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Selected Speeches by Jiang Zemin

[Editor’s Note: Former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong, a mind-body spiritual exercise in China, in July 1999. The following are the original documents of Jiang Zemin’s order to crack down on Falun Gong.] Continue reading

China Issues a Secret Document Mandating Atheism Propaganda

[Editor’s note: Radio Free Asia reported on November 21 that The China Aid Association released a long awaited, secret document by top Chinese government and Communist Party departments. This document was obtained from a current, high-ranking Communist Party official, who is extremely unhappy about the repressive party policy toward religious groups in China. This document, entitled “Notice on Further Strengthening Marxist Atheism Research, Propaganda and Education” dated May 27, 2004, is a notice named “Zhong Xuan Fa [2004] No.13” issued jointly by the Department of Propaganda of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Department of Propaganda of the Central Committee of the CPC, the Office of the Central Steering Committee on Spiritual Civilization Construction, the Communist Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC and Ministry of Education, as well as the China Academy of Social Science.  It is classified as a “secret document.”

This secret notice was issued to “further boost Marxist atheism research, propaganda, and education.” It reflects a new assessment from the top Party leaders, in light of “the new situation to target ‘Falun Gong,’ and various pseudo-sciences and superstitions, and represents a new trend of denigrating Western ‘hostile’ forces attempting to ‘westernize’ and ‘disintegrate’ China, in the name of religion”. It mandates that Marxist atheism propaganda and education be integrated into all sectors of society throughout the country, at all levels. All efficient measures shall be taken to “ban all uncivilized conduct in spreading superstitions,” in order to assist “peoples’ minds to be educated, spirits enriched, and their state of thought improved.”]

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In Memory of Zhao Ziyang: Human Conscience Overcomes Party Ideology

On January 17, former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Zhao Ziyang passed away at the age of 85 in a Beijing Hospital, an event mourned by many concerned with China’s welfare across the world. Zhao’s life is a microcosm of contemporary China, one of tumultuous change and reversals of course. We saw things come full circle with Zhao’s life Party ideology undermining a person’s human nature, and human nature reawakened.

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Chinese Communist Party Projects a Declining U.S. Power

[Editor’s note: China is now regarded as the most important ascending world power, but whether its impact on the world will be positive or negative, cooperative or combative, is yet to be seen.   It is imperative to understand how the Communist leadership sees the world and evaluates the global power structure.  Their assessment likely determines the route they intend for China to take. The following is a translation of an article published by Liu Ji, Jiang Zeming’s advisor, in the Hong Kong Observer Star in October 2004]

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CCP Plays Games over Zhao Ziyang’s Funeral Plans – Special Interview with Gao Wenqian

The funeral service of the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Zhao Ziyang was held on the morning of January 29 at Babaoshan Cemetery in Beijing. Without mentioning Zhao’s background as former Premier, General Secretary of the CCP, or a key figure in China’s reform, the Xinhua News Agency published a brief obituary, which instead emphasized that Zhao “made serious mistakes in 1989.” With regard to the CCP’s handling of Zhao’s death, Epoch Times reporter Xin Fei interviewed Mr. Gao Wenqian, who is one of China’s most prominent official historians.

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The U.S. Factor in Jiang Zemin’s Decision to Crackdown on Falun Gong

When former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin, launched the persecution of Falun Gong, one of his primary motivations was to target a perceived threat by the United States.

Two Chinese Communist Party internal documents (see Appendix) show how Jiang Zemin in 1999 motivated and ordered the Communist Party to crackdown on Falun Gong. The two documents—a letter and a speech by Jiang addressing his politburo (the small circle of men who effectively run the country)—indicate that one of Jiang’s reasons in using heavy measures towards Falun Gong was to fend off the “U.S. threat.”

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