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Chinese Hack Computers in U.S. Capitol, Korea and India

On Wednesday June 11, U.S. Congressman Wolf said the FBI had found that four of the computers in his office had been hacked by people working from inside China, beginning in 2006. Congressman Chris Smith said two of his computers had been attacked, in December 2006 and March 2007. Both Congressmen said the compromised computers contained information about political dissidents from around the world.

China accounted for 54 percent of the cyberattacks in Korea, according to the Korea Institute of Information Society & Cryptology in late May.  In early May, Indian officials stated that over the past one and a half years, China had mounted almost daily attacks on Indian official computer networks, including an attack on the NIC (National Infomatics Centre), which was aimed at the National Security Council. 

Washington Times, June 11, 2008 
Yonhap News, May 20, 2008 
The Times of India, May 5, 2008,prtpage-1.cms 
Chinesescope, The Red Hackers, May 16, 2005

Earthquake Stricken Military R&D Base Resumes Operations

A military research and development base in Sichuan under the General Armament Department (GAD) of the People’s Liberation Army has resumed normal operations for all of its major R&D programs, Xinhua reported on June 10. The base is responsible for several major national R&D programs. At the time of the May 12 earthquake, some equipment was going through testing and part of a power building on the base collapsed causing a power shortage.

Source: Xinhua, June 10, 2008

Communist Youth League Seeks New Image

The Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) opened its 16th National Congress in Beijing on Tuesday June 10. Hong Kong Takungpao published a commentary article titled: “Inciting Preaches Only Yields the Opposite Effect; Youth League Seeks to Change its Image”. The article said that as the major source for future Party leaders, the youth league members have been portrayed as purely political figures, while lacking abilities in economic and public affairs management. The recent appointment of Lu Hao as the new head of the Communist Youth League is an indication of change and an effort towards diversification. Moreover, the youth league is trying to focus more on humanitarian support and provide consultation to the younger generation realizing that preaching ideology no longer serves its purposes.

Source: Takingpao, Hongkong, June 10, 2008

Chinese Media Call for Boycott of London Metropolitan Univ for Supporting Tibet

Chinese internet users have formed large scale protests on the internet against London Metropolitan University and called boycotting the university, the Global Times reported. On May 21, London Metropolitan University presented the Dalai Lama with an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy.

“It is disappointing to see that the London Metropolitan University is actively recruiting college students from China while it openly supports Tibetan independence and disregards the Chinese people’s feelings” said the article, “Boycotting the London Metropolitan University is a reflection of Chinese people’s general consensus.”

The statistics published by England Higher Education Statistic Bureau show that there were a total of 49,595 Chinese students studying in England in 2006/2007, the highest among all overseas students.

Source: Global Times, June 10, 2008

Party’s Directions on Media Coverage of Earthquake Relief Work

The following news report appeared on the website of Sichuan Daily on May 15 after the earth quake in Wenchuan area of Sichuan Province. The instructions given by Liu Yunshan shows the Party’s guidance to media covering the earthquake. [1]

Condolences and Instructions from Comrade Liu Yunshan, member of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee, member of Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee, and head of the Propaganda Department of the CCP Central Committee:

“In our province, earthquake relief work is at a critical stage. Comrade Liu Yunshan, member of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee, member of Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee, and head of the Propaganda Department of the CCP Central Committee, made a phone call to Comrade Huang Xinchu, member of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, and publicity chief of the CCP in Sichuan Committee. Comrade Yunshan expressed his cordial regards to the media workers at the front line of those reporting on the earthquake, and requested media staff to enhance their political awareness, the overall awareness of the situation, their sense of responsibility, to be highly responsible to the Party and people, to firmly grasp the correct direction of the media, to uphold reports about unity, stability, to mainly focus on positive reporting, to put great effort into reporting that the Party committee and government at all levels are paying great attention to the earthquake relief work and are making timely, effective decisions and arrangements; vigorously promote various officials’ huge efforts at earthquake relief work and their touching stories; vigorously promote the heroic acts of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officers, soldiers, armed police, and public security police working in the front lines and not afraid of sacrifice; vigorously report the support from various places and their arrangement in effective ways; fully demonstrate the superiority of the socialist system with ‘the disaster at one direction and support from eight directions;’ sing soundly the major melody of uniting together, not afraid of hardships; work hard and provide the disaster relief work the powerful spiritual encouragement, media support, and ideological guarantee. Comrade Yunshan’s warm greetings and care has given great encouragement to all media workers who are participating in the reporting of the disaster relief work. This will surely and effectively push the media reports to play a more active role in guiding public opinion and giving spiritual support in the disaster relief work.”

[1] Website of Sichuan Daily, 2008-05-15

An Equation that the Soft Power of the United States Intentionally Avoids

Although in its foreign policy, the United States always treats China as its friend, the Communist Government of China never treats the US as its friend. As China has gained more international power, it has repeatedly and increasingly challenged the United States international position. Below is a translation of an article published in Globe, a magazine under the Xinhua News Agency. [1]

An Equation that the Soft Power of the United States Intentionally Avoids

During the Cold War, the position of US in the world was quite similar to the earth in the theory of the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy. According to Ptolemy, the earth is the center of the universe. All other planets as well as the sun move around the earth.

The United States also thought of itself as the earth in relation to the universe – the dominator of power, the engine of world economics, and the bastion of the “free world.” When the Cold War came to an end, this “center theory” of the United States seemed to become more evident. The world seemed to be more like Ptolemys theory than ever.

However, perhaps this view is already history.

Recently, in written media and on the Internet, there have even been articles that relate the United States to the Nazis. In the past seven or eight years, through to the two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that were both started by the US, the world has seen that Bush has successfully inherited and intensified a US-style bigotry.

Due to the strong power that United Stated has used, its soft power has been greatly damaged. At the same time, the global anti-US spirit has turned around to restrain the United States from strategically expanding. Currently, the United States is in this vicious cycle.

Therefore, although several US presidential candidates have different opinions on many other issues, on the issue of changing Americas image in the world and utilizing its soft power, their opinions are somewhat similar.

Obama proposes to withdraw the army from Iraq, McCain emphasizes funding Africa to completely cure malaria, and others suggest closing the Guantánamo Jail. The US is trying to retrieve the “moral authority” it had way back in the period of President Kennedy.

However, there are also people who do not mind the decline of the soft power of the US.

In July of 2007, the Globe interviewed Joseph Nye, the ex-Assistant Secretary of Defense, who is the one who came up with the concept of “soft power.” According to Nye, soft power includes three elements; they are culture, ideology and political values, and foreign policy.
By looking at these three elements separately, this Harvard University Professor argued that since the War in Iraq, the aspect of US soft power that has declined was foreign policy, not culture or political values. Compared with culture or value, which can only change over the long term, foreign policy can change relatively rapidly.

He also gave the following example. In the 1970s, the War in Vietnam caused a decline in support for the United States government. However, within 10 years, the USs soft power very much recovered.

He then changed the subject. He said that United States is the world leader for exporting movies, the news reported by US media affects the entire world, and the universities in the United States attract the largest number of international students in the world. “Individualism and freedom are attractive to many people,” he said.

There is no doubt that Joseph Nye is implying something – as long as the next United States president adjusts its foreign policy, the soft power of the United States can still be recovered.

However there are people who do not agree. The next US president will not be able to do much with foreign policy. United States army will stay in Iraq, continue to support Israel, intervene in the conflict between Palestine and Israel, and continue to constrain the even tougher Russia and fast developing China.

Even if Washington DCs foreign policy could be more restrained, in the aspect of culture, the “Father of soft power” is obviously missing a premise in his reasoning. The “Angel” from Hollywood no longer has blond hair and green eyes, and the devils no longer only have non-westerners characteristics. At the same time, today in China there is a famous saying, “dont be too CNN.” [2]

The United States once named freedom and democracy as “a gift to humans,” and spread them everywhere in the world. However, perhaps there are more hidden reasons for the fact that Joseph Nye will not admit that the USs ideology and political images have declined.

In 2007, after interviewing this American scholar, a Globe reporter heard the following viewpoint from a foreign policy expert: What is the United States most afraid of? It is “Capitalistic Dictatorship.”

In fact, by the so called, “Capitalistic Dictatorship,” the United States is mostly referring to Russia.

Since Putin became the President of Russia, he strengthened state power, ended the chaotic situation due to radical changes in society, and accelerated the recovery of Russias economy.
However, there is something that people do not pay much attention to. The mainstream media of the United States frequently associate Moscow with “anti-democracy” and “retrogression.” However, as to the fact that Russia is successfully getting stronger and stronger, the United States media have hidden their voices altogether.

Russia is building its own political system. While it is very much welcomed by the Russian people, it is against many American and European values.

To the western world, admitting the success of the Russian model is very hard, though this model will be kept and developed for many years into the future.

Now it is not too hard to understand that Joseph Nye is perhaps intentionally avoiding an equation such as the following: “Non-western-democracy + Success = Collapse of the USs Soft Power.” Subconsciously, this kind of ignorance still assumes that the United States is the only lighthouse in the world for the correct values, and others values are all heretical ideas.

In 2005, the Pew Center conducted a survey of people in 16 different countries. The survey asked, “If you could choose one place that you could happily live for your entire life, where would you choose?” Only people from one country had a majority vote for the United States.

Todays world has been getting closer to the theory of Copernicus. The earth is no longer the center of the Universe. Although the attractive force of the earth is still very strong, it is not strong enough to pull other celestial bodies moving around it.

Copernicus was accused because his “heretical ideas” challenged the Roman Catholic Church, but he cried, “Open your eyes and face reality.”

[1] Globe Magazine, May 9, 2008
[2] After CNN commentator Jack Caffertys “goons and thugs” remarks on China, global Chinese launched furious protests against CNN. Ever since the word “CNN” has become a negative adjective among Chinese people to refer to someone despicable.

On the Rights to Speak and Soft Power

Outlook Weekly published an article on April 21, 2008, titled, “On the Rights to Speak and Soft Power.” It was targeting for Western media’s criticism of the Chinese Communist regime on Tibetan issues. “With regard to the international public opinions, we have not seen a fundamental change in the (disadvantageous) status, characterized by the strong Western media and the weak propaganda from our side. The propaganda battle initiated by the Western media towards China is to show off the Western society’s propaganda domination,” the article stated, “We must be fully aware of the special strategic importance of building up soft power in our country.” It also said: “The CCP’s 17th National Congress placed the improvement of our soft power at the level of having national strategic importance.”

The following is the translation for this article. [1]

On the Rights to Speak and Soft Power

Centering surround the so-called “Tibetan issues,” and the Olympic Torch Relay, some Western media’s distorting ways, and certain Western politicians’ incitement, have become a familiar scene to the public. The self-proclaimed objective- and impartial-Western media with their ulterior motives, all along spread false propaganda; as a result, some of the everyday people who do not know the truth, or who knows nothing about China and those who even cannot tell where Tibet is located, taking the stance as “ The saviors,” by telling lies. It truly is a tragedy in a civilized society.

We will certainly choose to present facts to validate our argument, and fight back strongly on fair grounds, when dealing with important issues that concerns with national interests. However, the fact that this round of irresponsible defamation of China is able to have impact in Western society has its own internal factor. For example, a German politician wrote an article recently, claiming that the Western world is prepared to launch a spiritual-cold war against the emerging China.

We have, therefore, come to see that with regard to the international public opinions and we have not seen a fundamental change in the (disadvantageous) status characterized by the strong Western media and the weak propaganda from our side. The propaganda battle initiated by the Western media towards China is to show off the Western society’s propaganda supremacy.

Confronted by such a “soft power battle,” how do we improve our own propaganda authority? How do we strengthen the expressions and promulgations of China’s values? It is an urgent task that we are facing in shaping our national soft power.

We must be fully aware of the special strategic importance of formatting the soft power in our country. Soft power, as an important component in the composite national power, refers to a country’s ability to attract people by its system and the inspiration power of its cultural value, as well as the image of its citizens, a kind of intangible influential power. It has a deep impact on people’s viewpoints on international relations. As some experts pointed out, soft power must be placed at a strategic level to achieve any meaningful results.
“Generally, we do not simply establish and make use of soft power in a hurry when specific problems suddenly arise. The function of soft power is to prevent problems; that is, to dissolve problems before they ever arise.” For this reason, the Party’s 17th National Congress placed the improvement of soft power at the national strategic level.

We must pay more attention to aiming at the specific goals and improve the efficacy in the formation of soft power. Between the nations and between the people, how we make our values more acceptable to others is the key aspect and important manifestation to the soft power formation. First, in terms of the targets to be influenced by our soft power, they are not restricted to relationship between nations; they are also manifested in how to influence non-governmental organizations and citizens. Therefore, we must remember this new “microscopic sub-market” in the construction of soft power. Secondly, we must familiarize ourselves with the internationally recognized “game rules,” and make use of the language style that is easy to understand and accepted by the international communities.

It is especially worth noting that in the age of Internet, all countries attach great importance to the powerful information network to promote their values and viewpoints. Internet breaks through the limit of time and space, and has become an important way to improve one’s influence in the international society. Under such an open circumstance, we must grab the first opportunity to spread our own propaganda and control the public opinions. It is essential for us to do so to avoid crises; moreover, it is an active conduct to improve our soft power.

[1] Outlook Weekly, April 21, 2008

BBC: Yu Qiuyu Says What the Communist Party Wants but Does Not Dare to Say

China’s distinguished writer Yu Qiuyu wrote an article titled “advice to the students’ parents with tears,” asking the parents who lost their children in the earthquake to quit petitioning so as not to be used by overseas anti-China forces. Following the earthquake, lots of attention have been focused on demanding an investigation of the substandard construction of schools. Yu says in his article that the students’ parents are very emotional. Therefore, those media that could not find anti-China excuses started once again anti-China propaganda. The article caused an up-roar among the Internet users who felt it inappropriate. However, China’s Information Office of the State Council required major websites to post the article, while deleting related discussion massages.

Source: BBC, June 8, 2008; Boxun, June 7, 2008