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Defense/Military - 86. page

Internal Strife Drags the Progress of Combined Operations in Military

Xinhua published a People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA’s) Daily article reporting that internal strife has significantly impacted the military’s performance in combined operations.

The report listed the reasons for internal strife as: poor willingness to collaborate with other military units, out-of-date command structure and system, and lack of standardized information technology systems among military groups. Lack of processes, out-of-date combating systems and equipment, and insufficient training and practice are also listed as causes for poor performance in combined operations.

Source: Xinhua, April 23, 2009

Minister of National Defense: China Can Wipe out Any Enemy within First Island Chain

An article posted by an unnamed author on the forum of the Global Times, under the People’s Daily, discussed some insider knowledge about the North Korea Nuclear Crisis in 2003.

The article claimed that the Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie ordered over 100,000 combat troops to replace the Chinese North Korea border patrol police after obtaining intelligence of a US surgical operation to remove the current North Korean regime. Two more steps were taken: one on the South China front bordering Myanmar and one on the Japanese front by sending a submarine to the Tokyo Bay. Liang later boasted during a visit to the US, "China can wipe out any enemy within First Island Chain."

Source: Global Times Forum, April 16, 2009.

(Chinascope notes: The ultimate source of this article is unclear. Officially, the Chinese Defense Minister does not have the direct authority to move troops.)

Xinhua: China Is Building up Its Satellite Navigation System

After China launched the second satellite of its Compass Navigation Satellite System (CNSS) on April 15, Xinhua published articles stating that China is building up its own satellite navigation system. Ten satellites will be launched in this year and next year, a global navigation system with over thirty satellites covering the entire world will be in place by 2015.

Xinhua stated that the global navigation system is largely for military use. It also mentioned that CNSS will help break the US’ monopoly in the world’s global positioning and navigation system business.

The positioning accuracy of the newly launched satellite is at the centimeter level.

Source: Xinhua, April 17, 2009

China’s Navy Is Undergoing a Major Transformation

Xinhua published a lengthy interview with the Commander of the People’s Liberation Army Navy, Wu Shengli. Wu mentioned that the Navy is undergoing a major transformation. The transformation includes modernization from a mechanized system to an information technology based system and extension of target combating area from near sea to distant sea.

Wu stated that the Central Party Committee requested the Navy emphasize the preparation of military combat over the sea as the national security strategy and military strategy, and gradually develop a defense system over the sea to safeguard the country’s ocean security and development interests.

Source: Xinhua, April 15, 2009

China Flexes Military Muscles

In recent years, as China has strengthened its military, China has compared its armed forces with the world’s most technologically advanced militaries. Compared to the U.S. and other developed countries, China still lags in terms of weapons of information technology. Nevertheless, China has advanced armed vehicles and tank capabilities, as well as conventional weaponry.

Since the beginning of the open door policy, the Chinese government has invested a huge amount of resources to modernize its armed forces. China’s military spending in 2009 will rise 14.9% to 480.7 billion yuan.

Source: BBC

Outlook Weekly Praises PLA’s Effort during Beijing Olympics

Outlook Weekly lauded the PLA’s involvement in the Olympics, stating it reflected the army’s complete loyalty under the absolute leadership of the Party. The article states that it demonstrated the high quality of the forces, the successful collaboration with all levels of government entities, and the importance of the critical role played by the Party committees within the PLA.

A total of 300,000 PLA and armed police assisted with the Beijing Olympics since 2004, out of which, 179,000 of them were actively involved during the games.

Source: Outlook Weekly, 14th Edition, 2009

China Formally Announced Its Intention to Build Aircraft Carrier

The Xinhua online forum reported that during his meeting with the Japanese Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada, the Chinese Minister of National Defense, Liang Guanglie, expressed his intention to build an aircraft carrier. Xinhua stated that this is the first time China has made an official announcement on this issue.

Source: Xinhua, March 21, 2009

In early March, Xinhua published several news articles to prepare for the open announcement, including interviews with retired high-ranking military officials, statements from navy commanders, and quotes from foreign newspapers regarding China’s intentions of building the aircraft carrier. Those articles include the following:

China Preparing Major Move in South China Sea

An article was posted in a popular Chinese discussion forum suggesting that China should rapidly improve naval and air forces to deal with the increasing threats introduced by the countries bordering the South China Sea.

The article emphasized a need for aircraft carriers. It also compared the current naval and air capabilities between China and those of Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Detailed mid-term and long term strategies were laid out.

Source: Teng Xun Forum, March 24, 2009