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Housing Market Slump in 2008

Real estate was down significantly from January to November according to November monthly release of the National Bureau of Statistics on December 12, 2008. While investment by developers went up by 22.22% comparing to same period last year, house sales were down by 20.6% and new mortgages down by 25.6%.

Source: Xinhua, December 12, 2008

Communist Party Central Committee: Five Economic Tasks for 2009

The Central Committee of the Communist Party held an economic conference from December 8 to 12, 2008. The conference sets forth five major tasks for 2009 to overcome the global financial crisis. They include moderate macro economic controls, land use of farmland, structural changes to stimulate spending, financial reforms and measures to maintain social stability.

Source: People’s Daily, December 11, 2008

“Study Times” Calls for Further Political Reform

An article posted on Study Times, the journal of the Party School of the Chinese Communist Party, states that China’s social problems result from stalled political reform. According to the article,  economic reforms have not been implemented to the fullest extent. Old power refuses to withdraw and instead is strengthening control to suppress market mechanism, thus leading to a rise in corruption. The article concludes that furtherance of economic and political reform is the key.

Source: Study Times, December 8, 2008

Over 300 sign Charter 08 for Human Rights

A group of 303 Chinese citizens signed ‘Charter 08’, a declaration to mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reported Epoch Times. The Charter calls on the Chinese regime to abolish the totalitarianism, and respect human rights and religious freedom. The signatories are from academia, business world and rural communities. Since the publication of Charter 08, the authorities have taken into custody and interrogated several signatories.

Source: Epoch Times, December 9 and 10, 2008

State Council Claims Chinese Style Human Rights is Reaching its Height

Chinese human rights are at the best period in history, said State Council Information Office Director Wang Chen. He stated that China has applied the universal human rights to the specific situation of China and has blazed a path of Chinese style human rights. The improvement of human rights has been in sync with the political, economic, social and cultural development, said Wang.

Source: Xinhua, December 9, 2008

Xinhua: The U.S. Holds The Key To Improvement Of U.S. China Military Relations

International Herald Leader of Xinhua states that the United States holds the key to the U.S. –China military relations. The military relations are the most fragile, sensitive and vulnerable aspect of U.S.- China relations. Citing comments from military experts, the article states that the United States holds the key. “The problem is not China challenging the U.S. but the prejudice that the U.S. has against China.” “Every drawback in the military relations was caused by the U.S. interference with Chinese domestic affairs and infringement of China’s sovereignty.”

Source: Xinhua, December 5, 2008

Senior Party Leader Addresses at the Confucius Institute Conference

The Third Annual Confucius Institute’s Global Conference was held on December 9, 2008 in Beijing. The conference was attended by 249 university presidents and deans of Confucius Institutes from 78 countries. The Minister of Education, Zhou Ji, hosted the conference. Liu Yandong, a Poliburo member of Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party, State Councilor, and Chairman of the Board of the Headquarters of the Confucius Institute, made a presence and addressed to the attendees. In the speech, Liu laid out the strategy for the development of global Confucius Institutes, including setting up a few “model Confucius Institutes”, and playing the roles of China scholars and China Study Programs in host countries.

Source: Xinhua, December 9, 2008

China’s State Media Angry at Sarkozy over His Meeting with Dalai Lama

China’s state media have reacted angrily to French President Sarkozy’s decision to meet Dalai Lama and have continuously published articles to attack and discredit Sarkozy recently. Below are a few examples:

A Hoax Damaging [Sarkozy’s] Political Reputation
December 7, 2008, from People’s Daily

Xinhua International Commentary: Unwise Move that Damages China-French Relations
December 7, 2008, from Xinhua

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: The Wrong Action of Meeting Dalai by French Leader Rudely Interfered with China’s Internal Affairs
December 7, 2008, from Xinhua

Sarkozy’s Political Show Is Overdone
December 8, 2008, from Guangzhou Daily