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Chinese Expert: India Should Stop Its War Talk

People’s website published a commentary on January 24, 2010, criticizing India’s talk of being at war with both China and Pakistan, on two fronts. It stated that China has no interest in other country’s territory and blamed some Indian’s for having a hidden agenda to promote a "China Threat."

It stated, "India has a territory dispute with almost all its neighboring countries and was in a war situation with Pakistan in the past more than once. Now, it wants to have wars on "two fronts." What good will it do for India to disturb its neighbors 

Source: People’s website, January 24, 2010

Xinhua Reports on Russian Arms Sales to Vietnam

Citing a U.S. Defense News website, Xinhua reports that Vietnam is now officially Russia’s biggest arms client due to recent orders for six Kilo-class submarines and 12 Su-30 fighter jets, according to a Moscow-based think tank. Vietnam’s deal for its first submarines is Russia’s second-biggest contract for subs in the post-Soviet period, after a 2002 contract with China for eight submarines, said the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies that monitors Russian military exports. Now Vietnam joins the top 5 clients of Russian arms sales. The other 4 are India, Algeria, Venezuela, and China.

Source: Xinhua, Janaury 25, 2010

Foreign Affairs Ministry: Claims to Okinotori Reef Violate International Laws

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently reiterated the position that Japan’s claim to jurisdiction over large areas of waters based on Okinotori Reef violate The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Article 121 Section 3. It was reported that the Japanese government is about to submit to Congress a new law which protects the exclusive economic zone based at the location of Okinotori Reef. The Chinese government believes that the area of Okinotori Reef, with a rising tide, is less than 10 square meters, which “obviously” cannot sustain any human residence.

Source: Xinhua, January 19, 2010

Obama Just Better Than China at Publicizing the U.S. Rescue Effort in Haiti

A Chinese official newspaper, Wenhui, reported on January 19, 2010, that the first rescue workers who arrived in Haiti were actually the Chinese, 2 hours earlier than the Americans.

However, Obama is much better at publicizing his rescue effort to the world’s TV than China, inviting two former presidents in the White House to call for donations and sending Hillary Clinton to Haiti. Yet, what is the amount of the badly needed food, medicine and drinking water the U.S. has brought to the local disaster victims? What is seen is that the U.S. military army has controlled the only local airport so as to give the U.S. nationals the priority to withdraw from Haiti, resulting in French nationals being stranded in the airport for many days, while the plane with French donated field hospital equipment was not able to land in the U.S.-controlled airport. 

Source: Wenhui, January 19, 2010

China Commerce Minister: Accusations of African Resource Exploitation are Unfounded

On January 20, 2010, People’s Daily, published an interview with Chen Deming, Minister of the Commerce Department in China, about China’s investment in Africa. Chen Deming denied the international community’s allegations –

of china’s neo-colonialism in Africa, as well as the plundering of African resources – as "totally without justification."

Chen proudly stated that China increased investment in Africa by 77.5% in the first three quarters of 2009. The total investment in 2009 will exceed $1 billion. In addition, China has set up a China-Africa Development Fund, supporting those Chinese enterprises and projects involved with African countries, which will encourage more Chinese companies to invest up to $3.6 billion in Africa.

Source: People’s Daily, January 20, 2010

Preferential Treatment of U.S. Citizens Triggered Protests in Haiti

China News Service cited a report by the Central News Agency (CNA, Taiwan) claiming there were protests because U.S. citizens received preferential treatment when using the U.S. controlled Haiti airport. Apparently,  the airport became U.S.-only and aircrafts from other nations had a difficult time to get landing rights. It was reported that a few French citizens had to spend the night at the airport because they were not allowed to board their flight, while a great number of U.S. passengers were allowed to leave. The U.S. Embassy in Haiti denied any priority given to U.S. citizens. There are around 40,000 to 45,000 U.S. citizens in Haiti.

Source: China News Service, January 17, 2010

China Boycotts U.S. Companies for Arms Sales to Taiwan

China’s official website,,  reported on January 11, 2010, that Raytheon, one of America’s major arms dealers, has a notorious record of selling arms to Taiwan. The Chinese government has taken sanctions against Raytheon, which has not received any orders from China since 2004 and had to withdraw completely from China’s Mainland market.

Lockheed Martin Corporation, another U.S. military industrial enterprise involved in arms sales to Taiwan, has suffered the same fate in China. Like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin faced severe sanctions from China and lost its market in China.

Source: Huanqiu, January 11, 2010

People’s Daily: China should Not Worry about the US Returning to the Southeast Asian Region

The website of the State’s People’s Daily published an article stating China should welcome the United States to the Asian Pacific region to contribute to the peace, stability, and prosperity of the region.  

“Despite U.S. intervention, China should keep a low profile and not be too much ‘in the public eye.’ It can seize this rare strategic opportunity of peaceful development to keep a low profile and good terms with neighbors, focusing on its own development.”  

In light of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the surging protectionism at home, the result of the “Asian return” may be significantly overstated. “In this context, Obama’s ‘return to Asia,’ may not be so terrible.”

Source: People’s Daily, January 12, 2010