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Xinhua: China-Arab Beidou Satellite Navigation Cooperation Forum Took Place

Xinhua recently reported that the Third China-Arab Beidou Satellite Navigation Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing on December 9. China and the Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization (AICTO) agreed jointly to implement no less than five projects in key areas on an application scale in the next two years and would do so by utilizing the Chinese satellite navigation system – Beidou/GNSS. The two parties will jointly promote the deployment of one to two Beidou/GNSS centers in interested Arab countries. In recent years, Beidou has been utilized widely in Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Lebanon, Oman, Morocco and the UAE to provide a variety of services such as real-time accurate positioning, land surveying and mapping, transportation, precision agriculture, environmental monitoring, security, and railway construction. This Forum marked the beginning of a new era for Beidou’s large-scale application deployments characterized as marketization, industrialization, and internationalization.

Source: Xinhua, December 9, 2021

Wal-Mart Closed More Stores and Bridgestone Closed Factory in China

Well-known Chinese news site Sina (NASDAQ: SINA) recently reported that, not long ago, Walmart closed a fifteen-year-old store in Beijing. It is closing another store in one of Shanghai’s best locations. From 2016 to 2020, in four years, Wal-Mart closed 80 stores in China. Since the beginning of 2021, the number of closed stores has reached 27. In most instances, Wal-Mart’s explanation was that the lease term had expired. Analysts expressed the belief that the cost to operate in China, including such items as the rent and labor, continue to rise. In addition to that, online e-commerce has also had an impact in the retail industry. In recent years, the government has increased its support for domestic companies. International companies are seeing less-than-expected growth. Sina also reported that the Japanese tire giant, Bridgestone, just announced it is closing the Bridgestone (Huizhou) Tire Company in Guangdong Province. In recent years, the fact that Japanese companies have been withdrawing from China has aroused concern. A typical example is Toshiba’s closure of its Dalian factory. There have been reports that the Japanese government is planning to set aside a high budget to help Japanese companies move production lines away from China. Bridgestone saw a 15 percent decline in global sales in 2020. For a while now, the company has been planning to close the Chinese Huizhou factory at the end of 2021 .

(1) Sina, December 11, 2021
(2) Sina, December 7, 2021

The CCP Held a High-Profile National Religious Work Conference

From December 3rd to 4th, the National Conference on Religious Work was held in Beijing. Xi Jinping gave a key speech at the meeting. Many key officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attended the meeting, including all Politburo Standing Committee members, Politburo members, Secretaries of the CCP Central Secretariat, officials of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, State Council members, the President of the Supreme People’s Court, the President of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, top officials from the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, top CCP provincial officials in charge religious work, city party heads from key cities in each province, top officials at the CCP Central Departments, the state’s ministries, and the Central Military Commission organs.

Xi Jinping stressed the party’s leadership over religions and the need to develop a group of CCP officials who are experts on Marxist theories and capable of doing religious control work.

Source: China Government Site, December 4, 2021

China’s Ministry of Finance Supported Zhejiang Province’s Common Prosperity Moves

This summer, Xi Jinping introduced the concept of “Common Prosperity.” The Chinese media have since hotly discussed the “Third Distribution.” It would involve distributing wealth from the rich to the poor via donations from the rich. In China, this could be a donation the authorities enforced- instead of a voluntary donation. Zhejiang Provincial Party Secretary Yuan Jiajun led the provincial leaders to donate a day’s worth of wages on September 3, to echo the call for the “Third Distribution.”

Xinhua reported that, recently, the Ministry of Finance published “The Implementation Plan to Support Zhejiang Province as a Provincial Example to Explore, Innovate, and Develop Fiscal Policies to Promote Common Prosperity.” This plan is the first plan to use fiscal policies to promote common prosperity. The plan fully intends to leverage the fiscal policies and the “Second Distribution” (via taxation) function; to adjust and influence the “First Distribution” and the “Third Distribution.”

Source: Xinhua, December 1, 2021


Chinese Companies Are Mining Lithium and Rare Earths in Afghanistan

Liberty Times reported that at least 20 Chinese companies, both state-owned and privately-owned, have inquired about lithium projects in Afghanistan. Global Times reported that, currently, five Chinese companies have stationed representatives in Afghanistan. They are conducting site inspections in order to develop lithium projects.

Afghanistan has large untapped reserves of copper, iron, zinc, lithium, and rare earths. These reserves are valued at more than $1 trillion.

Source: Liberty Times, November 24, 2021

The Chinese Foreign Ministry Asked U.S. Businesses and Local Officials to “Work on” the Biden Administration

On November 30, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng held a virtual conference with representatives from the U.S. business community, state and local governments. the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China), AmCham Shanghai, the U.S.-China Business Council (USCBC), and representatives of America’s state and local governments in China, who all attended the dialogue.

At the meeting, Xie explicitly asked the business community and local governments to influence and work on Biden Administration to advance Beijing’s agenda.

Xie said, “We hope you will continue to play a unique and important role, speak out for what is right, and encourage the U.S. administration to follow a sensible and pragmatic China policy and to stop waging a trade war, industrial war or technology war and stop creating confrontation or conflict over values, ideology or geopolitics.”

On trade and economic relations, Xie added, “I hope you can work on the Biden administration to lift the tariff hikes, stop suppressing and sanctioning Chinese businesses, and create a level playing field for Chinese and American businesses.”

Xie also asked the meeting attendees to work on the one-China policy and the Beijing Winter Olympics. “I hope you will use your influence to urge the U.S. administration to truly abide by the three Sino-U.S. joint communiqués and honor the true one-China policy, which should not be altered, distorted or negated.  . . . Boycotting the Olympic Games for political reasons would harm the interests of athletes and go against the common aspiration of the international community. Beijing will host the Winter Olympics next February, and Los Angeles will host the Summer Olympics in 2028. China and the United States need to support each other and jointly honor the Olympic spirit of solidarity, friendship, fair play and mutual understanding. In this regard, I count on positive contributions from the U.S. business community as well as states and cities.”

Source: Chinese Foreign Ministry website, November 30, 2021

CCP Official on Social Stability and the “Fengqiao Experience”

Guo Shengkun, secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission 0f the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), published an article in the official People’s Daily on December 2, stressing the “Fengqiao Experience” and “grid-based” administration, as well as combat against the infiltration of subversive and destructive activities by hostile forces.

The article proposed to focus on the outstanding issues affecting national security and social stability, and on improving the ability to prevent and resolve major risks and hazards.

It called for “strictly preventing and combating the subversive and destructive activities of hostile forces, carrying out in-depth anti-terrorist and anti-secession battles, and effectively building an iron wall to maintain national security.”

Guo also emphasized the “Fengqiao Experience” to maximize the prevention of social conflicts, reduce confrontation and promote stability.

The “Fengqiao experience” was a Mao-era practice from the 1960’s. It involved mobilizing the masses in order to “strengthen the dictatorship over class enemies.” It was named after Fengqiao Township, a part of the city of Zhuji in Zhejiang province.

Gao vowed to strengthen the grassroots work, deepen the “grid-based” administration, and strive to nip risks in the bud. The Chinese government has divided local communities into a grid pattern, with each grid made up of from dozens up to hundreds of households.  A designated person called the “grid administrator” leads the administration process.

Recently in Beijing, the city government has been organizing a number of community surveillance groups. They include the “Chaoyang Masses” (朝阳群众), the “Haiding Internet Users” (海淀网友), and the “Xicheng Aunties” (西城大妈). These groups have been used to implement the “Fengqiao experience” as part of the CCP’s practice of battling social instability.

Source: People’s Daily, December 2, 2021

Beijing Appointed National Security Advisers for Macau

On December 3, according to China’s official Xinhua News Agency, China’s central government decided to establish a national security affairs advisor and three national security technical advisors to be on a Committee for Safeguarding the National Security of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). Beijing actually made this decision on November 30 in its reply to the Chief Executive of Macau.

The reply also said that the head of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in the Macau SAR in Beijing will take the position of national security advisor and that staff members in the Liaison Office will fill the positions of technical advisors. The Liaison Office works as Beijing’s representative in Macau.

The national security affairs adviser will be in charge of “supervising, guiding, coordinating, and supporting the Macao SAR in the function of safeguarding national security.” The duties of the national security technical adviser shall include “assisting the national security affairs adviser” and advising on matters pertaining to the duties and functions of the office of the Committee for Safeguarding the National Security of the Macao SAR.

In addition, the reply mentioned that the national security affairs adviser shall sit in on meetings of the Committee, and the national security technical advisers shall sit in on meetings of the office of the Committee.

The Hong Kong National Security Law that passed last year also provided for the establishment of a “Committee for Safeguarding National Security.” The Chief Executive would chair the Committee. His duties would include analyzing and assessing the situation of the HKSAR’s national security, planning relevant work, formulating policies, promoting the development of legal systems and implementation mechanisms, and coordinating major operations. The Committee in Hong Kong also has a national security advisor that Beijing appointed. The advisor would attend its meetings and provide advice on related matters.

Source: Xinhua, December 3, 2021