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Adhere to the Position as a Developing Country and Remain Clear-Headed on China’s Responsibility

According to Xinhua on January 25, 2010, the first session of a series of seminars on the “Prediction of the 2010 International Situation” was held by Xinhua’s “Discussion of the World” Program in Beijing. More than 10 well-known experts and scholars gathered together, predicting international situations for 2010 and positioning China in the world.

In terms of China’s position in the world, the participants agreed that "the Westerners have switched from ‘Killing with a Stick’ to ‘Killing with Flattery’ following the international financial crisis. They have kept praising China, from ‘China’s Responsibility’ to ‘Sina-US Two Nations’, pushing China to the center of the world." However, “China must remain clear-headed, adhering to a strategic position as a developing country, safeguarding the interests of developing countries and striving to strengthen ourselves.”

Source: Xinhua, January 25, 2010 

People’s Daily: 88.85 Million Yuan Allocated to Poor Party Members û An Important Stability Measure

According to People’s Daily, in a report on January 24, 2010, the CCP Central Organization Department had recently decided to allocate 66.95 million yuan from collected CCP membership fees to sustain the poor as well as the old CCP members without pensions. Last year, the CCP Central Organization Department allocated 21.9 million yuan from membership fees to express sympathy to Party members in the 18 provinces that had serious natural disasters and also to repair the damaged Party member educational facilities in the same areas.

The CCP Central Organization Department stressed that letting the Party members feel the real concern and warmth of the Party is an important measure to effectively maintain stability.

Source: People’s Daily, January 24, 2010

Thousands of Local Government Representative Offices in Beijing to be Shut down

According to Xinhua, the Beijing authorities just issued a new red-letter directive that mandates the shutdown of several thousand representative offices in Beijing in the next 6 months. Currently there are 52 Beijing offices representing provincial level governments, 520 representing municipal level governments and over 5,000 representing county level governments. The number of representative offices exceeds 10,000 if it includes those for various government organizations, and liaison offices of state-owned enterprises. The assets of these representative offices totaled 10 billion yuan in 2001.

The function as outlined by the new directive for the representative offices includes carrying out tasks assigned by the Communist Party committees from the sending location, and by the Communist Party Central Committee and the State. Notably, these offices should assist the Beijing municipal government in maintaining social stability in Beijing.

Source: Xinhua, January 24, 2010

Promote the Communist Party Organization in Private Businesses

A leadership group for Party development in private businesses was formed in Huaibei City, Anhui Province. In a letter to all private business owners in the city, the group demanded that the Party development in private firms should be the responsibility of Party organizations of all levels.

Party members working in those firms are called on to take the lead and become role models.

In Huaibei, as of December 2009, 217 new party branches had been set up in private companies; 184 party members who disappeared into private companies were recovered.

Source: Xinhua, January 16, 2010

Chinese Communist Party’s Spokesperson System

At the end of the year 2009, the State Council’s press conference announced an “important task initiating a press release system in 2010: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Committee’s spokesperson system.” 

Over the past months, efforts of the pilot project were already put into place in local level party committees. On December 29, 2009, the CCP’s Nanjing Committee held its first press conference, with 117 spokespersons at various branches of the city’s CCP agencies showing up. In October and November, press conferences of the same nature were launched in Meishan City and Changsha City. 
Ever since 2006, five agencies in the CCP’s Central Committee have set up a spokesperson system: the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the United Front Work Department, the International Liaison Department, the Party Literature Research Centre, and the Taiwan Affairs Office. It’s believed that the growing spokesperson system in the CCP system is another measure to dominate public opinion and maintain social stability. 
Source: Xinhua, January 14, 2010

Xi Jinping: Recruit Outstanding Intellectuals and College Students into the Party

On December 24, 2009, a national working conference regarding the CCP’s development inside colleges and universities was held in Beijing by the CCP Central Committee’s Organization Department, Propaganda Department, and Education Department.  Vice President Xi Jinping, met the representatives of the attendees and gave a speech prior to the meeting according to Xinhua.

Xi stressed the importance of the Party building at higher education under the new situation. A university (or college) president, who must be under the leadership of the university Party Committee, has the administrative power. It is important to use the Chinese style socialist theoretical system to educate teachers and students and recruit outstanding intellectuals and college students into the Party.

Source: Xinhua, December 24, 2009

Wang Shenjun: Continue the Judicial Reforms Based on China’s Situations

A symposium on Judicial Reforms vs. China’s Situation was held in Beijing on December 29, 2009, according to Xinhua. Wang Shenjun, the chief justice of the Supreme Court attended the symposium and delivered a speech.
Wang stressed that building a socialist judicial system must be based on China’s situation. It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between China’s situation and the judicial reforms. 

Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2009

Meng Jianzhu Addresses Armed Police

At a meeting of Party officials of the armed police force, Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu gave a speech emphasizing the force’s absolute loyalty to the Party, the continuous buildup work of Party organizations, and the improved capacity of handling emergent social unrest. 

Source: Ministry of Public Security, January 8, 2009