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China Celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the Chinese Army Joining the Korean War

China held a high-profile celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Chinese army joining the Korean war. The Commemoration conference was held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 25. Hu Jintao met with Korean War veterans prior to the conference. Xi Jinping, the newly-elected Vice Chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission, attended the meeting. Xi also gave a speech at the commemoration conference. In his speech, Xi paid tribute to the old CCP leaders, the North Korean government, and the USSR. Chinese media published articles to praise China’s achievements in the Korean war.

North Korea held a 30,000-person celebration in Pyongyang on October 25. Kim Jong-Il, King Jong-Un, and other top leaders attended the event. Guo Boxiong, the Vice Chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission, led a high-level PLA delegation to Pyongyang for the event.

Sources: Xinhua and Yangcheng Evening News, October 25, 2010

China News Service: Online Public Opinion Influenced by Microblogging

The Public Opinion Research Lab of Shanghai at Jiao Tong University recently released a report that indicated that microblogging, as a new communication channel, is having an impact in influencing public opinion. The report took a look at the hot topics of the top 20 websites in the third quarter of 2010 and analyzed the coping abilities of local governments, companies, and individuals. Indexes included communication speed, communication skills, and communication effectiveness. The research showed that microblogging is becoming an effective channel for companies and individuals to provide information. In some instances, microblogging played a very important role in spreading messages. The report also found that government agencies were weak in terms of controlling communication and releasing information during crises.

Source: China News Service, October 20, 2010

Xinhua: China’s Plan to Explore Mars Revealed

At the time of The Third China Space Technology Forum, the Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST) revealed China’s plan for exploring Mars. The plan is mainly based on the technologies used in the Chang-E Moon Satellite Platform. According to CAST experts, the Chinese plan reached a pretty high level compared to Mars exploration plans developed outside of China in recent years. Experts also indicated that the Chinese space activities targeting Mars will increase China’s power in the deep space technology race and shorten the distance from leading countries. This is considered the mission of the future Chinese space technology development.

Source: Xinhua, October 21, 2010

China Launches Official Online Mapping Service to Compete with Google Earth

On October 23, 2010, World Journal, a Taiwan based Chinese newspaper, reported that China is making a full out effort across China to provide a government-backed map service called “Map World” in order to compete with Google Earth. 

The Chinese mapping data was considered the confidential information of the military. "Map World" has a strong background. According to the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, the project is backed and supported by the Ministry of Land Resources, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, the State Secrets Bureau, the PLA Secrets Office, the PLA’s General Staff Department, the Armed Police Headquarters, the Surveying and Mapping Bureau under the PLA’s General Staff Department, and other security and intelligence agencies.

Source: World Journal, October 23, 2010

China: The Truth behind the United States’ Coercive Purchase of China’s Rare Earth Minerals

On October 23, 2010, Chinese Business View (, one of China’s official websites, published an analytical article titled, “The Truth behind the United States’ Coercive Purchase of Chinese Rare Earth Minerals.” 

The article claims that the reason that US-led Western countries are pressuring China to rescind rare earth export restrictions is to store rare earth. Once China’s rare earth supply is depleted, they will have enough rare earth to confront China.

Source: Chinese Business View, October 23, 2010

Head of CCP’s Propaganda Department Met with 30 Media Heads from Developing Countries

According to Xinhua on October 14, 2010, Liu Yunshan, a member of the Politburo, member of the Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee, and the head of the Propaganda Department of the CCP Central Committee, held a meeting with more than 30 mainstream media heads from 17 developing countries. They were participating in a ministry-level seminar in China.

As a representative of the seminar class, Kerim, WAZ media group board member and CEO of Macedonia Media Publishing Group, praised China’s progress and positive role in the international community.

Source: Xinhua, October 14, 2010

Huanqiu Editorial: Do Not Misinterpret China’s Political Reform

[Editor’s Note: The following editorial states that China’s political reform has been on-going for 30 years. It criticizes the Western countries for pushing China to overhaul its political institutions, and asserts China’s intention to carry out political reform in its own way.

The editorial criticizes awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo as “interfering with China’s political development.” It also accuses a fellow Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Mikhail Gorbachev, of being “mediocre” and a “man of guilt” for destroying the Soviet Union, asserting: “China will never have a second Gorbachev.”] [1]

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Bank of China Plans to Acquire Banks from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

On October 20, a China News Agency reporter interviewed Qiu Yi, Vice Chairman of the Bank of China (BOC), while they were at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) second China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Financial Cooperation & Development. Qiu said that business at the BOC’s branches in ASEAN is booming, and that BOC is planning to acquire banks in ASEAN in order to enhance BOC’s overseas expansion. Qiu also said that, as the strategy of having the Chinese renminbi go overseas is being implemented, BOC is experimenting with renminbi services in non-trade areas, including providing cash in renminbi, providing financial renminbi products, and becoming a major dealer in the renminbi overseas.

Source: China News Agency, October 21, 2010