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Shenzhou Spaceship Chief Architect Talks about Carrier Rockets

Dr. Qi Faren, who is the former Chief Architect of the Chinese Manned Space Operations Project and an Academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, recently announced that, in the year 2014, China will launch high-thrust rockets that can carry 20 tons of weight. Today, China can only send a few tons of cargo into outer space. High-thrust rockets have difficulty with land transportation due to their large size.

He also suggested that next year, China will send the 6-docking-port core portion of the Tiangong-1 space station into orbit and will launch Shenzhou Eight, Nine and Ten spaceships to dock with it. The plan is to complete the Chinese space station’s construction before the year 2020.

Source: Guangming, July 5, 2010

On the C-Shaped Encirclement by the U.S. – Huang Yingxu, China Academy of Military Science

[Editor’s Note: The following report is translated from a Study Times article by Huang Yingxu, a research fellow at the China Academy of Military Science. The author believes that the U.S. has formed a C-shaped encirclement around China. But he also believes that China’s peaceful rise may not necessarily cause a war with the United States.

While acknowledging that the U.S. has “technological and military superiority that China does not match,” the author criticizes the war hawks’ “China and the U.S. cannot avoid a war” mentality as “alarmist talk.” He stresses that China will never give up its socialism with Chinese characteristics, and will never let the U.S. manipulate its politics. “(China) should not be blindly optimistic about the Sino-U.S. relationship; it should not be unnecessarily pessimistic either.”

Study Times is the official newspaper of the Communist Central Party School. According to its official website, the papers’ readers “are mainly Party and governmental cadres and intellectuals. … The Party’s Central Propaganda Ministry designates it as a key newspaper of reference.”] [1]

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Wang Lequan: Keep Small Disputes within a Street and Big Disputes within a District

According to the PRC (People’s Republic of China) Ministry of Public Security on July 16, 2010, Wang Lequan, member of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Central Committee of the Politburo, deputy chair of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee, and deputy director of the Social Order Comprehensive Management Committee, was in Tianjin from July 14 to 15 promoting innovation in social management.

Wang emphasized that “we must guide, serve and manage all the newly established economic and social organizations, so as to ensure their development in a healthy direction. Pay immediate attention to early signs of unrest. To the greatest extent possible, resolve disputes at the grassroots level and at the initial stage. … Make an effort to keep small disputes within a street and big disputes within a district. …”

Source: The PRC Ministry of Public Security, July 16, 2010

Li Haifeng: New Overseas Chinese Part of China’s Important Human Resources

The news site reported on June 29, 2010, that Li Haifeng, Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, said that in recent years, more and more new overseas Chinese have brought high-technology and advanced management experiences back to China to serve the country, especially since the implementation of the “Thousand People Plan.”

The “Thousands of People Plan” aims at recruiting nearly 2000 talented overseas Chinese and supporting them to develop innovative enterprises in China. Since the implementation of the plan at the end of 2008, 825 overseas talented Chinese have been recruited. It is expected that the “Thousand People Plan” will enroll up to 1000 talented overseas Chinese by the end of the year.
Source:, June 29, 2010

Wang Yusheng: U.S. Tries to Damage China’s Relations with North and South Korea

On July 19, 2010, Xinhua published an article by Wang Yusheng, Executive Director of the Strategic Research Center at the Chinese Foundation for International Studies (CFIS), in which Wang blamed the U.S., saying that it is trying to take advantage of the “Cheonan” Corvette incident (the sinking of a South Korean naval ship) to damage China-DPRK (North Korea) relations and China-ROK (South Korea) relations. 

Source: Xinhua, July 19, 2010

Taiwan’s Wu Supports Blacklisting Rebiya Kadeer

Wu Den-yih, President of the Executive Yuan — or, as he is more commonly known, the Premier of Taiwan — said that he supported a decision by the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) to deny Rebiya Kadeer’s September 2009 request for entry into Taiwan.
Wu said that the MOI’s decision was out of consideration for national security.
Source: Central News Agency, July 18, 2010

Chinese Communist Party, Leader of Asia’s Poverty Alleviation

On July 17, the International Liaison Department of the Chinese Communist Party hosted a Poverty Alleviation Conference at the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) in Kunming, the capital city of southwest China’s Yunnan Province. In a message to the meeting, Chinese president Hu Jintao said that he “hopes to work with all Asian political parties to promote poverty alleviation.”
In his speech, Hui Liangyu, a Politburo member and Vice Premier, said the “guidance of the Party and the government” is one of the keys to the China experience.
Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon sent a video message to the meeting. 
More than 120 people representing 57 political parties in 30 countries attended the conference. 
Source: website of International Liaison Department of Chinese Communist Party, July 17, 2010

Jia Qinglin Asks Overseas Young Chinese to Oppose Taiwan Independence

On July 19, Jia Qinglin, a member of the Politburo standing committee met with the 10th Delegation of Outstanding Overseas Young Chinese, an annual program of Beijing, to engage with talented Chinese emigrants.
In his speech, Jia told the delegation to “actively contribute wisdom and strength for the renaissance of the nation of China wherever you may live.” Jia also said that “(You should) strengthen the close connection with local people, especially the young population, actively carry out various forms of anti-Taiwan independence activities to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and promote the peaceful reunification of China.”
Source: website of United Front Work Department of Chinese Communist Party