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Obituary: Former Chinese Leader Hua Guofeng Dies

Hua Guofeng, a former leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC), died on August 20 at the age of 87, Xinhua reported without elaborating.  In a short official statement, Hua was praised as "an outstanding CPC member, a long-tested and loyal Communist fighter and a proletarian revolutionary who once held important leading posts in the CPC and the government." Hua Guofeng succeeded Mao Zedong in 1976 as China’s Communist Party chairman and the nation’s head of state.

Source: Xinhua, August 20, 2008

Rights Website Shut Down Due to Content on Olympics

On August 20, 2008, the Chinese authorities indefinitely shut down a popular website dedicated to the advocacy of rights of citizens in China,  For the over 200 days that it was active, the website was shut down repeatedly because of its content, but was generally allowed to be up, until August 20.  The last articles that it posted and which apparently led to its final closure were a story titled “Olympic Gold Medals Will not Determine the Happiness of the People” and a poem by a policeman.

Weiquan (wq) is a Chinese phrase meaning “safeguarding rights.” 

Source: Boxun, August 20, 1008

Olympics: Athlete Liu’s Departure Raises Questions

On August 18, Liu Xiang, one of China’s greatest hopes for winning a gold medal had to withdraw from the Olympics due to his foot injury, reported Xinhua. His abrupt departure from the 110 meter hurdles surprised Chinese who had high expectations of his winning gold medals as he did at the 2004 Olympics.  According to a poll, 49% understand and want him to move on.  40% regret his action and would have preferred that he continued with the competition.  Many have voiced claims that Liu’s action was ordered by the Chinese authorities to save face because Liu could not win. Sources say on August 19, the Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Department issued a mandate that all media must follow the official explanation. 

Chinese News, August 18, 2008
Epoch Times, August 20, 2008

Events and Media Reports on Sichuan Earthquake 100th Day Anniversary

On the 100th day since the Sichuan earthquake, tens and thousands parents who lost their children in the earthquake held memorial ceremonies in various locations, according to a news report by The Epoch Times. The ceremony in Beichuan was held with armed policemen were at the scene. In Mianyang, the police used force to intervene in a memorial ceremony held in front of a China Bank. Some parents told The Epoch Times that the government sent a large number of policemen to patrol major road entrances. Some parents complained that their phones are tapped and they have no place to appeal about unfair compensation. The residents were warned: “We will deal with your issues as an internal matter. Do not disclose any negative news to the foreign medis.”

On August 20, the Guangming Daily published commentaries praising the leadership of the Party in its handling of the restoration of  damages from the earthquake. The titles of the commentaries included: “Monumental achievement in fighting against the natural disaster” and “Eyewitness on the 100th day of the Sichuan Earthquake: Glorious Party; Superior Policy; strong-minded People”.

The Epoch Times, August 19, 2008
Guangming Daily, August 20, 2008

Scholar: China Entered an Energy Shortage State of Emergency in 2007

In a recent annual academic conference held in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, Lu Yongxiang, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned that China has entered into an energy state of emergency where it had to rely on overseas sources to supply 50 percent of its oil demand in 2007. Lu said that the energy shortage will slow down the economic growth.

According to  statistics released by the National Energy Administration, China became the second largest energy producer as well as the second largest energy consumer in the world in 2007. Due to its large population, China’s energy consumption per capita level was only at 62 percent of the world’s average. China’s energy elasticity index was 0.7 in 2007 which was seven times higher than Japan who has the same compatible scale of  production volume as China.

Source: Xinhua, August 20, 2008
China National Energy Administration, August 20, 2008

Olympics: the Battlefield of Party Factions

As the Beijing Olympics has become the Olympics of the Party, factions within the Party are marking out their own territory, observes the Hong Kong-based Trend Magazine. President Hu Jintao is re-enforcing his position in the military. The deployment of the “Red Flag 7” Short-range surface-to-air missile outside the Olympics main site is one example. Former President Jiang Zemin’s Shanghai gang flexes its muscles through control of propaganda and foreign affairs. Internal documents on propaganda mandate that no media shall follow the tune of the western reports. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a special mission, according to internal documents: (1) help overseas Chinese understand the need to politicize the Olympics; (2) offer business opportunities and lobby pro-China media in the West to spread that the Beijing Olympics is the pre-requisite of further reform; and (3) persuade pro-China media and commentators in Hong Kong and Taiwan to support the Olympics.

Source: The Trend Magazine

The 100th Day of Sichuan Earthquake Is a Non-Event in China’s State Media

On the 100th day following the 5.12 Sichuan earthquake, no news appeared in China’s state media regarding the memorial service by  survivors for their deceased family members or the progress of reconstruction in the earthquake-stricken areas. Such news had disappeared from the media landscape long before the Olympics. Radio Free Asia reports that the authorities continue to suppress petitioning activities by those who lost their family members in the earthquake. Emergency rescue programs have also stopped.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 19, 2008

Olympics: Cheer Squads Deployed to Cover up Empty Seats

On August 12, 2008, Wang Wei, vice-president of the Beijing Olympic Organising Committee (BOCOG) revealed they were volunteers shipped in to “create a good atmosphere” by cheering for both sides at team events, reported Times Online. “If people turn up they will let them take their seats,” Mr Wang said. On August 11 at a press conference, Wang was questioned on why seats in many games were empty. Wang stated that a lot of seats were reserved for sponsors, media and VIP and they did not come. For example they went to games they like and did not go to others. Wang urged that all should respect the rights of these audience to choose the games they want to see.

Times Online, August 12, 2008
Xinhua, August 11, 2008