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Scholar Warns of Risks to a Volatile Economy

China Review News (CRN) recently republished an article by the deputy dean of the School of Economics of Fudan University, on the risks to a volatile economy. The article summarized the external elements that may bring risks: 1) unexpected changes in the international environment, such as the recent Arab Revolution; 2) unexpected economic recovery in the developed countries, of which the United States is the leader; 3) the continued existence of some old problems that caused the global financial crisis.

The article also identified the internal causes of risks: 1) complicated pressures leading to inflation; 2) the pressure of economic structural adjustments; 3) pressure caused by domestic market friction. The article concluded that the current approach to controlling inflation, which is based solely on currency policies, needs to be adjusted, and that effective implementation of policies requires understanding and support from the general public.

Source: China Review News, February 25, 2011

Zhou Yongkang Stresses Public Order before the “Two Sessions”

Zhou Yongkang, a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee, Party Secretary of the CCP Central Political and Legislative Committee, and Director of the CCP Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security, called on all Party committees and government organs at various levels do a good job in maintaining public order and stability so as to ensure the smooth convocation of the “two sessions,” the annual Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference on March 3, 2011, and the National People’s Congress on March 5, 2011. Zhou made the call on February 25, 2011, at a plenary meeting of the Central Committee for the Comprehensive Management of Public Security. He requested that everyone in the national system of the Comprehensive Management of Public Security conscientiously study and follow the speech that Hu Jintao gave on social control on February 19, 2011.

Source: People’s Daily, February 25, 2011

Ministry of Public Security to Step up Ideological Propaganda for the Police Force

On February 25, 2011, the Ministry of Public Security held a teleconference on its propaganda work, following a national propaganda chiefs’ conference on January 4.

According to Cai Anji, the director of the Political Department of the Ministry, the focus was on organizing a nationwide ideological campaign for the police. With 2011 the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the CCP, the Ministry is set to strengthen the loyalty of the police force to the Party. Cai also mentioned an ongoing “great visits” program, in which grassroots law enforcement officers across the country make personal visits to every residential household in local areas to show the “harmonious relationship” between the people and police.
Source: China’s Ministry of Public Security website, February 25, 2011

Beijing Blames U.S. for Abandoning Mubarak

On February 25, 2011, People’s Daily published an article criticizing the U.S. government for “abandoning Mubarak unsympathetically at the critical moment,” which has “not only disappointed other US Middle East allies, but also let them further understand the pragmatic nature of the U.S. Middle East foreign policy.” By listing current and historic examples of U.S. foreign policy decisions in Egypt, Iran and Libya, the article concludes that the purpose for the U.S. to promote democracy in the Middle East is to control its strategic benefits in the Middle East out of self interest. 

Source: People’s Daily, February 25, 2011

A Chinese Scholar on Future Conflicts between China and the U.S.

[Editor’s Notes: The Chinese media have overwhelmingly praised Chinese President Hu Jintao’s U.S. visit as “a historical visit at a critical moment in the Sino-U.S. relationship.” [1] Nanfang Metropolitan published an interview with Jin Canrong, Deputy Dean of the School of International Relations, People’s University, on the subject of Sino-U.S. relations. Jin predicts the relationship will become more stable. There still will be many conflicts between the two sides but those conflicts won’t escalate to confrontation. The following are excerpts about the possible conflicts that Jin foresees down the road.] [1]

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Guangming Daily: Rebutting the China Internet Threat Allegations

Guangming Daily published an opinion article dealing with the “China Internet Threat” allegations that have appeared in Western media. The article claimed that, since Google gave substantial publicity to its being “attacked by Chinese hackers,” the Western media have regularly reported on China’s “Internet surveillance,” “Internet hacking,” and “establishing an Internet army." The article also mentioned that Hillary Clinton attacked China when she gave a speech about Internet freedom. Canadian media also reported that the Canadian government website had been hacked recently; hackers obtained some highly confidential information. The hack was traced to a server in China. It seems that the “China Internet Threat” allegation is heating up again. The author claimed that the above accusations are groundless and listed the following rebuttals. 1) It is a custom that every country administers its necessary controls. 2) Each year over 100 countries’ intelligence departments attempt to get U.S. government and corporation’s information. Why single out China as a threat? 3) As early as 2009, the United States had already set up an Internet war headquarters. It was the first country to include a war organization as part of its Internet strategy.

Source: Guangming Daily, February, 23, 2011

The CCP Trains Spokespersons on How to Deal with the Media

From February 21 to 23, 2011, spokespersons from the CCP Committee and their working team members gathered in Beijing to attend a training course. It was the first course of its kind organized by the International Communications Office of the CCP Central Committee and the State Council Information Office. The purpose was to train CCP spokespersons on handling issues such as how to organize a press conference, how to respond to reporters’ questions, and what to learn from Western governments’ press conferences on events that occur unexpectedly.

Source: Xinhua, February, 23, 2011

Xinhua: America’s Black Hand Can Be Seen behind the Turmoil in the Middle East

Xinhua quoted an article from a Russian media report with the same title as above to hint that the United States instigated the recent Egyptian riots. The article stated that the dramatic events happening in the Arab countries in recent weeks once again demonstrate that the United States has never observed the principle of not interfering in a sovereign country’s internal affairs. It (the U.S.) gets rid of the “dictators” from the list of its past friends in order to arrange newly “elected” dictators. As long as it can help solve the problems facing the United States, the U.S. State Department is willing to see crowds and blood in the squares belonging to other territories. Secretly starting a revolution “from within" is an ideal tool. The article quoted a report from the U.K.’s Telegraph claiming that the United Stated secretly supported the Egyptian dissidents who, three years earlier, had promised Washington they would organize a “power turnover” campaign.

Source: Xinhua, February, 23, 2011