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China’s Top Leaders Addressed the Need to Maintain Stability in Ethnic Minority Regions

On March 9, during the two Conferences [the National People’s Congress and the People’s Political Consultative Conference], selected provinces and ethnic groups held panel discussions. China’s top leaders joined the discussions and stressed the importance of promoting growth while maintaining stability and ethnic harmony.

During the panel discussion with the Tibetan group, President Hu insisted that Tibet “must follow the directives that the central administration has given, walk the path of Chinese characteristics with Tibetan uniqueness, and effectively carry out the work that will safeguard development and stability in Tibet.” When Premier Wen Jiabao attended the discussion with Guangxi Province, he stated that harmony between ethnic groups is a key component of social harmony. In meeting with representatives from Xinjiang, vice President Xi Jianping noted that it is important to safeguard unity among ethnic groups, firmly resist division, and ensure stability.

Source: People’s Daily, March 9, 2012

CCP Implemented a Nationwide Campaign to Crack Down on Falun Gong before the Two Conferences

Through internal sources, Chinascope has obtained a document that the CCP Public Security Department issued about conducting a nationwide campaign to “screen and eliminate Falun Gong activities” in preparation for the “Two Conferences [the National People’s Congress and the People’s Political Consultative Conference].” The document was issued to police stations across China on February 25, 2012. Below is the translation of partial contents of the document:

“This year’s ‘Two Conferences,’ to be held March 3-5 is an important political event that will take place before the CCP’s ‘18th Congress.’ Eliminating interference and damage by the evil cults and ensuring Beijing’s stability is the important political task of the citywide national security department of public security. … We must soberly understand that superficial stability is achieved through the Public Security Department’s regular and heavy strikes. ‘Falun Gong’s ability to initiate’ such an activity is intact; and the energy to interfere is still intact. Once [we] let up on our attack, they will start to make trouble and revive their sabotage. Particularly along with the U.S.’s high profile ‘return to the Asia Pacific,’ the overseas ‘Falun Gong,’ as the front runner of the U.S. anti-China strategy, is also increasing its activity of infiltration and sabotage in our neighboring countries and regions, making the situation more complicated.”
“In order to maintain a high level of pressure and a strike-hard status against ‘Falun Gong’ and to ensure that no high impact incidents or events happen during the ‘Two Conferences,’ [we] have decided to conduct a focused and unified screening and elimination activity to prevent and attack ‘Falun Gong.’"

“The activity will be conducted from February 27 at 8:00 a.m. to February 29 at 8:00 p.m., 2012.” “We should focus our efforts on cracking cases; conduct centralized efforts to arrest the key suspects; strive to arrest one more round of ‘Falun Gong’ members; crack down on a series of ‘Falun Gong’ underground locations; and confiscate a large amount of ‘Falun Gong’ counter-propaganda materials.”

“[It is required] that the rule of reporting and delivering information be strictly followed. During the screening and elimination activity, each police station is required to crack at least one ‘Falun Gong’ case; to detain at least one ‘Falun Gong’ member; to dispatch and summarize once a day; and to report immediately in the case of any major incidents.”

Study Times: Three Obstacles to Fighting Corruption in China

Study Times, the publication of the Party School of the Central Committee of the CCP, published an article listing three obstacles to fighting corruption in China. 1) The public accepts and tolerates some widespread corrupt practices since corruption has become habitual in social interactions. Most of time, it is hard for the public to realize the damage that corruption causes. Besides, the public does not have confidence in effors to fight corruption since those who have dared to oppose corruption were arrested. 2) Corruption is hidden from the public; the alliances between corrupt officials are too powerful for the public to fight. 3) It is difficult to fully protect the rights and interests of the people who fight against corruption. Nine out of ten of the people who were against corruption have suffered reprisals.

Source: Study Times, March 3, 2012

Xinhua: “Doing Our Own Things Well” Is the Key

Xinhua published a commentary article on March 3, the first day of “Liang Hui,” the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. The article stated that, regardless of the changes in the international climate, China’s focus is to "do our own things well" by staying focused on the scientific development path and actively executing the 12th five year plan.

According to the article, in order to achieve the goal, China must be firm in following the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership and the socialist path with Chinese characteristics; properly handle those social conflicts that arise from the open door reforms in order to maintain social stability; and stick to the overall strategy of “advance while ensuring stability” laid out by the central administration.

Source: Xinhua, March 3, 2012

Party Organization Department: Follow the Party’s Rules; Resist Attacks from Wrong Ideology

In order to prepare for the upcoming selection of Party officials during the Party’s 18th Congress later this year, the Organization Department held a video conference on March 2, 2012. Departments of Organization from all levels participated.

The conference called for the Organization Departments at all levels to take the lead in launching campaigns that will further emphasize the importance of the Party spirit and the strengthening of Party members’ moral character. The goal is to “improve the public trust in the candidates and to develop an excellent atmosphere ahead of time.”

Li Yuanchao, the head of the Organization Department, spoke at the conference. Li stressed that the most important element of the party spirit is to be "firm on (China’s) political stance." It includes strictly following the Party’s political rules and regulations and resisting attacks from other wrong ideology. Li also requested the leaders of the Organization Department at different levels to visit the local work units, meet with Party leaders, establish communication channels, and assist Party leaders or the general public with any practical issues.

Source: Xinhua, March 3, 2012

China Launched the Nationwide Learn from Comrade Lei Feng Ideology Campaign

On March 2, the Central Guidance Commission for Building the Spiritual Civilization of the Chinese Communist Party held a forum in Beijing called “Learn from Comrade Lei Feng.” Li Changchun, the head of the Commission, spoke at the forum and stated that the campaign is an important subject that was raised at the Party’s Sixth Plenary Session of the CCP 17th Central Committee. The goal is to “open up a brand new Chinese socialist development era.”

According to Wikipedia, Lei Feng was a PLA soldier. After his death in 1962 at the age of 22, "Lei was characterized as a selfless and modest person who was devoted to the Communist Party, Chairman Mao Zedong, and the people of China." In the posthumous "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng" campaign, initiated by Mao in 1963, Lei became the symbol of nationwide propaganda; the youth of the country were encouraged to follow his example.

Xinhua, March 2, 2012

Wen Yunsong Elevated to Chairman of China Satcom

China Economy recently reported that Wen Yunsong, the son of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, became chairman of the China Satellite Communications Group (China Satcom). The controlling shareholder China Aerospace Science and Technology Group made the decision. China Satcom was founded in 2011 and was managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration commission. It is one of six of China’s major telecommunications operators, and its primary business is satellite operations. China Satcom recently announced that the company will own 15 satellites and expects to have an income of RMB 160 billion (around US$24 billion) by the year 2015. By then, it will be the largest satellite operator in Asia.

Source: China Economy, February 21, 2012

Nanfang Weekend: How Many Ministries and Ministers Are There in China?

Nanfang Weekend published an article which had an overview of ministerial level agencies and ministers of the Communist Party. Most of ministerial level agencies are under the State Council. The rest are within the Party system. Examples include the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Organization Department, the Publicity Department, People’s Daily, the Party School of The Chinese Communist Party, the Party Literature Research Centre, and the Party History Research Centre.

While there are at least 74 ministerial level agencies, there are more than 74 minister level cadres. Deputies may be  minister level cadres and non-ministerial level agencies may be headed by minister level cadres. Examples of the latter include heads of liaison offices in Hong Kong and Macau. The two Vice Presidents of China’s Supreme Court are also minister level cadres. Ten important social organizations are headed by minister level cadres including the Communist Youth League, the All China Women’s Federation, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chinese Writers Association, the Chinese Disabled Persons’ Federation, the China Society and Technology Association, and the All China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.

Some of the leaders of state sponsored democratic parties are also minister-level cadres.

Source: Nanfang Weekend, February 16, 2012