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High-ranking Party Official Refuses to Return to China

Municipal Communist Party Committee of Wenzhou has dispatched officials to France to seek the return of a high-ranking Party official, Xinhua reported. On September 19, Mr. Yang, a member of Wenzhou Standing Committee started a 12-day official visit to Europe leading a government delegation. While in France, Yang called one of the Wenzhou Communist leaders and submitted his resignation citing health reasons. The Wenzhou City explicitly asked Yang not to resign and ordered him to return to China. October 22, a group of three officials departed for France to meet with Yang.

Source: Xinhua, October 23, 2008

China Continues Its Ban of Residential Satellite Dishes

China State Administration of Radio, Film & Television and State Administration for Industry & Commerce carried out a campaign in the first half of this year, attacking “illegal sale” of satellite receiving apparatuses. In the past half year, more than 50,000 satellite receiving apparatuses were seized in the name of “illegal sale,” more than 110,000 satellite dishes were dismantled in the name of “illegal installation.” The above organizations held a special conference issuing award for the activity on 17, 2008 in Guangxi. Chinese government only allows hotels accommodating foreign guests to apply installation of satellite receiving apparatus, receiving government sanctioned oversea programs. Residential satellite dish is prohibited.

Source: Radio Free Asia, October 17,2008

Hong Kong Magazine Calls for Investigation on Altered Contents

Over 50 errors appeared in Hong Kong “Open Magazine” October issue unexpectedly.  The articles were intentionally altered and unreadable.   The magazine posted a notice to its readers on its home page apologizing for the errors.  Cai Yongmei, the Chief Editor of the magazine said that the incident, the first time in 20 years, was serious. Cai is calling the Hong Kong special region government to investigate the incident and protect magazine’s rights to freedom of speech.

“Open Magazine” is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong and known for disclosing inside secrets of the mainland Chinese government.

Source: Open Magazine, October 2008

Ministry of Education Requires All Colleges to Have one Political Teacher for Every 400 Students

Ministry of Education of China released a direction through its website on October 8, asking all colleges to further enhance the development of teachers of political thoughts and theory. The direction requires that all colleges have at least one political teacher for every 350-400 students. The Ministry also asks that all colleges establish independent teaching and research department of political thoughts and theory directly under the leadership of the colleges.

New political teachers must be Chinese Communist Party members and assume the position as the coordinator of the students. Those who are not consistent with the Party in political principles and directions can not teach in political class.

Source: Xinhua, October 9, 2008

Government Announces Allowable Melamine Content in Milk

Several government departments issue d a joint notice announcing the provisional amount of melamine allowed in milk and milk products, reported People’s Daily on October 8, 2008. Ministry of Health stated that the move is an administrative measure responding to the emergency in order to ensure product quality. For example, the allowable amount of melamine in infant formula is 1mg per kilogram, and in milk/milk powder the allowable amount is 2.5mg. According to an earlier release of Ministry of Health, over 10,000 children remain hospitalized due to melamine contaminated milk.

Source: People’s Daily, October 8, 2008

Xinhua Accuses U.S. to Infiltrate Other Countries under the Cover of Non-Government Organizations

Xinhua published a long article accusing U.S. government to conduct subversive activities in other countries under the cover of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The article specifically named U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as a U.S. political role player funded by the U.S. government. The article listed Venezuela, Ukraine, Iran, and Burma as examples in the respective areas that was influenced by its subversive activities or promoted “color revolutions.” It also accuses NED to directly interfere with China’s internal affairs by frequently funding “anti-China force” groups such as “Democracy Movement,” “Tibetan Independence,” and “Eastern Turkistan.”

Source: Xinhua, October 6, 2008

Chinese Communist Party Launched New Campaign to Cope with Challenges

In the later part of September, Chinese Communist Party formerly launched a campaign called “Thoroughly Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development”, a theoretical development by the party in view of “China’s present preliminary stage of socialism to cope with many immediate challenges and woes for sustainable progress”. Top provincial leaders gathered at the Central Party School in Beijng for days to sit in seminars in order to bring the key messages back to their region and cascade it down its members. Hu Jintao spoke at the session citing the recent tainted food incidents and concluded that “the tasks to reform and manage the party have been complex more than ever”. Xinhua also setup a special webpage to echo this campaign.

The campaign was initiated in last October. Government agencies including financial institution and schools were selected as the trial sites in February of 2008. The campaign was said to last for a year and half.

Xinhua, September 22, 2008

Fewer Uniformed Police in Beijing Events

The security measure in largest scale public events in Beijing is to inherit the “Olympic model” by replacing most uniform police force with volunteers and plainclothes guards, according to Li Runhua, head of the public security squadron of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

“It’s inconceivable that there will be only five uniformed police in a soccer game.” As Li mentioned in 2004 Asian Cup, 5,000 police were on the spot. The cut of uniformed police is said to present a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

During the Beijing Olympic Games, police alarms hit a record low, owing to the super-conventional control. The public order may get worse in post-Olympic period.

Source: China News Services, September 30, 2008