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Xi Jinping: Recruit Outstanding Intellectuals and College Students into the Party

On December 24, 2009, a national working conference regarding the CCP’s development inside colleges and universities was held in Beijing by the CCP Central Committee’s Organization Department, Propaganda Department, and Education Department.  Vice President Xi Jinping, met the representatives of the attendees and gave a speech prior to the meeting according to Xinhua.

Xi stressed the importance of the Party building at higher education under the new situation. A university (or college) president, who must be under the leadership of the university Party Committee, has the administrative power. It is important to use the Chinese style socialist theoretical system to educate teachers and students and recruit outstanding intellectuals and college students into the Party.

Source: Xinhua, December 24, 2009

Wang Shenjun: Continue the Judicial Reforms Based on China’s Situations

A symposium on Judicial Reforms vs. China’s Situation was held in Beijing on December 29, 2009, according to Xinhua. Wang Shenjun, the chief justice of the Supreme Court attended the symposium and delivered a speech.
Wang stressed that building a socialist judicial system must be based on China’s situation. It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between China’s situation and the judicial reforms. 

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

Meng Jianzhu Addresses Armed Police

At a meeting of Party officials of the armed police force, Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu gave a speech emphasizing the force’s absolute loyalty to the Party, the continuous buildup work of Party organizations, and the improved capacity of handling emergent social unrest. 

Source: Ministry of Public Security, January 8, 2009

Xi Jinping Texting One Million Party Cadres

“On behalf of the Central Committee of the Party, I am extending my cordial greetings to the nationwide grass-roots Party secretaries and college graduate village officials.” On January 5, 2010, Xi Jinping, China’s Vice President and a member of Politburo Standing Committee, sent the above text message to cell phones of one million local-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cadres. 

The message marks the launch of the mobile phone information system for national grass-roots Party development work. The system, with a collection of one million cell phone numbers belonging to CCP officials at the province, city, township, and village levels, has been initiated to build up Party organizations through the use of modern technologies. 
Source:, January 6, 2010

China Implementing Party Committee Spokesperson System

Advancing the party committee spokesperson system will be a major task for the development of a systematic press release system in 2010, said Wang Chen, director of the State Council Information Office.

“To establish the party committee spokesperson system” was mentioned for the first time in the “Decision” of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Party committees, from the local level to the central committees, should increase the release of information, using press releases, media interviews, and other approaches to publish information about party activities.

As of now, several local party committees including Changsha City, Hunan Province, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, and central committees including the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the Department of Organization, and the Department of United Front Work have already established a spokesperson system.

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

Xinhua: Ensure at Least One Urban Official Resides in Each Rural Village in Guangdong Province

Xinhua reported on December 28, 2009, that 170,000 urban government officials in Guangdong Province have been sent down to the countryside to ensure that at least one urban official resides in each rural village. In order to guarantee every rural Party branch is helped by an urban Party branch, 19,513 rural Party branches have been teamed up with urban Party branches. The process has a positive effect in building low-level Party organizations in the countryside.

Source: Xinhua, December 28, 2009

Li Changchun at the CNTV Opening Ceremony: Expand Mainstream Media Coverage and Influence

According to Xinhua, China Network Television (CNTV), the national network television broadcasting organization of China, with ties to CCTV, held an opening ceremony on December 28, 2009. Li Changchun, member of the CCP Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, attended the ceremony.

Focusing on audio-visual interaction, CNTV is a global-focused, multi-language, and multi-terminal public service platform that combines the features of an old-school television network. By deployment of mirror sites across the world, this platform covers Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Russia and more.

Li hopes that CNTV will provide the correct guidance for public opinion and become an influential network television broadcasting organization in the world.

Source: Xinhua, December 28, 2009 

Nanjing Municipal Government Initiates Over 100 News Spokesperson Positions

China News Net reported that the Nanjing Municipal Government held a press conference for the first time on December 29, 2009, at which over one hundred newly assigned news spokespersons for the variety of the CCP committees in Nanjing presented themselves. It is rare that a municipal government in China opens more than one hundred news spokesperson positions at one time.

The news spokespersons are the major leaders of each ministry, of the CCP committees, and departments. Representing all levels of Party committees, they will strengthen the connections with domestic and foreign news media. For urgent incidents, news spokespersons must be able to respond to reporters’ phone calls 24 hours a day.

Source: China News Net, December 29, 2009