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Chinese Communist Party Engages 570 Political Parties in 160 Countries

At the press briefing of the CCP’s Central Committee, the spokesperson from the International Liaison Department, one of the 11 spokespersons from 11 agencies under the party’s Central Committee, showed up to talk to journalists, and confirmed that the CCP has been in contact and cooperation with more than 570 political parties or organizations in 160 countries around the world.

“The communication mechanism between us and political parties among the big powers such as Japan, Russia, India, Vietnam, and Brazil is set. We also signed certain inter-party dialog agreements with the UK, Germany, and France. With Russia, we have Dialogue Mechanism between the Ruling Parties of China and Russia. Not long ago, we invited political parties in Europe to a China-Europe High-Level Political Party Forum. We also held a High-Level Dialog with both parties in the U.S.”

Source:, June 30, 2010

On the Role of the Party’s School

Li Jingtian, Executive Vice President of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee’s Party School, discussed the role of the Party School.

“The Party School of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee is the principal institution that trains Communist leaders and theorists. It is a vital department that is under the direction of the CCP Central Committee. It is the conduit for the senior and intermediate cadres when trained for rotations. Furthermore,  it is is the Party‘s research institution of philosophy and social sciences.”

Mao Tsedong and Liu Shaoqi once served as presidents of the Party School. Hu Jintao was the president from 1993 to 2002. The current president is Xi Jinping, standing member of the Politburo and China’s Vice President

Source: Xinhua, June 29, 2010

180,000 Chinese Died in the Korean War

According to Xu Yan, professor at the National Defense University, over 110,000 Chinese soldiers were killed in the Korean War, between 1950 and 1953. When deaths from injuries and deaths for other reasons were included , the total casualty figures reached 183,108. The statistics are based on data collected by the Korean War Memorial Society of Dandong City, Liaoning Province.

Source: People’s Daily, June 27, 2010

State Owned Companies Growing China’s Soft Power Overseas

A forum on expanding the Party’s propaganda in other countries was held jointly by the Party’s Propaganda Department and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

At the forum, staff from several State owned companies spoke about their achievements and lessons learned when spreading propaganda overseas while doing business.

Staff from the China Ocean Shipping (Group) Corporation, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group Co., Ltd., and Hisense Group Co., Ltd. shared their experiences.

Liu Yunshan, Politburo member and Minister of the Party’s Propaganda Department delivered a speech at the forum.

Source: Xinhua, June 23, 2010

Defense Minister: Improve China’s National Defense Mobilization Capability

Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglei stressed that China should adhere to the strategic direction of combining development for military and civilian use and strengthen national defense mobilization and emergency response capabilities. Liang made this statement after visiting several enterprises and inspecting the national defense mobilization work in a few cities in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Source: People’s Daily, June 26, 2010

CCP Expanding Its Organizational Presence in Enterprises and Communities

The Party organization has covered all basic residential units, urban and rural, as well as 98% of state-owned enterprises and institutions, according to Wang Qinfeng, the Deputy Minister of the Central Organization Department (COD) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Wang made this statement on June 28 at the COD’s party statistic news press conference. The party organization in non-publicly owned enterprises has also grown 1.3% over last year. By the end of 2009, the party organization and labor union had achieved full coverage of the legal and CPA professions, the two primarily targeted industries.

Source: Xinhua, June 28, 2010

Germany Investigating Chinese Officials Spying on Falun Gong

Germany’s Federal Prosecutor’s office is investigating two high-ranking Chinese officials on allegations of espionage targeting Falun Gong practitioners, German news magazine Der Spiegel reported on June 26. One of the accused is said to hold the position of a Chinese vice-minister and serves as head of the “610 Office,” an extra-judicial arm of the Chinese Communist Party, which executes the Communist Party’s directive to fight the Falun Gong meditation movement worldwide. The Spiegel report mentioned the investigation could make Chancellor Angela Merkel’s upcoming China visit more difficult.

In December 2009, a diplomat of the Chinese Consulate in Munich was ordered to leave Germany after being found to have spied on the German Uighur community.

Source: The Central News Agency, June 27, 2010

Chinese Scholar: Socialism is a Key to the China Model

[Editor’s Note: Discussions of the China Model have created broad interest and many controversies over the past few years. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), while facing challenges to its legitimacy at home, desperately seeks endorsement from the outside. The China Model discussion provides an opportunity to bolster the Party’s credibility. The following report is based on an article from Red Flag Manuscripts (红旗文稿), a semi monthly journal put out by the CCP’s Central Committee. The author, Zhao Hong, a researcher at the CCP’s Central Party School, criticizes Western countries for “avoiding the socialist nature” of the China Model. He emphasizes, “The success of the China Model is the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” An excerpt from the translation of the article follows.] [1]

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