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Study Times: The Recession’s Impact on Court Cases and How to Deal with It

In this article author Gao Yang addresses how the global recession is creating social instability in China. This is reflected in the courts as a large number of lawsuits are brought forward to settle disputes. He states that the People’s Courts should be better prepared to respond to these challenges and lists some general approaches.

Gao lists several sources of the social unrest: disputes between companies and their employees due to layoff or salary reduction; home owners not applying for mortgages or being delinquent on mortgage payments; increase in begging and petty theft as people living on the edge lose their means of living; popularization of illegal fund-raising as investors looking for alternatives; counterfeit money and credit card crimes; land expropriation disputes as the government pushes through its economic stimulus package; land struggles as farmers return from the city to the country; and mounting unemployment pressure, especially from college graduates.

Source: Study Times, March 23, 2009

Study Times:

The Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party produces Study Times; it was established in September 1999. The paper targets the national party organization and party cadres of all levels, as well as intellectuals. It is the only party paper that specializes in training and is publicly distributed in and outside of China.

Access to Youtube Blocked from China

Internet surfers in China are no longer able to visit the video sharing website, due to the site carrying some scenes of Tibetan monks being beaten by the Chinese Armed Policemen.


A spokesperson of the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Internet is open in China, but for national security purposes, it needs to be managed to prevent spreading “poisonous information.” He said that he is unaware of the case of


BBC Chinese reported that since January, China has closed several hundred websites, including some popular blogs, as well as websites popular among Tibetans. Investigations confirm that China still blocks access to certain websites, including BBC


Source: BBC Chinese, March 24, 2009

Xinhua: Foreign Countries Cannot Force China to Drink Coke

After Coca-Cola’s acquisition of Hui Yuan failed the antitrust review by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the news quickly gained media attention. The failed acquisition triggered a range comments.

Many Foreign media cited trade protectionism as the cause. Because the case sets the precedent for Chinese Antitrust Law governing a foreign acquisition, Chinese researchers indicated that the reported reactions reflected a worry about future foreign acquisitions. The Wall Street Journal insisted this was a warning to foreign investors.

Foreign media also brought up the potential negative effect on Chinese investments overseas. Chinese experts dismissed this view as they believed the ruling was merely based on protecting healthy competition as they stated that there was no bias against international corporations.

Source: Xinhua News/International Herald Leader, March 23, 2009

Embezzlement Spreading, Science and Education Based Revitalization Dissolving

The academic corruption case in Zhe Jiang University struck China. With more and more dark news being unveiled, it seems that a national trend is forming by which the nation’s large academic investments are embezzled by corrupt individuals.
With millions in hand, a research group in Zhe Jiang University produced twenty fake theses and the university has so far offered no explanation. 

A growing number of such scandals have been reported in recent years. According to the China Society and Technology Association, due to poor administration, only 40% of its funding was actually spent on activities related to its projects.

Source: The Sun News, March 19, 2009

Chinese Foreign Aid Tops Developing Countries, Much Higher Than India

On March 13, Chinese Premier Wen Jia Bao suggested in a press conference that before 2008 China waive more than 40 billion RMB worth of debt from 46 lesser developed countries while providing over 200 billion RMB of foreign aid to developing countries. He also mentioned that the United States provided less than 1/4 of promised aid in 2005.

Beginning in 1950, the Chinese foreign aid program now tops developing countries. During fiscal year 2006 to 2007, India only provided USD $500 million in aid although USD $1 billion was promised. Brazil, another large developing country, received more aid than it provided.

Chinese aid does not have political conditions attached, which makes it well received by developing countries. Currently there are more than 140 countries receiving aid from China.

Source: Elite Reference, March 21, 2009

Two More Soldiers Killed in Chongqing Shooting

New Tang Dynasty Television’s website carried a series photos of the crime scene where two military soldiers were shot to death on the evening of March 20.

On March 20, one day after a security guard was shot to death and his weapon taken by the suspects in Jiang Bei District of Shi Qiao Pu in Chongqing, Sichuan province, two soldiers were shot to death around Yu Zhou Hotel in Chongqing. Police are actively searching for the suspects throughout the city. There were also rumors that the suspect only targeted uniformed military personnel.

Source: New Tang Dynasty Television, March 21, 2009

3000 District Procurators to Take Part in Intensive Training

Following the intensive training of 3000 top Public Security Bureau officers, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate recently called for an intensive training session for 3000 general procurators from the district level. The training started on February 26 and will end before 2010. Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, calls the training an unprecedented event of historic significance.

There are over 3000 district procuratorates nationwide which accounts for 80 percent of the total.

Source: Xinhua, March 3, 2009

State Media: Obama, Why Should We Believe You?

Obama must take action to ensure Chinese assests are secure in the United States, says a March 19 editorial in the International Herald Leader, a subsidiary of Xinhua. On March 13, Premier Wen re-iterated China’s request that the U.S. administration honor its promise to ensure Chinese assets are secure in the United States. In response, Obama announced that investors from the world including China should have absolute confidence in their investment in the United States.

The editorial comments that unless Obama takes concrete action to reassure China, his promise is nothing but lip service. Specifically, China should leverage its position as the largest debtor and negotiate a much higher return with the U.S. Treasury for U.S. government bonds. China should tie the appreciation of the RMB with the purchase of U.S. government bonds to resist further pressure from the U.S. on RMB appreciation.

Source: Xinhua, March 19, 2009