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China’s Anti-Tank Missiles Will Set NATO Tanks on Fire

In the Russia-Ukraine war, many anti-tank missiles provided by the West have caused heavy losses to the Russian armored forces. However, Russia’s “Free Press” website reported on July 21 that China has developed the most advanced anti-tank weapons. They will set NATO tanks on fire.

The Russian media said Chinese weapons manufacturers are pushing the United States and other NATO members out of the international arms market with similar weapons. “Soon, China will conquer the world market for anti-tank weapons. Many countries, including Iran, Algeria, Nigeria  and others … are already buying Chinese anti-tank missiles.

The report refers to the latest model of China’s famous, “Red Arrow” series of anti-tank missiles. The “Red Arrow 12,” which in Chinese is Hongjian-12 (HJ-12) is a third generation, man-portable, fire-and-forget infrared homing anti-tank missile and was developed by China North Industries Corporation (Norinco).

According to the report, China’s ‘HJ-12’ has proven to be more effective than both the U.S. ‘Javelin’ and the Israeli ‘Long Nail’ anti-tank missiles.” Compared to its NATO counterpart, the Chinese HJ-12 has a much longer effective range. It can hit moving targets such as tanks from 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) away during the day and up to 2 kilometers at night.

In addition, the “HJ-12” can be launched in a closed space. It is first propelled by a takeoff engine, with a small initial speed out of the tube, and with less tail jet gas. After a certain distance, the main engine starts to speed up and climbs. This “cold launch” technology means that it can even be launched from an ordinary apartment, making it easier to conduct urban warfare. In contrast, the U.S. Javelin anti-tank missile has many limitations when used in urban alley warfare. The tail flame is likely to burn the firer.

In addition, the report also mentions that the “HJ-12” has a powerful strike capability. The operator can choose between different combat modes: direct attack or top-attack mode, where the missile will hit the target from above at an almost vertical angle.

Meanwhile, China has been improving its anti-tank technology. China’s Poly Defense Corporation unveiled its next-generation GAM-10X anti-tank missile at the recent Defense Services Asia exhibition in Kuala Lumpur. This missile is capable of penetrating reactive armor up to one meter thick and can also be used as a man-portable weapon. It can also be fired from an enclosed space. The missile uses uncooled components that significantly reduce the missile’s launch preparation time. “That means that it can lock onto a tank’s infrared signature and fire as soon as it appears.” In addition, another major advantage is its modular design. This makes it easy to be integrated and mounted on a variety of platforms such as light all-terrain vehicles or tracked infantry fighting vehicles. It can also be mounted on a heavy tripod and used as a static defense or assault weapon.”

Source:, July 22, 2022.