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China Sports Officials: Athletes Should Thank Their Country before Their Parents

China’s top sports officials advised to prioritize athlete’s educaion regarding virtue. They were infuriated that some athletes thanked their parents instead of their country after winning competitions.  

They especially pointed to Zhou Yang, the gold medalist of the women’s 1500 meter short track speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympic Game. Zhou Yang’s speech of “(My winning) can bring my dad and mom a better life,” moved many people.  

Yu Zaiqing, Deputy Director of the State Physical Cultural Administration and Vice President of International Olympic Committee said that Zhou Yang should have first thanked the country and secondly her parents. Yu argued that it was the country that was responsible for Zhou’s competitive abilities, providing for and subsidizing her training.

Yu’s criticism drew a hot discussion on the Internet and text messages flew back and forth. The netizens were overwhelmingly in support of Zhou Yang.

Source: China News Service, March 8, 2010

Qiushi: A Learning Oriented Marxist Political Party

A recent issue of Qiushi journal, the flagship publication of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, featured an article entitled “a major and pressing strategic task – on building a learning oriented Marxist political party.” 

The article mentioned that the Fourth Session of the 17th National Congress of CCP put the build-up of a "Learning oriented Marxist political party” as a high priority. “The world is undergoing a major development, transformation, and adjustment. In the face of the profound changes in the world, the country, and the party, our party can only maintain its advanced nature, become the backbone to rally people across the country to overcome all risks and tests, and lead the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics toward victory by emphasizing learning and being good at learning.”The term “Learning oriented Marxist political party” has been seen frequently in recent government papers. 
Source: Qiushi, March 13, 2010

Party Building Campaign in Non-State Sector

According to Xinhua, during the campaign to increase Communist Party members in non-State entities, 12,000 party branches were established with another 24,000 in the pipeline. New memberships rose to 65, 000. The party organizations have tracked down 73,000 party members who did not contact local party organizations due to transfer of jobs or retirement. Some local party organizations have set up dedicated offices for party building in the non-State sector. Close to 30,000 targets have been identified and 145,000 party instructors were dispatched to them.

Source: Xinhua, February 25, 2010

China Disciplined the 13 Newspapers That Promoted Household Register System Reform

On March 1, thirteen newspapers including the Economic Observer and Southern Metropolitan News published a joint commentary promoting reforming the household registration system (which separates farmers from city residents and creates unequal rights between them). The commentary was a reminder to the upcoming National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) in Beijing. It was a rare media joint action that was undertaken without government authorization.

The Chinese government has disciplined these newspapers. Zhang Hong, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Economic Observer was fired. Other top managers at the Economic Observer received a serious warning from the Communist Party’s Propaganda Department. Representatives to the NPC and PPCC were warned not to bring up the topic of household registration system reform.

Source: Voice of America, March 10, 2010

PLA Daily: China Should Guide the Public’s View of War

People’s Liberation Army Daily called for proactive guidance of the public’s view of war to ensure “the masses, the party, and armed forces maintain a high degree of unity in terms of ideology.” “The Public’s view of war" is an awareness that the masses can widely influence the public’s general knowledge and basic attitude toward war. “Particularly in national defense education activities, the Marxist view of war is an important component to be explained and spread in a comprehensive systematic and lively manner, to help the public have a more scientific knowledge and attitude on war activities, so as to lay a solid foundation for further improvement of the quality of national defense, and for curbing and winning future wars.”

Source: Xinhua, March 4, 2010

National People’s Congress Passes National Defense Mobilization Act

On February 26, 2010, the thirteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress passed the National Defense Mobilization Act. The Act provides for national defense mobilization leadership structure, reserve personnel enlistment, strategic materials deployment, and war disaster prevention and relief. According to the legislation, the National Defense Mobilization Act should link up with the Emergency Contingency plan in terms of command, man power, information, and logistics. 

In case of war, the NPC Standing Committee determines nationwide or partial mobilization; the President proclaims the mobilization order; and the State Council and CCP’s Central Military Commission jointly lead the mobilization work. 
Source: China News Service, February 26, 2010

CCP Implementing Quality Assurance Certification in Grass-Roots Party Branches

Ninyang County in Shandong Province has in place a quality assurance certification process for its party branches. As of end of 2009, 983 of the 1,486 party branches in the county received AAA certifications. Certification covers five areas: organizational structure, institutionalization of implementing party directives and duties, membership build-up and records keeping. The process includes self-inspection, application for certification, review by higher party organizations and final scoring. The total score is 1,000. 800 or above is certified AAA, 750 to 800 AA, and 700 to 750 A. No certification is given for any below 700.

Source: Xinhua, February 19, 2010

MII Publishing Website Registration Information Validation Work Plan

The Ministry of Industry and Information (MII) has issued a directive to all local communications administration offices in China to accelerate efforts to fortify website registration information. The plan claims that companies and individuals may register websites. 

Any individual, who is a future website owner, has to provide an original copy of his identification card, or his household register, military officer card, Taiwan compatriot travel certificate, or foreign passport as an alternative. The individual owner will also be photographed and his photo kept on record.

MII claimed the goal is to control the online pornography industry. VOA reported that human rights activists see it as political tightening to restrict website owners from criticizing the government.


1. China News Service, February 23, 2010
2. Voice of America, February 24, 2010