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China Will Attend Russia’s Military Exercises

Despite the Western world’s sanctioning of Russia for invading Ukraine, China maintains closer ties with Russia. One of its recent actions is to plan to join Russia’s military exercise.

China’s Ministry of Defense announced on August 17 that it will send troops to join Russia’s military exercise “Vostok” (East) exercises from August 30 to September 5.

The announcement stated, “China’s participation in the exercise is aimed at deepening practical and friendly cooperation with the armies of the participating countries, improving strategic collaboration, strengthening the ability to respond to various security threats, and has nothing to do with the current international and regional situation.”

Russia rotates its military exercises among its military theaters every year. It held the military drill in its west theater in September last year. Belarus, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Sri Lanka participated in it.

1. China Government Ministry of Defense Website, August 17, 2022
2. Net Ease, July 28, 2022

China’s Military Recruiting Targets Science and Technology College Graduates

China’s Ministry of Defense announced that it will recruit more college graduates into the armed forces to boost its education quality.

At a Ministry of Defense press conference on August 25, Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, the military spokesperson, talked about China’s new military recruiting this year, “According to the recruitment order issued by the State Council and (the Chinese Communist Party’s) Central Military Commissions, the military will recruit soldiers twice this year. The second half-year recruitment started on August 15 and will end by September 30. The recruitment is targeting college students, focusing on college graduates at all levels, with priority given to science and technology students and skilled personnel who are needed to prepare for war. … The age limit for masters’ graduates and college students has been raised to under 26 years old (it used to be 24 years). To encourage high-quality youth actively and enthusiastically to apply for enlistment, the relevant departments of the military continue to implement a series of preferential policies for enlisted college students to retain their schooling or school enrollment status, receive state education subsidies, be able to switch their college major after retiring from the military (some colleges have restrictions on students switching their major), exempt from tertiary school to college entrance exam, and receive extra points in graduate study entrance exam.”

Some commentators said that Beijing did this as part of improving its military quality and part of releasing the unemployment stress for college graduates. China’s National Statistics Bureau reported the unemployment rate as 19.9 percent for youth who are between the age of 16 and 24.

1. Net Ease, August 26, 2022
2. People’s Daily, August 15, 2022

CNA: Taiwan Society Remained Calm Despite the CCP’s Military Threats

Primary Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency (CNA) recently reported that, Beijing announced military exercises around Taiwan from August 4 to 7 in response to the House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit from the U.S. Foreign media stationed in Taiwan observed that the Taiwanese society was calm as usual and could not feel the tense atmosphere. On the afternoon of the 4th of August, the Chinese Communist Party launched 11 Dongfeng series ballistic missiles in fractional waves towards the waters surrounding the northern, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan. The Japanese Defense Ministry presumed that four of the missiles flew over Taiwan based on five of the missiles falling into the waters of Japan’s exclusive economic zone. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense pointed out that it was necessary to  grasp the launch dynamics immediately, activate relevant defense systems and strengthen combat readiness. A report from the Associated Press from Keelung pointed out that, despite the large-scale military exercises by the Communist army, the atmosphere in Taiwan society remained calm. A BBC reporter said that most of the people he interviewed did not believe that the Communist army was going to attack Taiwan this time. Another fisherman said, “They are just a group of bandits. These Communists only talk big and can’t do anything. We have been listening to their threats for 70 years.”

Source: CNA, August 5, 2022

North Dakota Governor Urged Federal Investigation of Chinese Company’s Purchase of Land near Air Force Base

Doug Burgum, Governor of North Dakoda wrote a letter to Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, asking the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to speed up its review of the Chinese company Fufeng Group’s plan to  purchase land in North Dakota because it is a national security concern. Also in a letter to the U.S. Department of Defense ,Senators John Hoeven, Kevin Cramer and Marco Rubio requested that (CFIUS) conduct a review of the Fufeng Group’s land purchase.

Fufeng Group wants to buy 360 acres of land in Grand Forks, North Dakota, to build a corn processing plant. However, the site just happens to be only 22 miles away from the Grand Forks Air Force Base, which is what raises the national security issue.

China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co. Ltd bought Cirrus Aircraft, headquartered in Duluth, Minnesota in 2011. Cirrus has factories in Duluth and Grand Forks. Its Grand Forks plant was even closer to the air force base than Fufeng Group’s planned plant site.

Source: VOA, July 28, 2022

China’s Anti-Tank Missiles Will Set NATO Tanks on Fire

In the Russia-Ukraine war, many anti-tank missiles provided by the West have caused heavy losses to the Russian armored forces. However, Russia’s “Free Press” website reported on July 21 that China has developed the most advanced anti-tank weapons. They will set NATO tanks on fire.

The Russian media said Chinese weapons manufacturers are pushing the United States and other NATO members out of the international arms market with similar weapons. “Soon, China will conquer the world market for anti-tank weapons. Many countries, including Iran, Algeria, Nigeria  and others … are already buying Chinese anti-tank missiles.

The report refers to the latest model of China’s famous, “Red Arrow” series of anti-tank missiles. The “Red Arrow 12,” which in Chinese is Hongjian-12 (HJ-12) is a third generation, man-portable, fire-and-forget infrared homing anti-tank missile and was developed by China North Industries Corporation (Norinco).

According to the report, China’s ‘HJ-12’ has proven to be more effective than both the U.S. ‘Javelin’ and the Israeli ‘Long Nail’ anti-tank missiles.” Compared to its NATO counterpart, the Chinese HJ-12 has a much longer effective range. It can hit moving targets such as tanks from 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) away during the day and up to 2 kilometers at night.

In addition, the “HJ-12” can be launched in a closed space. It is first propelled by a takeoff engine, with a small initial speed out of the tube, and with less tail jet gas. After a certain distance, the main engine starts to speed up and climbs. This “cold launch” technology means that it can even be launched from an ordinary apartment, making it easier to conduct urban warfare. In contrast, the U.S. Javelin anti-tank missile has many limitations when used in urban alley warfare. The tail flame is likely to burn the firer.

In addition, the report also mentions that the “HJ-12” has a powerful strike capability. The operator can choose between different combat modes: direct attack or top-attack mode, where the missile will hit the target from above at an almost vertical angle.

Meanwhile, China has been improving its anti-tank technology. China’s Poly Defense Corporation unveiled its next-generation GAM-10X anti-tank missile at the recent Defense Services Asia exhibition in Kuala Lumpur. This missile is capable of penetrating reactive armor up to one meter thick and can also be used as a man-portable weapon. It can also be fired from an enclosed space. The missile uses uncooled components that significantly reduce the missile’s launch preparation time. “That means that it can lock onto a tank’s infrared signature and fire as soon as it appears.” In addition, another major advantage is its modular design. This makes it easy to be integrated and mounted on a variety of platforms such as light all-terrain vehicles or tracked infantry fighting vehicles. It can also be mounted on a heavy tripod and used as a static defense or assault weapon.”

Source:, July 22, 2022.

Beijing Is Beefing Up Its Aircraft Carrier Capability

Several Chinese media reported that Beijing is about to launch its third aircraft carrier into the water. This carrier will be the world’s largest conventional (non-nuclear powered) aircraft carrier. The last U.S. conventional carrier was the Kitty Hawk that was decommissioned in 2009. A Chinese submarine had once “humiliated” the Kitty Hawk. In 2006, a Chinese submarine approached the Kitty Hawk battle group but the U.S. navy wasn’t aware of it at all.

A report said the new aircraft carrier is likely to use three electromagnetic catapults to launch planes, replacing the sliding takeoff mode of the first two carriers. This is “the most advanced aircraft catapult system in the world.”

Also, Guangming Daily reported that China launched the world’s first intelligent unmanned mother ship, the “Zhuhai Cloud” in Guangzhou on May 18.

The ship has a spacious deck and can carry dozens of air, sea, and submarine unmanned equipment, which can be deployed in bulk in the targeted sea area and self-form task-oriented networking groups to achieve dynamic 3D observation of specific targets.

1. SINA, June 3, 2022
2. Guangming Daily, May 19, 2022

CNA: China is Building a New Nuclear Submarine

Primary Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency (CNA) recently reported that, according to images uploaded by AllSource Analysis, an image intelligence company based in Colorado in the  U.S. and satellite images from Planet Labs, a submarine appeared at the Huludao Port Shipyard in Liaoning Province. According to these satellite images, China is building a new and large nuclear submarine equipped with a propulsion system that is more advanced than the improved Model 093 currently in service. This has sparked speculation that China will build a new generation of submarines with a vertical launch system. Experts said that the Chinese Communist Party exposed the new submarine to warn the United States about arms sales to Taiwan. It can be seen clearly from the images that this new type of nuclear-powered attack submarine has a larger and longer hull and that the propellers at the rear are tightly covered, which seems even more suspicious. However, the new submarine is still smaller than the 11,000-ton active ballistic missile nuclear-powered submarine Model 094. The improved Model 094A is equipped with a vertically-launched JL-3 ballistic missile with a range of 10,000 kilometers, covering the continental United States. The U.S. Department of Defense released a report to Congress in November last year, stating that the U.S. estimated that the Chinese military would build an improved version of the Model 093 or Model 093B submarine in the mid-2020s to strengthen its Navy’s anti-ship combat capabilities. The ship-based vertical launch system is quite capable. It enables ships to launch missiles with longer ranges and higher accuracy. However, the ship-based vertical launch system of submarines needs to use more advanced technology.

Source: CNA, May 14, 2022

U.S. F-15 Fighters Patrolling Airspace Near Taiwan with Live Ammunition

Well-known Chinese news site Sina (NASDAQ: SINA) recently reported, based on a Global Times social media posting, that the U.S. military stationed in Japan dispatched several F-15C fighter jets carrying live air-to-air missiles to conduct combat air patrols in the airspace near Taiwan. Mainland China announced very recently that it would allow the Chinese J-20 stealth fighters to conduct normal combat patrols in the East China Sea. That led the United States to decide to show its muscles and send a military signal to China. Taiwanese media reported that eye witnesses provided pictures showing the F-15C fighter jets of the U.S. Air Force had flown back to Kadena Air Force Base in Japan carrying AIM-120C advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles and AIM- 9 live rounds of Sidewinder missiles. An unnamed source confirmed that the F-15C fighter group, supported by two KC-135 aerial tankers, returned to the Kadena Base after a seven-hour mission. The purpose was to carry out a combat air patrol mission in the airspace near Taiwan. This was the response after six U.S. congressmen visited Taiwan on April 14th and China later announced military exercises. U.S. fighter jets carry live ammunition only when they conduct quick response alerts or actual combat missions. This recent move was rather unusual. Afterwards, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Defense responded by emphasizing that, when defending national sovereignty and security, the People’s Liberation Army has always been brave and good at “showing the sword.”

Source: Sina, April 22, 2022