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CRN: The U.S. has Never Respected China

China Review News (CRN) published a commentary right after Chinese President Hu Jintao completed his visit to the U.S. The author maintained that the U.S. has long held a biased view of China. The U.S. has taken China’s every step to improve as a threat to the U.S. national interest. President Obama has revived the Cold War mentality to continue policies that restrict China’s international breathing room, using such excuses as “communism,” “dictatorship,” “human rights,” and “democracy.”

The commentary also accused the U.S. of being a troublemaker on the issues of Tibet, Taiwan, North Korea, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea. For the U.S. to support the new Nobel Peace Prize winner was seen as its latest interference in China’s domestic legal system. The commentary suggested Hu’s visit to the U.S. is one more attempt on China’s part to build a healthy partnership. The author expressed the hope that U.S. extortion would stop.

Source: China Review News, January 22, 2011

Ministry of Public Security Carries out the Big Visit Campaign

The Public Security Bureau throughout China has started a “Big Visit” campaign. According to the Ministry of Public Security, Beijing started the campaign last November. Many provinces and cities, including Tianjin, Shanghai, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Hebei, and others, started a full-scale campaign in January 2011. “Police officers visit companies, schools, organizations, entertainment sites, and residential neighborhoods to talk about security and safety issues and address people’s needs.”

Source: The Ministry of the Public Security website, January 19, 2011

Improving China’s Military Training

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the CCP’s Central Committee, republished an article from PLA Daily stressing the importance of improving the current military training to better suit warfare based information systems. The article advocates joint military exercises that integrate various military units, using the information network platform.

It points out that the PLA’s current training lacks an environment that simulates hardships and a near-war situation. Hence, training is relatively simple with reduced challenges. The new training should provide simulations of the actual war field, multi-dimensional surveillance, complicated electro-magnetic fields, real fighting, political and psychological warfare, network attacks and defense, and a hydrological and meteorological environment.

Source: Qiushi Journal, Jan 6, 2011

Li Yuanchao on Training Cadres on a Large Scale

The twelfth National Cadres Training Conference was held in Beijing on January 21, 2011. Li Yuanchao, head of the CCP’s Central Organization Department, made a speech on how best to conduct large scale training for cadres. Li pointed out that the training should continue strengthening the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and should focus on the goals and tasks of the twelfth five-year plan. Li called on those conducting the training to use the CCP’s 90th anniversary as an opportunity to inculcate cadres in a better understanding of the Party’s nature and to enhance the cadres’ thoughts about Party nature.

Source: Xinhua, January 21, 2011

China’s Gigantic Foreign Reserve Will No Longer Stay with the U.S. Debt

Since last year, China has adopted a new policy of diversification in order to handle the huge amount of its foreign reserve. The latest data shows that China’s foreign reserve is $US 2.8473 trillion. In 2010, China’s foreign reserve increased by $US 448 billion. Therefore, in the short term, China has increased its investment in the national debts issued by South Korea and Japan. As a long term strategy, China is going to put more of its reserve into European countries.

Another notable change in China’s foreign reserve policy is to allow Chinese citizens to invest directly in foreign countries. China is making this policy adjustment because, in recent years, China’s sovereign funds have encountered suspicion and barriers when trying to acquire overseas enterprises. China’s large, state owned enterprises will be the main foreign investors. At the same time, China will provide foreign currency loans to private companies and encourage and support more of China’s private enterprises in acquiring foreign companies.

Source: Xinhua, January 17, 2011

Xinhua Editorial: Introducing Western Democracy” in Cote d’Ivoire Resulted in Chaos

Xinhua published an editorial commenting on the power struggle in the African country of Cote d’Ivoire. It reported that the power struggle surrounding the presidential election in Cote d’Ivoire has seriously affected social stability, economic development, and people’s livelihoods. The article described Cote d’Ivoire as a stable and prosperous country that became very unstable, full of violence and bloody conflict, after Western countries pressured it into introducing a multiple party system and presidential elections. The article further offered that this phenomenon is widespread in Africa.

The article concluded that “Western democracy” is not a panacea for every country. In different countries and in countries in different stages of development, arbitrarily transplanting Western democracy or “being democratized” frequently causes power struggles, instability, and violent conflicts. Thus it hinders economic development and damages the fundamental interests of the nation and the people.

Source: Xinhua, January 19, 2011

Media and Rights Groups Work to Secure Gao Zhisheng’s Release

Because of Hu Jintao’s visit to the United States, many have expressed concern for Gao Zhisheng, the lawyer who was ”disappeared” twice and cruelly tortured for defending Christians, political and religious dissenters, and Falun Gong.

On January 10, 2011, AP released an interview with Gao, taken before his second disappearance, in which he discussed his torture, including electric shocks to his genitals, near suffocation, and temporary blindness from cigarettes held close to his eyes.

In a speech given Friday, January 14, 2011, Secretary of State Clinton specifically mentioned Gao Zhisheng. At a congressional press conference on January 18, 2001, Bob Fu of ChinaAid requested that President Obama ask Hu Jintao to free Gao and let him come to the United States to be reunited with his wife and two children. Fu has been circulating a letter that Gao gave his wife, Geng He, before she and their children escaped to the United States. Gao is still missing. No one knows his whereabouts or whether he is still alive.

Christian Newswire, January 20, 2011
Washington Post, January 10, 2011

Xinhua: China Launches International TV Broadcasting

A new media broadcasting network, the China International Broadcasting Network (CIBN), was officially launched in Beijing on January 18, 2011. The network will be based on CRI Online, the world’s largest multilingual website, run by China Radio International. According to China Radio International, CIBN will be a convergence of multilingual websites, online broadcasters, network television and mobile service terminals.

Source: Xinhua, January 19, 2011