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UDN: Kim Jong-un Changed the English Translation of His Title

United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups, recently reported that North Korea is changing the official English translation of the title of the country’s top leader. Up until January 22, the North Korean official news agency KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) was using “Chairman of the State Affairs Commission” as the title for Kim Jong-un. However, starting on February 11, the translation was officially changed to “President of the State Affairs.” The international community typically uses the word “president” to indicate the top leader of a county. This new move appears to be an effort to emphasize that North Korea’s leader is also an international leader. North Korea did not have an official explanation for this latest change. In the meantime, the Chinese translation and the Russian translation remain unchanged. In recent years, socialist countries like China also switched the translation from chairman to president. However, Xi Jinping’s official title in Chinese remains Chairman. The North Korean Constitution clearly designates the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission as the highest leader of the nation. Kim Jong-un has two other titles.

Source: UDN, February 20, 2021

Chinese Defense Companies and the Burmese Military Regime

Although China has repeatedly denied assisting the Burmese (Myanmar) military in launching its February coup, many people believe the opposite. Recently, a Burmese citizen’s group disclosed in a report that five Chinese companies have long been selling weapons to the military government.

The civil organization “Justice for Myanmar” recently disclosed in a report that 16 foreign companies supplied conventional weapons and equipment to Tatmadaw (the official name of the armed forces of Myanmar). Among them there were five Chinese firms, namely China North Industries Group Corporation Limited (Norinco), Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC), and China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC). India, Israel, Russia, and Singapore, each have two companies on the list.

Zhang Shengqi, chairman of the Myanmar-Burma Assistance Association, told Radio Free Asia on Thursday, February 18, that Chinese companies have been selling weapons to Myanmar for a long time, and that this is no longer a secret. Zhang said, “It is no secret that China provides arms to the Burmese government forces. The Burmese military is a military ally of China in the south. Ten years ago, the Chinese government moved its security line from southern Yunnan province to southern Myanmar. The whole country of Myanmar is regarded as within the security line of China’s defense. The stability of Myanmar directly affects China’s interests and national security. If Myanmar chooses to have a pro-US, instead of pro-China, stance, Myanmar will once again fall into an endless civil war.”

In recent years, China invested in the Kyaukpyu deep-water port in the western Rakhine State of Myanmar, a US$ 1.3 billion project. After completion, it will become China’s gateway to the Indian Ocean. In addition, the US$ 8.9 billion Mandalay high-speed rail project will connect northern Myanmar with southwest China. In the future, China may transport energy and materials without relying entirely on the Malacca Strait.

Zhang Shengqi expressed the belief that China has huge economic and strategic interests in Myanmar and that geopolitics doomed the special relationship between the two countries. “The military port and China-Myanmar oil pipeline in the Bay of Bengal are the lifeblood for the Chinese military’s energy. China has to protect its military investment and presence in Burma and support Burma’s stability. … The Burmese people have no choice.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, February 17, 2021

The Biden Administration Reached Out to China on Iran Nuclear Issue

According to China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Robert Malley, the U.S. Special Envoy for Iran, recently had a conversation with Chinese Communist Party officials about the Biden Administration’s rejoining the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement. “On February 10, 2021, Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu had a telephone conversation that the U.S. President’s Special Envoy for Iranian affairs, Robert Malley, who initiated the call, and the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on the Iranian nuclear issue.”

The U.S. State Department declined to confirm the matter and stated, “Special Envoy Rob Malley is in the early stages of engaging Members of Congress, allies, partners, and others.”

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 10, 2021
The Washington Free Beacon, February 15, 2021


China Expressed Strong Dissatisfaction and Firm Opposition to Canadian Drafted Declaration against Arbitrary Detention

On February 15, Canada initiated the “Declaration against Arbitrary Detention in State-to-State Relations.” It stated, “The arbitrary arrest or detention of foreign nationals to compel action or to exercise leverage over a foreign government is contrary to international law, undermines international relations, and has a negative impact on foreign nationals traveling, working and living abroad.” The Declaration received international support from 58 countries including U.S., Japan, U.K., Australia and almost all of the EU members.

Although the declaration did not indicate which country it was aimed at, it immediately resulted in a strong reaction from China. The spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Canada said on Tuesday February 16 that China expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the declaration and has lodged solemn representations with Canada. China also mentioned the arrest of Meng Wanzhou and criticized Canada saying, “This kind of act is no different from a thief shouting to catch a thief. How hypocritical and despicable!” China once again urged Canada to “reflect on its wrongdoing, release Meng immediately, make sure she can return to China safely, and stop creating new obstacles to bilateral relations in any form.” The spokesperson also emphasized that “China is a country under the rule of law.” Two Canadian citizens, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, were “arrested and prosecuted by competent authorities of China in accordance with the law for the suspected crimes of undermining China’s national security.”

The U.S. State Department last week called on China to release the two arrested Canadian citizens and rejected China for “using coercion as a political tool.” In a telephone call earlier this month with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris “expressed strong solidarity” with Canada for the detention of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, the two Canadian citizens arbitrarily detained in China in 2018. She spoke with Trudeau, and made it clear that the U.S. will continue to do everything in its power to secure their release.

Source: Radio Free Asia, February 17, 2021,

India Considers Buying the F-15EX Fighter Jet

Well-known Chinese news site Sina (NASDQ: SINA) recently reported that the U.S. government has approved the sale of the F-15EX fighter jet to the Indian Air Force. India has not finalized the decision to purchase it yet. The F-15 was originally developed by Macdonald Douglas (now part of Boeing) in the 1960s and was enhanced after 2018 as the F-15EX. The F-15 series did have glorious combat records, mostly set by the Israeli Air Force. However, it’s completely meaningless for India, since India has already owned many Russian Su-30MKI fighter jets, which are in the same class. The Indian Air Force has never owned any U.S. fighter jets before. Thus, it could become a nightmare for the Indians on logistics. It may be a better idea for India to buy a different Boeing fighter jet F/A18E/F Block III (also known as the Super Hornet). It uses the F414 engine, which is the same engine loaded in India’s domestic fighter jet MK2 and a few other models. This choice could lower the cost of maintenance and repair. The Super Hornet may also support India’s need for aircraft carrier fighter jets. The United States Air Force did plan to acquire 144 F-15EX fighter jets.

Source: Sina, February 13, 2021

Myanmar Military Coup May Disrupt China’s Rare Earth Strategy

The Myanmar military’s coup may disrupt China’s rare earth strategy because Myanmar is an important source for China’s imports of heavy rare earths. Hong Kong’s Ming Pao reported that the economic cooperation between China and Myanmar involves many elements, including industrial transfer, deep water ports, hydroelectric power plants, oil and gas pipelines, oil and gas exploration and development, minerals, gems, and timber, to name just a few examples.

In terms of minerals, the reserves of heavy rare earths only account for less than one percent of the total rare earth reserves and about 90 percent of the heavy rare earth reserves that are in China. Although heavy rare earths account for a very small proportion of the total rare earth reserves in the world, The world has a high consumption rate and could run out quickly. From 2017 to 2018, China significantly reduced its mining volume of heavy rare earth mines and used Myanmar as an alternate source. Myanmar is not a big rare earth country, but among its total rare earth reserves, the proportion of heavy rare earth reserves is relatively high, making it a major supplier of heavy rare earths.

In 2018, China imported 25,800 tons of heavy rare earth ore from Myanmar, which was equal to China’s annual production. According to data from the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Geological Survey (USGS) and other institutions, in 2019, China’s rare earth mine production accounted for 62.9 percent of the world’s total. The U.S. accounted for 12.4 percent; Australia accounted for 10 percent; and Myanmar accounted for 10.5 percent.

The United Nations will certainly continue to discuss Myanmar issues related to the coup and may even consider imposing economic sanctions. If China were to oppose the U.N.’s decision, it would go against China’s claim that the problem should be resolved within the framework of the United Nations. If the situation calls for sanctions against Myanmar, it will put China in an awkward position considering all the economic ties it has with Myanmar.

Source: Central News China, February 15, 2021

RFI Chinese: 17+1 Summit Showed Less Enthusiasm for China

Radio France Internationale (RFI) Chinese Edition recently reported that the just-finished 17+1 Summit between China and the Central and Eastern European countries is showing a changing relationship. There are now 15 European countries that are connected to China via railway for cargo transportation. It takes only 15 to 20 days to travel by rail from Xi’an or Chongqing to Europe, which is half of the time required by sea. This made the railway topic a major item on the 17+1 Summit agenda. Even with the rapid growth of the railway business, the Europeans didn’t show much warmth toward Xi Jinping. One week ago, Romania launched a regulatory procedure that excluded Chinese companies from its national construction projects. Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania only sent ministers to this summit. Hungary is the only country that clearly expressed its friendship toward Beijing. Last April, it reached an agreement with China on the funding of the Budapest-Belgrade railway. However, the content of the agreement will be kept confidential for ten years. Russia is still a real threat in the region, so the United States remains a natural ally. It appears that the Baltic states care more about their transatlantic relationship. The Central and Eastern European countries have begun to feel tired of China’s “promises” and its potential. China’s investments have been on the decline since 2016.

Source: RFI Chinese, February 10, 2021

BBC World News Banned in China

People’s Daily reported on February 11 that the Chinese State Administration of Radio and Television announced a ban on BBC World News in China, citing “serious violations” of the Radio and Television Administration Regulations. China said BBC’s false and unfair reporting “harms China’s national interests and undermines China’s national unity.”

BBC News Chinese Edition reported on February 12 that the BBC officially expressed its disappointment regarding China’s decision. The BBC explained that the BBC is a globally trusted source of news with principles of fearless and unbiased reporting. British authorities cancelled the broadcasting license of China’s CGTN in early February, citing the Chinese Communist Party’s controlling power over CGTN content. This caused China’s strong reaction. The Hong Kong’s government-owned local radio station RTHK also announced on February 12 that it will no longer carry BBC International and BBC’s Cantonese programming.

Deutsche Welle Chinese Edition reported on February 12 that, with the cancellation of CGTN’s British license, CGTN’s German broadcasting permission is automatically cancelled at the same time. Vodafone Germany stopped the CGTN programming due to the fact that its license was granted under a 1989 European license-sharing agreement. Vodafone is currently working with the German authorities to clarify legal matters.

(1) People’s Daily, February 11, 2021

(2) BBC Chinese, February 12, 2021

(3) DW Chinese, February 12, 2021