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CRN: An Important Step for China’s Voice in the Financial World

China Review News (CRN) recently reviewed an article published by Economic Information Daily on the lessons learned about the international credit rating system. The article pointed out that, after the Greek Credit Crisis, China was truly worried about the destructive power that the international credit rating system, which is controlled by three major organizations has. The various parties throughout all levels of the Chinese government and media came to the conclusion that China should have its own credit rating capabilities. With this background, the Chinese rating company Dagong Global Credit Rating released ratings of 50 typical countries. The article suggested that the three major rating organizations are biased and discriminate against developing countries. An example is that the ratings for China and India are even lower than Spain. The article also suggested that the Chinese government should stand behind Dagong and push the Chinese rating business in the U.S. market.

Source: China Review News, July 15, 2010

PEOPLE.COM.CN: Guangdong Province Hired 25,000 Informants to Collect Crisis information

On July 14, 2010, reported that “Guangdong Province’s Crisis Response Regulations” have been implemented since July 1.  Guangdong Province has hired 25,000 grass-roots informants including journalists, to collect information abouot urgent incidents. Once there is a sudden occurrence, lower level officials must report it to the next level government, and city level officials must report it to the provincial government within 2 hours. Sensitive information can be reported to the higher government directly. Those who fail to report an emergent incident will be penalized.

Guangdong Provincial Government, its relevant departments and all municipal governments above the district level have now set up spokesperson systems. “In case of an emergency, the news spokespersons must make an announcement within 4 hours,” said Li Shoujin, Deputy Minister of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and director of the Provincial News Office.

Source:, July 14, 2010

Xinhua: 120.2 Billion Yuan Direct Economic Losses from Flooding in China in 2010

According to Xinhua on July 15, 2010, a report on statistics released by China’s State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters shows that 26 provinces suffered floods this year, with total of 97,500,000 people and 6,155 thousand hectares of crops affected. Up to now, the death toll is 594 people; 212 people are still missing, and 590,000 houses have collapsed. The direct economic losses are 120.2 billion Chinese Yuan by 9am on July 15.

Source: Xinhua, July 15, 2010

CHINANEWS.COM.CN: China Rejects US Report as Interference

On July 12, 2010, reported that the U.S. State Department recently published its 2010 “Promoting Freedom and Democracy Report” accusing China of (its negative) democracy, and human rights situation. In response, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang accused Washington of interfering in its internal affairs. Qin stated, “The Chinese Government protects the citizens’ basic rights and freedoms, and upholds people-oriented principles and governs for the people.”

Source:, July 12, 2010

Red Flag Manuscript: The Rationale for State Control of the National Economic Lifeline

[Editor’s Note: Ever since the onset of the global financial crisis began at the end of 2007, articles advocating Marxism and state control of the economy have mushroomed in China’s official media. The crisis offers the Chinese Communist Party’s theorists an opportunity to prove the “inevitable failure” of capitalism and to legitimize China’s socialist or Marxist control of the national economy. The following is a translation of excerpts from an article in Red Flag Manuscript, a core publication of the Central Committee of the CCP, “The International Financial Crisis Provides the Rationale for State Control of the National Economic Lifeline.”] [1]

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China Central Bank to Continues a Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime

China needs to follow a managed float of its exchange rate to aid restructuring, said Hu Xiaolian, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, in an article published on the website of the Central Bank. “A managed floating exchange rate system, which is based on market supply and demand, with reference to a basket of currencies, is a correct decision in accordance with China’s own situation and development strategy. It is also an important part of the socialist market economic system. It is China’s established policy.” 

Source: Xinhua, July 15

Hu Jintao Vows to Modernize Education by 2020

The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council jointly held a National Education Working Conference on July 13 and 14. Hu Jintao, the nation’s paramount leader, vowed to implement education modernization and a China with super powers in human resources by 2020. 

“Education must adhere to the party’s leadership,” said Hu. “The fundamental purpose of education is to develop morally, intellectually, physically, and aesthetically-developed Socialist builders and successors. We must fully implement the party’s education policy and make the facilitation of healthy growth of students the starting point and ending point in all school work.” 
Source: China News Service, July 14, 2010

Foreign Ministry Resolutely Opposes Foreign Military Vessels & Aircraft Affecting China’s Security

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang reiterated on the 15th that China firmly opposes any foreign military vessels and aircraft engaging in activities affecting its security interests in the Yellow Sea and other Chinese coastal waters. In response to a reporter’s hypothetic question, "If the US-ROK hold military exercises in July, will China and the DPRK plan to hold military exercises in the western waters of the Korean Peninsula?" Qin said it was a typical Cold War mentality to divide the Northeast Asia and Asia-Pacific regions into different military alliances, and to view the region’s security issues with a Cold War style confrontation perspective. “Times have changed now. No single country or single military alliance can resolve the issue of regional security and stability.” 

Source: Xinhua, July 15, 2010