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Study Times: Strategic Thinking on RMB Internationalization

Study Times, a newspaper of the CCP Central Party School, recently published an article on the importance of the internationalization of Chinese currency (the RMB). The article indicated that China is the only one of the world’s large economies that exclusively uses foreign currencies for international trade settlements. it is mainly China’s surrounding countries that use the RMB. The author expressed the belief that RMB internationalization has a certain level of urgency and that the ultimate goal is to make the RMB a reserve currency. Five action items were suggested: (1) Speed up the “Go Out” strategy and enlarge the scale of China’s investments in foreign countries; (2) Sign more currency exchange agreements; (3) Encourage more international trade settlements in RMB; (4) Issue RMB based bonds; (5) Improve the use of international finance centers such as Hong Kong.

Source: Study Times, April 11, 2011

First Military Biochip Research Center Established

On April 13, 2011, the very first military biochip research center was established at the No. 211 PLA Military Hospital. Accordingly to Jia Danbin, director of the hospital, the National Development and Reform Commission through the National Engineering Research Center for Beijing Biochip Technology (NERCBBT) approved the center. It will provide patients with tests on hereditary hearing loss, anti-depressants, glyco-chains of immunoglobulin and autoimmunity, and the hepatitis B virus. It will also provide individualized molecular targeted cancer therapy plans and other research functions.

Source: Xinhua, April 13, 2011

Beijing’s Communist Youth League Cancelled Debate Due to its Sensitivity

The Beijing Communist Party Youth League recently cancelled a debate forum that was to be given in memory of the 100th anniversary of the “1911 Revolution,” even though students from 16 universities in Beijing and Tianjin were expected to participate. Experts suggest that the cancellation was due to the sensitivity of the topic because it touched the subject of “revolution” and also used the words “college students” and “rally.” Communist Party officials have always considered these to be unstable factors.

Hu Xingdou, a professor of economics at the Beijing Institute of Technology, said he was surprised by the cancellation of the debate but could understand the reason. “The memory of the 1911 Revolution could indeed awaken people’s awareness of revolution. College students have historically been the driving force behind China’s revolutions, including the ‘June 4th’ student movement. The government is on a high alert for them, just as it is for the Jasmine Revolution."

According to Wikipedia, the “1911 Revolution” (or Xinhai Revolution) began on October 10, 1911, with the Wuchang uprising, and ended on February 12, 1912, with the abdication of Emperor Puyi. It resulted in the fall of the Qing Dynasty and marked Sun Yat-sen as the Founding Father of the Republic of China .

Radio Free Asia, April 13, 2011                                                        
Wikipedia, "The Xinhai Revolution"

Xinhua Cites Criticisms on US Annual Human Rights Report

On April 13, 2011, Xinhua published an article reporting criticism from government officials or scholars in Russia, Venezuela, and the Ukraine, rebutting the recently released State Department’s “2010 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.” The article pointed out, “Such criticism suggests that the U.S. has no right to interfere in other countries’ domestic affairs.” 

The sources it quoted include an official statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia; remarks from Ana Elisa Osorio Granado, Vice Chairman of the Latin American Parliament; and comments from Mikhail Levski, a scholar from the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research.

Source: Xinhua, April 13, 2011

Central Government Takes Special Action to Rectify Illegal Online Promotion

Starting in mid April, the central government is launching a two-month campaign to crack down on “illegal online promotion.” It is a joint effort by the Chinese Communist Party’s International Communication Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Administration for Industry & Commerce. The Xinhua article says “In recent years, some companies and individuals have employed illegal means to carry out online promotion activities. The government has been able to identify a number of those who are conducting illegal online promotion. … They have used improper means against competitors, fabricated facts for the purpose of extorting money, sensationalized online news to profit from the attracted public opinion, and engaged in private transactions for illegal personal interests.” The campaign aims to “regulate online communication and promotion activities.”

Source: Xinhua, April 13, 2011

BRICS Development Banks to Open Local-currency Credit Lines to Each Other

On April 14, 2011, the state development banks of the five BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – signed a framework credit-line agreement to open credit lines to each other in their national currencies. This represents the latest concrete step developing nations have taken to reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar.

China Development Bank (CDB) plans to issue around CNY10 billion of yuan-denominated loans this year to other BRICS nations. Most of these loans will fund oil and gas projects. CDB is in talks with Brazilian state-owned Petrobras regarding further loans to the oil company. China and Brazil reached a $10 billion oil-for-loan deal in 2009, under which Petrobras agreed to supply crude oil to China Petrochemical Corp. for 10 years in exchange for funding from CDB. BRICS countries are moving towards mutually trading each others’ currencies, following Russia’s launch of yuan trading in Moscow at the end of 2010.

Source: Wall Street Journal, April 14, 2011

People’s Daily Online: The U.S. Has a Double Standard on the Internet Freedom

A People’s Daily Online commentary criticizes the U.S. for having a double standard on Internet freedom. “On one side, U.S. demands that other countries provide unrestricted ‘Internet freedom,’ using this to exert diplomatic pressure and seek hegemony; on the other, it applies strict Internet control domestically. 
“In an emergency situation, the (U.S.) federal government has the absolute right to close down the Internet; in the name of anti-terrorism, the U.S. security authorities can eavesdrop on private phone calls, monitor personal online communication, and set up an ‘online water army’ to dilute unfavorable comments with fake information.” 
The article concludes that “It’s a violation of human rights and an act of interfering in other country’s Internet sovereignty. … The intention is clear: (everyone else) should listen to the direction of and observe U.S. orders, but (the U.S.) can occupy and attack wherever it wants, relying on the Internet to seek its own interests.”
[Ed: “online water army” is a Chinese term referring to people, usually temporarily hired, who manipulate social media by using fake online personas to influence Internet conversations.]

Source: People’s Daily online, April 11, 2011

People’s Daily: Use Modern Media to Enhance Our National Image

[Editor’s Note: This is one of many articles that have appeared on official media in recent years talking about how to use the new media and modern communication as a means to boost China’s image and compete with the West in attracting an audience. The article warns, “It should be noted however, that currently a number of Western developed countries are hastening their efforts to Westernize and divide our country; they are using every possible resource to compete for dominance in international discourse.” The entire article is translated below.] [1]

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