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China to Establish Its Own GPS by 2020

According to Qi Faren, an expert in Chinese space technology, China will establish its own global navigation system, called Beidou-2, by 2020. It will be done in three steps. The first step is to build a regional navigation system. This has already been completed through the launch of the first Beidou system, officially called the BeiDou Satellite Navigation Experimental System, also known as Beidou-1. Beidou-2 will be completed in the second and third steps. The second step is to launch about 12 to 14 satellites in the early part of the twelfth five-year plan period (2011 to 2015) to form a regional and autonomous navigation positioning system. The third step is to have over 30 satellites covering the entire earth by 2020. Beidou-2 will provide navigation services to China and its neighboring countries, said Qi. “Beidou-2 will be the equivalent of the U.S. GPS. Wherever the U.S. GPS is used, one will be able to use Beidou-2.”

Source: Xinhua, March 1, 2011

Spokespersons Trained to Improve the Party’s Image

From February 21 to 23, 2011, more than 200 Communist Party spokespersons from across the country met in Beijing for the first time for a three-day intensive training course to learn how to handle the media. The topics covered included “understanding the responsibilities of a Party spokesperson, how to better explain the Party’s policies and major decisions to the public, and the best way to present China’s ruling party to the world. …” The Party’s International Communications Office and the State Council Information Office sponsored the training. As of the end of 2010, the 13 departments under the Central Committee of the Party and Party committees at provincial levels had spokespersons in place. “2011 is the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, the first year of the twelfth five-year plan, and the year when the Party secretaries at the provincial, municipal, county, and township levels will change. This will provide sufficient press content to the Party spokespersons.”

Source: Xinhua, March 1, 2011

People’s Liberation Army to Receive Pay Raise

This year, the PLA will see its third pay raise in the past six years. The pay raises range from 5% to 40% and will be retroactive to the second half of 2010. Non-commissioned officers will receive a 40% raise, while the average raise for officers will be 1,000 yuan (US$152). For example, a platoon lieutenant’s monthly pay will increase from 3,500 to 4,500 yuan (US$685) and a general’s monthly pay will increase from 21,000 to 22,000 yuan (US$3,348). Salaries vary in different services. For example, Army salaries are the lowest, followed by the Navy and Air Force, with the Second Artillery Corps, also known as the PLA’s Strategic Missile Forces, being the highest.

Source: Guangming Daily, March 2, 2011 reprint from Chongqing Morning

China Claims to be World’s Top TV Series Producer and No. 3 in Film Making

On February 28, 2011, the Propaganda Office of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee announced that China has become the world’s third largest film producer and No. 1 in TV series. For the past six years in a row, each year’s growth of box office income from film productions has exceeded 30%.


Recent years have seen tremendous government support for the cultural industries by providing preferential policies in financing and investment. In 2010, newly added mid-and-long-term loans in cultural industries amounted to 27.6 billion yuan (US$4.2 billion); special funds at the central and provincial level add up to 5.2 billion yuan (US$0.79 billion). So far, special investment funds or investment corporations have emerged in seven provinces, with total capital of over 10 billion yuan (US$1.5 billion). 26 companies in culture related businesses are now listed on the Shanghai or Hong Kong stock markets. In 2010 alone, they raised capital of 10.4 billion yuan (US$1.6 billion).


Source: Xinhua, February 28, 2011


Xiamen University’s Joint Conference of its European Confucius Institutes in Malta

Xiamen University, located in China’s southeast city of Xiamen in Fujian Province, has launched 13 Confucius Institutes in five continents along with local partners. Six of them are in Europe. These Confucius Institutes are at Cardiff University in the UK, at the University of Malta in Malta, at West Paris-Nanterre-La Défence University in France, at Trier University in Germany, at the University of Wroclaw in Poland, and at the Middle East Technical University in Turkey. 
Recently in Malta, Xiamen University held a two-day inaugural conference with the presidents of the six Confucius Institutes, discussing issues including resource pooling, experience sharing, and areas of joint development. The conference intends to create a platform for inter-institute communication and cooperation. The second joint conference is set to be held at the University of Wroclaw in Poland in 2012.
Source: China News Service, February 28, 2011

The People’s Bank of China Officially Joined the South East Asian Central Banks

Effective January 25, 2011, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank of China, formally joined the South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Group as its 17th member. The governor of PBOC, Zhou Xiaochuan, will be a member of the SEACEN Board of Governors. Zhou attended the 46th SEACEN Governors Conference and the 30th SEACEN Board of Governors Meeting in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo from February 25 to 27, 2011. 
SEACEN, established in 1966, “reviews and analyses financial, monetary, banking and economic developments in its constituent member countries and in the region as a whole. It initiates and facilitates co-operation in research and training relating to the policy and operational aspects of central banking.”
Source: Xinhua, February 28, 2011

Seven Million College Graduates Every Year for the Next Five Years

"Overall, the basic pattern of oversupply of the labor force has not changed. The pressure is still great, and will persist in the coming period." said a senior official at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security at the National Employment Working Symposium held in Beijing on February 22, 2011. In the next five years, the total population of China will reach 1.37 billion with an army at the working age to peak at nearly one billion in 2014. The annual number of unemployed is expected to be 13 million. It is expected that the number of college graduates alone will approach 7 million every year.

Source: People’s Daily, February 23, 2011

CRN: the U.S. Is Changing its Propaganda Method against China

China Review News (CRN), a Hong Kong based Chinese government news agency, recently reported that the Voice of America (VOA) is planning to stop its Chinese language short wave, medium wave and satellite broadcasting services. The report expressed the belief that this only represents a strategic change in the propaganda method used against China and that the U.S. is switching to the Internet as the new approach, where U.S. technologies have clear advantages. The article referred to Hillary Clinton’s recent speech on Internet freedom, given at George Washington University, as proof of the strategy shift. The State Department recently announced that it plans to establish Chinese and Russian Twitter accounts as a new means of communication. The report expressed deep doubts about the effectiveness of the “Twitter Approach,” citing that Chinese users have already gotten used to China’s domestically developed microblogging services.

(Editor: The CRN report failed to mention the fact that the “Great Fire Wall” currently blocks Twitter, and that Chinese domestic microblogs are heavily censored.)

Source: China Review News, February 24, 2011