinjiang. 
Source: Xinhua, June 10, 2010