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US-China Relations - 5. page

UDN: The United States Releases the List of Notorious Markets for 2023

United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups, recently reported on the global “2023 Notorious Markets List” recently announced by The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). The list including 39 online markets and 33 physical markets where piracy is rampant. Among them, China’s online markets Taobao, WeChat, Pinduoduo (U.S. branch name Temu), and seven physical markets (including Shopee) were named again.

These Notorious Markets are considered to be involved in or to be abetting a large volume of trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy. This year’s list focuses on the potential health and safety risks posed by counterfeit goods, which use poor quality materials and are manufactured without supervision or safety controls, resulting in products that are substandard, ineffective or dangerous. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said that counterfeit and pirated goods harms workers, consumers and small businesses, and ultimately harm the U.S. economy. She added that crackdown on trade in these goods is important for economic growth.

This year, seven Chinese physical markets were named on the list, including Huaqiang Electronic World, Luohu Commercial City, Beijing Silk Street Market, and Wuai Market. Although Shopee, headquartered in Singapore, has invested heavily in the past year to enhance anti-counterfeiting capabilities, there still remain a large number of counterfeit goods on the platform, and problems such as slow response times remain.

Source: UDN, January 30, 2024

People‘s Daily: Sullivan Admits that US Efforts to Change the PRC Over the Past Several Decades Have Failed

People’s Daily posted a 17-seconds video clip (with Chinese subtitle) of Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor of the United States, with title “Sullivan’s Admission: the U.S.’ Efforts to Change China over the Past Several Decades Have Failed.” In the video, Sullivan said:

“We realize that efforts, implied or explicit, to shape or change PRC (People’s Republic of China) over several decades did not succeed. We expect that PRC will be a major player on the world stage for the foreseeable future. That means that even as we compete, we have to find ways to live alongside one another.”

{Editor’s Note: The video clip seems to be from Sullivan’s long speech on the future of U.S.-China relations delivered at the Brookings Institution on January 30, 2024. A transcript of the entire speech is available here.}

1. People’s Daily, February 2, 2024
2. White House, January 30, 2024

Xinhua: Chinese Scholar on Three New Characteristics of the U.S.’ China Policy

Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of the American Research Institute at the China Institute of International Studies, delivered a keynote speech via video at Xinhua News Agency’s 14th “Discussing World Affairs” International Symposium on January 9, 2024. Su believes that the U.S. continues to view China as its “primary competitor” and “the most significant geopolitical challenge [facing the U.S].” According to Su, the U.S.’ recent policy on China exhibits three new characteristics:

  • Firstly, U.S. policy on China “has been forced to return to some degree of rationality.” Su suggests that “in 2023, the U.S. gained a clearer understanding of China, realizing that it cannot easily suppress or defeat China and that it thus must accept ‘peaceful coexistence.'” Also, “the U.S. recognizes that the China-U.S. relationship not only affects the two nations in question but also influences the overall international situation. The international community hopes for overall stability in the relations between these two major powers, and that relations [between the powers] will not get out of control.”
  • Secondly, the U.S. “has recognized the necessity of cooperation with China.”
  • Thirdly, U.S. policy is now along the lines of “contain China while engaging with China.” Su said that U.S. pressure on China is now “done via provocations through various means and on various levels,” and that in competing with China “the U.S. aims to precision-strike China while reducing the blowback on itself.”

Su also mentioned that China should “be cautious of U.S. attempts to use intergovernmental communication mechanisms for its own benefits or for fostering strategic competition. The U.S. believes that, by communicating with China about arms control, it can pull China into certain arms control treaties and thereby impose restrictions on China. This would enable the U.S. to ‘win without fighting.’ But China should not allow the U.S. to weaken it via such a low-cost approach.”

Source: Xinhua, January 12, 2024

HKEJ: Dimon Said China’s Risk-Reward Profile Has Changed Dramatically

Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) recently reported that JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said China has been “very consistent” in opening its markets to financial services companies, but calculating the potential benefits for U.S. companies has become more complicated. In an interview with CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Dimon said investors that are considering expanding into China have to be “a little worried.” He added that he met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang on the sidelines of the Davos conference and “it’s a good thing they’re here.”

In the wide-ranging interview, Dimon also talked about the U.S. economy. In recent months, Dimon has repeatedly said that inflation may not disappear as quickly as the market expects, and that the Fed may have to further raise the benchmark interest rate. He said it would be a mistake to think that the future is all bright given that the U.S. already had so much fiscal and monetary stimulus — he would remain cautious.

Source: HKEJ, January 17, 2024

Mingpao: Moody’s Downgrades China’s Four Major Distressed Asset Management Firms

Mingpao, one of the primary Hong Kong newspapers, recently reported that rating agency Moody’s has just downgraded the credit ratings of the four major Chinese non-performing asset management companies.

  • Huarong’s (HKSE 2799) long-term issuer rating was downgraded by one notch to Ba1, a non-investment grade commonly known as junk level. The rating outlook for Huarong remained negative.
  • Moody’s also downgraded Oriental Asset Management by one level to Baa2.
  • Cinda (HKSE 1359) fell below A3 and was downgraded by one level to Baa1, the same rating as Huarong. The downgrade reflects continued tension in the Chinese real estate market and slowing economic growth. There is pressure on Cinda’s asset profitability, asset quality and capital position.
  • Moody’s also downgraded Great Wall Asset Management’s long-term credit rating by one notch to Baa3, just one notch above junk status. This was mainly due to Great Wall’s continued major deficiencies in corporate governance and pressure on its capital position – they delayed the release of the 2022 annual performance report.

The other two major rating agencies, S&P and Fitch, also downgraded the credit ratings of China’s four major asset management companies in September of last year and January of this year, respectively. According to the Mingpao article, there is a lack of sustainability and transparency in supporting asset management companies that have suffered large losses and capital erosion. Moody’s expects that Chinese officials will prioritize resources to support state-owned enterprises.

Source: Mingpao, January 20, 2024

China no Longer Top U.S. Supplier, a First in 17 Years

Nikkei Chinese Edition recently reported that U.S. imports from China during the period January to November, 2023, decreased by more than 20 percent compared with the same period in 2022. Although import data for December 2023 have not yet been released, it seems highly probably that U.S. imports from Mexico will surpass imports from China for the calendar year 2023.

There is a clear trend in the United States of “friend-shoring,” i.e. changing the source of imports from China to other countries who are more closely aligned with the U.S. This trend of relocating supply chains has been particularly rapid in categories of imports such as electronic products, previously highly dependent on imports from China. In terms of smartphones, imports from China decreased 10 percent year-over-year during the period from January to November. Meanwhile, electronic product imports from India expanded by a factor of five. For laptop computers, U.S. imports from China decreased by about 30 percent, while imports from Vietnam’s increased by a factor of four.

In 2023, U.S. imports from Europe and Southeast Asia increased, and imports from the European Union (EU) hit a new high during the period January to November, 2023. Although the import volume from ASEAN countries decreased year-over-year, this year’s imports from the ASEAN region were still the second highest in history, with the share of imports from ASEAN countries double that of 10 years ago.

In order to mitigate geopolitical risks, multinational corporations have widely adopted a “China + 1” strategy, diversifying their supply chains to avoid overreliance on China.

Source: Nikkei Chinese, January 10, 2024

Beijing Criticizes US Proclamation Cracking Down On Corruption, Accuses US of Harboring Corrupt Fugitives

On December 11, 2023, U.S. President Biden issued “A Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Enabling Corruption.” On January 7th, Chinese state media outlet China Discipline Inspection and Monitoring News criticized this proclamation as U.S. “hypocrisy” and “double standards” on anti-corruption efforts. Its article reported that 20 of China’s most wanted fugitives are currently hiding in the U.S.

The article states that, in recent years, the U.S. has expanded the concept of national security “to justify long-arm jurisdiction and suppress its rivals, while perpetuating its own hegemony.” The report argues that U.S. anti-corruption efforts highlight hypocrisy and hegemonic goals, as well as expose the U.S. as “the world’s largest safe haven for corruption assets and fugitives.”

Specifically, the article claims that the U.S. hosts the highest concentration of persons from developing countries who are suspected of corruption and white-collar crimes. Of the “100-Person Red Notice List” published by the Chinese Interpol office, 20 out of the 38 fugitives who have not yet been brought to justice in China are said to be hiding in the U.S. (The “100-Person Red Notice List” refers to 100 Chinese former state officials who were suspected of corruption and became fugitives targeted for pursuit by Chinese authorities.)

Some Chinese netizens questioned why the CCP’s state media is criticizing the new U.S. entry ban, which ostensibly would make life harder for corrupt individuals fleeing from Chinese authorities. Some netizens speculated that corrupt people [within the CCP] and their families are angry that they can no longer travel to or study in the U.S. One netizen remarked that many families of corrupt Chinese officials will now have to return to China.

Central News Agency (Taiwan), January 8, 2024

The White House (US), December 11, 2023

Xinhua: China Sanctions Five U.S. Defense Companies

The following in an official announcement from Xinhua:

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 7 – The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to questions from reporters on January 7 regarding countermeasures against the United States’ sale of weapons to the Taiwan region and [U.S.] sanctions against Chinese entities. The spokesperson stated that China has decided to impose sanctions on five U.S. military-industrial enterprises.

A reporter asked: Recently, the U.S. has announced a new round of arms sales to Taiwan and imposed sanctions on Chinese companies and individuals under various pretexts. China has stated that it will take countermeasures. Could the spokesperson please say what specific measures have been taken by China?

The spokesperson said that the U.S. openly violated the One-China principle and the three Sino-U.S. joint communiqués, especially the provisions of the “August 17” communiqué, by selling weapons to the Taiwan region and implementing illegal unilateral sanctions against Chinese companies and individuals under various pretexts. This seriously damages China’s sovereignty and security interests, severely disrupts the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and seriously infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies and individuals. China strongly protests and firmly opposes this, and has lodged solemn representations with the U.S. side.

The spokesperson stated that in response to the severe wrongful actions of the U.S. side, in accordance with the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law of the People’s Republic of China, China has decided to impose sanctions on five U.S. military-industrial enterprises, including BAE Systems Land and Armament, Alliant Techsystems Operation, AeroVironment, ViaSat, and Data Link Solutions. The measures include freezing movable and immovable property in China, and prohibiting organizations and individuals in China from engaging in transactions, cooperation, and other activities with those companies.

“I want to emphasize that the Chinese government’s determination to defend national sovereignty, security, territorial integrity, and the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and citizens is unwavering. We urge the U.S. side to earnestly abide by the One-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-U.S. joint communiqués, adhere to international law and the basic norms of international relations, stop arming Taiwan, and cease illegal unilateral sanctions against China. Otherwise, [the U.S.] will inevitably face China’s resolute and powerful counterattacks,” the spokesperson said.

Source: Xinhua, January 7, 2024