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People’s Daily Critical of Color Revolutions in Africa

People’s Daily published an article on Libya titled “Social Unrest: the Wrong Path for a Country and a Tragedy for the People.” The article said, “From the end of last year through this spring, a number of countries in Eastern and Northern Africa have suffered from continued political instability and social disruptions, having a negative economic impact on their people. Moreover, Libya is now trapped in a vortex of war.” The article concludes that the Chinese people should treasure their current “harmony and stability.” “Every one of us should do our utmost, achieve more development under this stability and continuously reap happy fruits during our development.”

Source: People’s Daily, March 23, 2011

Xinhua: Air Strikes in Libya Are Disturbing; War Cannot Bring Stability

Xinhua published an editorial commenting on the U.S. and European nations’ recent air strikes in Libya saying, “Conflicts should be resolved through peaceful means. Wars cannot end violence or quickly bring about stability; rather, it will but aggravate human disasters.” The Xinhua editorial cited examples of the U.S. military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. “Today, the two countries are still politically unstable with the local population suffering from continued violence and disasters. The international reputation and image of the instigator of the wars has also been tarnished. It shows that any action that lacks fairness and justice may bring unintended consequences to the initiator.”

Source: Xinhua, March 21, 2011

Party’s Youth Movements to Launch Loyalty Campaigns across the Nation

Communist Youth League (CYL) is the youth movement run by the Chinese Communist Party for youth between 14 and 28, while Young Pioneers (YP) is for kids under 14. Very few Chinese people grow up without once being a member of either CYL or YP. Recently the national headquarters of both movements issued a notice, requiring all CYL and YP organizations to launch education campaigns with a theme of “studying the Party’s history, getting familiar with the Party, and following the Party’s lead,” as 2011 is the 90’s anniversary of the establishment of CCP. 

Suggested programs are named as “The Party is in My Heart,” “Always Follow the Party’s Lead,” “Dialogue with Faith,” and “Red Scarves Yearn For the Party”. (YP’s are required to wear a red scarf)

Source: Xinhua, March 22, 2011

CMC Issues New Political Manual for the Military and Police Forces

The General Political Department, a chief political organ under the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the Chinese Communist Party, leads all Party and political activities of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). PLA Daily recently reported that the General Political Department will circulate a “Practical Handbook for the Chinese Military’s Party Branches.” Its purpose is to “further implement CMC Chairman Hu Jintao’s instructions and the requirement to strengthen grassroots Party organizations.” The Handbook is an addition to two recent CMC documents: “Regulations of the Work of Party Committees” and “Regulations of the Political Work of the PLA,” which are to be distributed in the PLA and the People’s Armed Police (PAP) as training materials for cadres of all ranks, from new recruits to college graduates.

Source: PLA Daily, March 22, 2011

Beijing’s Media Machine Runs Articles Opposing Allied Strikes in Libya

Even though Beijing abstained from voting on U.N. resolution 1973, since Saturday March 19, when the U.S. and allied forces started launching missiles and conducting air strikes against Libyan government forces, Chinese official media have run nonstop criticism against the military intervention. One March 22 Xinhua article titled “Western Forces Continue Air strikes in Tripoli; Anti-war Voices Rise in the International Community,” gives a list of countries (Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, South Africa, Argentina, and Gabon) that are part of the anti-war camp; it also highlights the civilian deaths from the air strikes and suggests that the military intervention is for the purpose of occupation to obtain oil and gas resources.

Source: Xinhua, March 22, 2011

Aircraft Carrier in Press and Publication Industry Set to Sail in a Couple of Years

Liu Bingjie, Director of the General Administration of Press and Publication, the government regulator of news media and publications, suggested in an interview that the industry is going through “major reform, major development, major changes, and a major leap forward.” Liu revealed that China is assembling an “aircraft carrier,” meaning a gigantic state corporation, with capital of 20 billion yuan (US$3 billion) and (annual) income of 20 billion yuan (US$3 billion). It will be launched in a couple of years.

Source: People’s Daily, March 9, 2011

Party Chief: Crackdown on Separatist and Disruptive Activities in Tibet

Zhang Qingli, Secretary of the Party Committee in Tibet, recently discussed the development plans for Tibet for the next five years.  He mentioned tightly controlling social stability – a severe crackdown on separatist and disruptive activities is planned. “The stability of Tibet matters for the stability of the whole nation; the security of Tibet matters for national security. … (We should) always maintain a high degree of awareness, and strictly guard against and harshly crack down on all separatist and disruptive activities. … (We should) thoroughly expose and criticize the Dalai clique, so that the people can tell right from wrong.” Zhang also focused on enhancing the establishment and expansion of Chinese Communist Party organizations at the grassroots level.

Source: China Tibetan News, March 14, 2011

Ministry of Public Security Notice Reveals Police Brutality and Corruption

The Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security recently issued a nationwide notice within the police system to “combat corruption,” emphasizing “zero tolerance” on problems about which the general public felt strongly. The notice mentions “unnatural death of personnel involved in cases,” suggesting widespread police brutality during investigations and interrogations, and “management of property involved in cases,” hinting at embezzlement. It also bans police officers from participating in land acquisition and resettlement activities, as in recent years the police have been widely used to expel local residents from of their homes, sometimes resulting in their death. 

Source: People’s Daily, March 3, 2011