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Chinese Government Scholar: The U.S. Is Using Universal Values to Intimidate China

Yu Wanli, an Associate Professor of International Strategy Studies at Beijing University, wrote an article on possible changes in the U.S. policy toward China. As the Chinese government funds China’s universities, Yu’s view reflects the Chinese government position. In his article, Yu discussed how the U.S. is likely to stress universal values to both the Chinese people and the global community in order to intimidate China.                


Yu said that the U.S. will not stop its efforts to intimidate China on China’s core interests, including arms sales to Taiwan, the Dalai Lama, and Xinjiang.“ (It will) continue using the issues of democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech to deepen its influence over the Chinese people.” Furthermore, globally, “it is more and more clear that the U.S. is intimidating China through its allies, the multi-party system, and the system of universal values.”

Source: China Review News, January 10, 2011

Social Science in China: China Will Have More Influence over the U.S.

Yang Jiemian, Dean of the Shanghai International Studies Institute, predicted a change in the Sino-U.S. relationship. Yang suggested that, over the next five years, instead of being under U.S. influence, China will have more and more influence over the U.S. 


“The United Nations remains the most authoritative and legitimate entity over world affairs, but regional organizations and forums will have more influence.” The gap between the developed countries (with the U.S. as the representative) and the developing countries (with China as the representative) is closing, but the developed countries will remain in the leadership positions. “The China-driven change of rules in the global scheme of things will manifest mainly in the international monetary system and trade.” “China’s influence will remain limited when it concerns such areas as the military, technology, cultural influence, international speaking power and rule making.” “The Asia-Pacific will be the main platform where China and the U.S. interact.”

Source: Social Science in China, December 30, 2010

China to Verify Passengers’ Names against Train Tickets

China will require passengers to provide their names when purchasing a train ticket. The passenger will then have to show an ID with the same name to board the train. During the massive railway travel season for the upcoming Chinese New Year, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xi’an, Chongqing, Chengdu, and many other cities will initiate a name verification pilot project.

Twenty-five types of proof of identity will be accepted, including a residential card, a temporary residential card, a driver’s license, a military officer ID, a student ID, a passport, an alien residence card, and a temporary ID card issued by the Railway Police Office.

Source: People’s Daily Online, January 11, 2011

Xinhua: A Look Back at Chinese and U.S. Military Exercises in 2010

Xinhua recently republished an article summarizing the highlights of the military exercises that both China and the U.S. conducted in 2010.

China’s highlights were characterized as “oriented toward actual combat and included:” (1) perfecting remote operations; (2) information warfare, which was used widely throughout the exercises; (3) breaking traditional geo-areas in international cooperation; (4) sending a clear message on defending sovereignty.

The U.S. highlights were characterized as “encircling China:” (1) The USS George Washington covered three main Chinese seas; (2) U.S. soldiers deployed to China’s borders on all sides; (3) The U.S. arranged “preventive deployments” against China.

Source: Xinhua, December 24, 2010

Qiushi: Enhance Leadership Building in Central State-Owned Enterprises

Qiushi Journal, a bi-weekly magazine published by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, recently published an article discussing plans on how to enhance the leadership building effort in Central State-Owned Enterprises. These are national level companies whose management control is directly authorized by the State Council. The article made suggestions: (1) Use strategic planning to ensure smooth paths in upgrading careers; (2) Establish an innovative system to maximize the use of talent; (3) Create an honor and recognition mechanism in a structured manner; (4) Perfect personnel training to provide a sustainable supply of talent; (5) Build a comprehensive benefits and support system to attract and to keep talent.

Source: Qiushi Journal, January 1, 2011

Entering a Critical Peak Time for South-to-North Water Transfer Project

On December 21, 2010, People’s Daily reported that, according to the State Council, the portion of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project that was completed by the end of November 2010 came to around RMB 74 billion, which is 45% of the total amount allocated by the investment plan. The project is now entering a critical peak time period for construction work and residents’ migration work. The current speed at which the project is moving has demonstrated a possibility of early completion. Part of the work going on today is going to determine whether water will be delivered to the North on time or not. The completed portion of the project is already producing value to some areas of China, mainly Beijing.

Source: People’s Daily, January 1, 2011

Chinese American Organizations Assigned to Welcome Hu Jintao in Washington DC

According to Xinhua on April 13, 2010, overseas Chinese embassies and consulates will no longer organize local overseas Chinese to welcome Hu Jintao and other CCP Central Committee leaders. Recently, however, a notice circulated in the internal email system of Mainland Chinese organizations in the greater Washington, D.C. area about organizing overseas Chinese to welcome Hu Jintao to Washington on January 19, 2011.

The organizations required to participate include The Union of Chinese American Professional Organizations (UCAPO), The Greater Washington, D.C. Area Alumni Association of Chinese institutions, The Coordination Council of Chinese-American Associations (CCCAA), The Greater Washington D.C. Area Fujian Chinese-American Association, The Greater Washington D.C. Area Guangdong Chinese-American Association, The Hope Chinese School, The Silver Light Senior Association in Virginia, and The International Yan Xin Qigong Association.

Xinhua, April, 13, 2010
Chinascope Internal Source, January of 2011

Xinhua: Devalue the RMB or Control the Pace of RMB Appreciation?

On January 3, 2100, the International Herald Leader, a newspaper under Xinhua News Agency, published an  article titled “The Currency War, Win the Two Battles inside and Outside (of China).” It included several interviews.

Tan Yaling, President of the China Foreign Exchange Investment Research Institute, told Xinhua reporters, “I would like to take the initiative to devalue the RMB, choosing a good time to take action, so as to remove any expectations for RMB appreciation. We cannot let the expectation for RMB appreciation kidnap public opinion in the market and (affect our) policy parameters.”

Guo Tian Yong, Professor of the Central University of Finance and Director of the China Banking Research Center, said, “Substantial appreciation of the Renminbi in the short term is the ‘dog in the manger.’” In his opinion, China should control the pace of RMB appreciation and “let the RMB appreciate modestly and gradually.”

Source: International Herald Leader, January 3, 2011