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Senior official Warns Overheating Economy and Comprehensive Inflation

In the most recent issue of Qiushi journal, the core publication of Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party, a senior official authored an article on the risk of an “overheating economy” and “comprehensive inflation.” Xie Fuzhan, the chief of State Statistics Bureau, pointed out that China need to focus on quality and curb the “impulse of expanding investment projects.” The article suggested strengthened macroeconomic control, strict housing regulation, and tight monetary policy. To ease the expectation of price rises, Xie proposed to increase the supply for basic necessities.

Source: Xinhua, April 2, 2008

Xinhua Claims Tibetans Collaborate via Internet and Voice of America

In a comprehensive report about the March Tibetan protests on April 1, Xinhua stated that Chinese police investigations discovered that the Internet has become a most important communication channel. “In addition, the Dalai Dama Clique collaborated with ‘Tibet independence’ elements inside China via a new channel: they first contact each other through communication tools and Internet, set up a time to tune into the Tibetan language channel of Voice of America for coded instructions from overseas and reports in-China progress and trends.”

Source: Xinhua, April 1, 2008

Xinhua: the U.S. Delivery of Ballistic Missile to Taiwan is Not Simply an Error

There is a lot more to the U.S. mistaken delivery to Taiwan of electricxla fuses for an intercontinental ballistic missile, Xinhua commented on April 2, 2008. In response to the U.S. Pentagon’s explanations of the error, Xinhua commentary questioned: One, was the shipment old equipment or new nuclear weapon? Two, was the delivery the defensive arms export or nuclear proliferation? Three, was it the result of mismanagement or intentional act? Four, is Taiwan trying to re-activate its nuclear weaponry program?

Source: Xinhua, April 2, 2008

Media in China Shall Never Publish Opinions Contrary to the Party

Qiushi, the Communist Party journal, issued an article as part of a series of commentaries regarding Hu Jintao’s speech on Party propaganda. The article states that media must primarily provide positive publicity, shall never publish any opinion contrary to the spirit of the Party’s viewpoints, and shall never provide channels for spreading “noises.”

Source: Qiushi, April 1, 2008

Tibet: Police Claimed to Have Discovered Weapons in Monasteries

According to the statement released by the Public Security Bureau, police have “discovered” large quantity of weapons in some Tibet monasteries. Among the discovered were 178 rifles, 13,013 ammunition rounds, 259 knives, 3,504 kg dynamite, 19,360 detonators, and 2 grenades. These are “sufficient proofs” that the “riot of 3/14” in Lasha was organized by Dalai Clique, according to the statement. In addition, a few “key suspects” with close ties to the oversea Dalai Clique have also been arrested.

Source: Xinhua April 2, 2008

Comments from Internet Users in China about the Tibet Incident

On March 18th, when “Xi Zang” (Tibet) was typed in  Google’s search engine, other than  Beijing’s official medias, there were not any other reports about the Tibet Incidence (note: this research was done in China, behind the Internet blocks the communist government has imposed).

However, on an overseas Chinese website –, there was an article titled "Comments from Internet Users in China about the ”Tibet Incidence.”  It was a collection of comments from Chinese forums about the Tibet Incidence before the news blockage occurred. These short sentences posted on the Internet reveals the sentiments of those Chinese users about the Tibetan people. They have been, roughly, grouped into 4 groups: sympathetic (S), neutral (N), indifferent (I), and hatred (H).

It is alarming that most of the Internet postings showed indifference, neutrality or even hatred towards Tibetan protesters. As a result of decades of government propaganda in furtherance of its political agenda, there lacks mutual understanding and sympathy between the Han majority and other minority groups.

Below is a translation to this article: [1]

Comments from Internet users in Mainland China on the Tibet protests (found cached before being blocked).

User:” Look at the recent “attempted bomb attack” that was successfully aborted in Xinjiang, as well as the “gasoline incident” on an airplane. It was reported earlier that the gasoline was not to be lighted until the airplane got close to Beijing.” (N)

User: “The enemies have very little time left and they are getting crazy.” (H)

User: “There have been Tibetan riots in the capital of Tibet these days, which had caused an increasing number of deaths.” (N)

User: “An Australian Reporter reported that the number of deaths are still rising.”(N)

User: “In the past several days there have been several Tibetans rebellious incidences in Tibet’s capital, they are drawing a lot of attention from the outside. The picture below shows a group of Tibetan protesters burning a Chinese national flag.” (N)

Below are historical records (also cached) from an Internet forum in China before they were removed.

”Only 80 people died. Just a minor tragedy, not a big deal.”(H)

”It turned out that Tibetans’ lives are so cheap!” (S)

”Not sure how it is going over there. I’m from Shanxi.” (N)

“If you want to know more details, you can go onto international news pages." (N)

“Kill this trash.” (H)
Comment in reply to: “Only 80 people died. Just a minor tragedy, not a big deal.”

”Non-humans can speak after all.” (S)

”I am really looking forward to the fourth, fifth and sixth atomic bombs on Japan’s territories. It must be really cool." (H)

"For those “people” who want to die, just “rise up." (H)

“Eliminate them.” (H)

"Resolutely wipe out all reactionary forces!” (H)

“What can I say?” (I)

“Everything has a cause.” (S)
“We cannot give up even an inch of the properties our ancestors left us.” (I)
Comment in reply to:” Only 80 people died. Just a little massacre, not a big deal.”

"Human trash, talking like this!!!!” (S)

“Only Chinese say things like this.” (S)
Comment in reply to:” Only 80 people died. Just a little massacre, not a big deal.”

“Who the hell are you? What kind of crap are you saying!!!!!!!” (S)

“How beautiful it would be if there are five or six atomic bombs explode simultaneously right above Japan!!!!” (H)

"Tragedy. Chinese people’s tragedy. Tao brother (referring to the president of China-Hu Jintao), you are leaving us with zero hope. I don’t want to say anything anymore. Brothers and sisters, let’s just focus on working and making money.” (S)

 ‘Even if they become independent, can they survive?” (I)

“Any reactionary forces and violent forces must be punished harshly and we must be determined to destroy them. " (H)

“We should assign someone good to go and kill Dalai. That would resolve all the problems.” (H)

“We should use forces to finish up Dalai as early as possible.” (H)

“Kill. It would give us 50 years of stability.” (H)
"Those who are calling for independence, we must shoot them like birds. Whenever one comes out, kill him first. No matter how crazy they get, there will not be the second Mongolia. Go as crazy as you want, but wherever you are, you are always the ones to be ruled.” (H)

“Carry out proletariat dictatorship over those anti-revolutionaries who commit grave crimes.” (H)

"This incidence has a deep background and profound causes. The Dalai’s group carefully planned and organized it. The important thing to realize is that they have used the shortcomings and underdevelopment of our nation’s political system. From now on we must persistently enhance and improve it, so that others will not take advantage of it.” (H)
Comment in reply to:” Only 80 people died. Just a minor tragedy, not a big deal.”

“Are you Chinese or Japanese?” (S)

Below are error messages after clicking the“3.14 Tibet Incidence” search results in several Chinese search engines

Web page of the“3.14 Tibet Incidence”:
Error: The page you are trying to visit probably does not exist or has encountered other problems or errors. Please visit other pages or visit the Spacewomen homepage.

Web page of the“3.14 Tibet Incidence”:
Please do not publish any other articles about Tibet Incidence.

Web page of the“3.14 Tibet Incidence”:
The article you are looking for is from bbs. We will delete it and other relevant ones shortly. We ask for your cooperation. Thanks.

Video Web page of the” Tibet Incidence”: Blog – the video has been deleted.

[1] Boxun News, March 18th, 2008

Official Newspaper Praise the Patriotism of the Young Oversea Chinese Immigrants

This front page article, titled “The Young Men Who Protest ‘Tibetan Separatist’ and the Western Media Deformation” and published by International Herald Leader, a subsidiary of the official Xihua News, spoke of the stories of three young oversea Chinese for their “heroic actions” to defend the image of the “country” (China). The three Chinese, aged from 20 to 24, are all recent immigrants to the west. One of them lives in Canada and had produced a Youtube video for the purpose to “educate the west with true facts that Tibet is an inseparable part of China”. The second young man featured in the story, a residence of England, had vowed to place the Chinese national flag inside the “head-quarter of the Tibetan Separatist” in London. The third one had created an ANTI-CNN.COM website aimed at exposing the western media for smearing China with fabricated stories. In the end, the article praises the “grass-root power” and the “patriotism” demonstrated by the generation of 1980’s and their ability to expose the “arrogant and prejudice” of the western media "so more people in the west can learn the truth about Tibet”.

Source: Xinhua April 1, 2008

Revolutionary Model Plays Become School Teaching Materials

With the Exception of “The White-Haired Girl,” All of the First Group of Model Plays Is Included in the Teaching Materials [1].

On November 28, 1966, the central Cultural Revolution Leading Group held a Proletariat Cultural Revolution Congress for Literature and the Arts in Beijing. Leader Kang Sheng of the central Great Cultural Revolution Leading Group announced that the following Peking operas, “Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy,” “The Red Lantern,” “Harbor,” “Sha Jia Bang,” “The Surprise Attack White Tiger Group,” and the ballets, “The White-Haired Girl,” “The Red Detachment of Women,” as well as the music of “Sha Jia Bang” were all “revolution model plays.”

The authorities showcased the “revolution model plays” from May 9 to Jun 15, 1967, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s speech during the “Yenan seminar on literature and arts.” The performance lasted 37 days with 330,000 audience members attending the 218 shows. Mao Zedong, Lin Biao, Zhou Enlai and the central Great Cultural Revolution group members also watched parts of the show. People’s Daily wrote, “The eight revolution model plays prominently propagandized the brilliance of Mao Zedong’s thoughts, and prominently eulogized the workers, peasants and soldiers. This joint performance is a major event in the revolution of the arts. It has greatly uplifted the proletariat spirit and greatly extinguished bourgeoisie power and prestige… It has established a glorious model for the proletariat revolution’s literary arts.”
Recently the Ministry of Education office sent out a “Notice on Launching Peking Opera into Elementary and Middle School Classrooms,” requiring the teaching of Peking opera in the music curriculum. The Ministry of Education has revised the “Compulsory Education Music Curriculum Standards” to include the related Peking opera teaching materials, and has chosen 15 Peking operas for elementary and middle schools music classes. Surprisingly all of the “revolution model plays” except “White-Haired Girl” were included in the teaching materials. The selected pieces even include “Harbor,” which promotes class struggle and continuing revolution.


The Administration of the Ministry of Education’s Notice On Teaching Peking Opera to Elementary and Middle Schools [2]


To the provincial and municipal education departments of Beijing, Tianjin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Guangdong, Gansu (Education Committee):

In order to implement the party spirit proposed during the 17th party congress, inherit the Chinese nation’s outstanding culture, and construct the spiritual realms of the Chinese nation, our unit has decided to bring Peking opera into the nine years of compulsory education music curriculum. 15 Peking operas’ classical arias have been added to the revised “Compulsory Education Music Curriculum Standard” to be taught to the students during the 9 years of education. Editing the teaching materials and the production of CDs have already started.

From March 2008 to July 2009, we will experiment with teaching Peking opera to elementary and middle schools in Beijing, Tianjin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Guangdong, and Gansu before gradually extending to the entire nation.

Each province (city) will select 20 schools (10 elementary schools and 10 middle schools) for the experiment. We suggest selecting schools in central city areas that have good foundations.

The education department for each site should treat the teaching of Peking operas as a priority. At the same time, each site should maximize the role of professionals in the training of teachers.
Each site must have model guidance, establish school teaching and research systems, and encourage the general music teachers to enhance their grasp of Peking opera teaching and ability through various means.

In order to help the experimental site to train the teachers and raise the standards of Peking opera in elementary and middle schools, our unit will organize training for teachers in March 2008.

The educational administration departments of the test sites must earnestly summarize their experiences and solve the problems they encounter to help teach the whole nation.

In order to facilitate work in the test site, we ask that each test site earnestly fill in information on their schools (see Appendix 1) and submit it to our unit before February 29.

The Ministry of Education

February 2, 2008

cc: The People’s Education Publishing House and the National Peking Opera Theater

[1] new century website, on February 27, 2008
[2] Chinese Ministry of Education, on February 2, 2008