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Global Times: The UK and Japan 2+2 Meeting Expressed Concern about China Seas

The Chinese government backed newspaper Global Times recently reported that the Foreign Ministers and Defense Ministers of Great Britain and Japan met online. They issued a joint announcement after the meeting expressing “serious concerns” about the situation in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. The ministers also said they are against any intent to change the status quo. They reemphasized the importance of maintaining freedom both of navigation and of flying over the South China Sea, and urged all parties to exercise restraint. Britain, as an outsider, has been raising its voice on the issue of the East and South China seas. Last December, the British Navy announced that it would send the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier to the South China Sea. The Chinese Ministry of Defense spokesperson said that countries from far far away coming to the South China Sea to show military muscle is the true militarization of the South China Sea and that the Chinese military will take necessary measures to resolutely defend China’s sovereignty.

Source: Global Times, February 4, 2021

CFLD, Once Ranked among Top Ten Real Estate Developers, Is in Debit Crisis

After HNA filed for bankruptcy in January, China Fortune Land Development (CFLD or 华夏幸福), a publicly traded Chinese real estate developer in Beijing, said that the company was in debit crisis. The public notice that the company issued stated that it had 5.255 billion (US$810 million) in outstanding loans due while it had 800 million yuan (US$124 million) in cash available to pay these debts. A creditor committee of financial institutions formed on February 1 to coordinate with all parties to resolve the issues.

Back in 2016, CFLD achieved over 120 billion (US$18.6 billion) in revenue and was ranked the number 8 real estate developer in the country. In March 2017, as the local governments in major cities, including a number of regions outside of Beijing, issued housing purchase restriction orders to curb the overheating real estate market, the housing market in the suburbs and cities near Beijing cooled down. CFLD was hit hard in operating cash. In 2018, it tried to sell the ownership of multiple projects to recoup cash. Between July 2018 and February 2019, the Pingan Group injected 18 billion (US$2.78 billion) in cash into CFLD and became the second largest shareholder of CFLD. In 2019, CFLD’s sales revenue dropped 11 percent to 145 billion (US22.4 billion). Its sales in 2020 were estimated to be 96 billion (US$15 billion). Its industry ranking also dropped to 47th place in the nation. The CFLD Chairman of the Board attributed the cause of the debt crisis to the following reasons: it under-estimated the market decline in the suburban regions in Beijing; new market developments were below expectation; excessive expansion and poor management; and COVID 19.

Source:, February 2, 2021

A U.S. Report on a Pro-Chinese Propaganda Spam Network

On February 4, 2021, Graphika, an independent U.S. market research firm issued a report called “Spamouflage Breakout,” detailing the activities of a sprawling pro-Chinese propaganda network that Graphika has dubbed “Spamouflage.” The network uses “fake accounts and reaches real social media users, including some recipients with heavyweight influence. It sends hundreds of videos that praise China, criticize the United States, and attack the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement and exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui.”

Graphika took note that elements of the network were already active in the second half of 2018, when it primarily attacked Chinese émigré billionaire Guo Wengui (郭文贵, also known as Miles Kwok). In 2019, the main target became the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement. After the global outbreak of the corona virus pandemic in 2020, the activities changed focus to praise China. The report alleged that as early as February last year, social media accounts acclaimed China’s rapid response to the fight against the epidemic. Starting in June, the cyber army began to criticize the United States for failing to control the virus.

The network used videos mostly pieced together from news clips, which were full of prejudice and contained false information. The report cited an example of a fake information video titled “Vaccines will not get America out of this mess.” Without providing any evidence, it argued that “the safety of the [U.S. developed Pfizer-BioNTech] vaccine was in doubt, but it was quickly approved.” On January 21, it followed up with another video that claimed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had been approved in haste despite serious risks.

It has been found that the network has successfully engaged real users. “Nevertheless, in the past three months Spamouflage has been amplified by, among others, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, a Pakistani politician, a senior figure at Huawei Europe, a UK commentator and former member of parliament, George Galloway, and four YouTube channels for Chinese viewers with tens of thousands of followers. This is the first time that we have observed Spamouflage content reaching external audiences in this way.”

The report highlighted a few fake social media accounts that Spamouflage has used. One of them called @jingrunhe, screen name “贺景润 He Jingrun,” uses a young woman as its profile picture. This account was created on July 7, 2009, but its first recorded tweet was only posted on January 7, 2020, soon after the United States killed Iranian General Qasem. Then the account repeatedly spread videos and posts that showed a strong alignment with the Chinese government messaging on issues including Hong Kong, Taiwan, relations with the United States, U.S. sanctions, and China’s increasingly troubled relationship with Australia – including an accusation of war crimes against Australian troops. Many Chinese diplomatic accounts interacted with this account. As early as February 2020, the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Spokesman Lijian Zhao, one of the best known of China’s “wolf warriors,” retweeted her; he was to do so five times in the next three months. “According to a scan with Meltwater, China’s ambassador to Iran retweeted her 25 times and tweeted her a quote eight times; China’s ambassador to the Dominican Republic retweeted her 15 times and quoted her nine times; the Chinese Embassy in France retweeted her 18 times and quoted her tweet nine times; and the ambassador to Panama retweeted her nine times and quote-tweeted her 15 times.” In addition, He Jingrun was also retweeted by the Twitter account of Huawei Europe, with over five million followers and shared by Huawei Europe senior executive Mike Bai, with over 800,000 followers. Amplified by real people, this account was also retweeted by Chilean politician Hugo Gutierrez (126,000 followers, four retweets), Panamanian TV personality Annette Quinn (109,000 followers, two retweets) and philosopher Fernando Buen Abad (108,000 followers, 13 retweets). It was also retweeted 37 times by Pakistani politician Khurram Nawaz Gandapur (91,000 followers).”

Source: Graphika, “Spamouflage Breakout,” February 4, 2021
Radio Free Asia, February 5, 2021

Xinhua and US Reported Different Content on China-US High Level Phone Call

Yang Jiechi, Member of CCP Political Bureau and Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State had a phone call on the 6th. This was the first conversation between high-ranking officials of the two countries since Biden took office. However, the reports that each country released were different.

1) In the statement from the U.S. State Department, Blinken “stressed that the United States will continue to stand up for human rights and democratic values, including in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong,” and “will hold China accountable for threats to the stability of the Taiwan Strait.” But none of these were mentioned in the news article that Xinhua reported. Instead, it reported that Yang reiterated that Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and other matters are China’s internal affairs and no external forces are allowed to interfere.

2) In the U.S. State Department statement, Blinken “reaffirmed that the United States will work together with its allies and partners in defense of our shared values and interests to hold the PRC accountable for its efforts to threaten stability in the Indo-Pacific region, including across the Taiwan Strait, and its undermining of the rules-based international system.” Xinhua’s report said that Yang emphasized that the Taiwan issue is the most important and sensitive core issue in China-US relations. He reiterated the “One China Principle” and the three Sino-US joint communiqués. The Xinhua report also said that Blinken repeated that the U.S. will continue to pursue the “One China Policy” and follow the US-China Three Communiqués.

3) In the U.S. State Department statement, Blinken pressed China to join the international community in condemning the military coup in Burma. Xinhua reported that Yang Jiechi reiterated China’s position on the current situation in Myanmar and stressed that “the international community should create a positive external environment for the proper settlement of the Myanmar issue.” China recently blocked the UN Security Council statement condemning the military coup in Myanmar.

1. Central News Agency, February 7, 2021
2. Department of State, February 5, 2021
3. Xinhua, February 6, 2021

Pandemic: People in Shanghai Do not Trust China-Made Vaccine

China has started providing COVID-19 vaccine to doctors, nurses, and people in essential industries. However, several official documents from Shanghai, which the Epoch Times obtained, show that people in Shanghai do not want to take the China-made vaccine.

Jing’an District is a main district in Shanghai, with a population of 1.06 million. It has 9 tertiary hospitals (usually these are the comprehensive and general hospitals in the city and have over 500 beds), 9 secondary hospitals (usually with 100 to 500 beds), and 15 society health service centers.

A report by the Jing’an District Health Committee on January 8, 2021, stated it had “surveyed 113,000 people in the district and 24,000 expressed interest in taking the vaccine.” That means 21.2 percent of the people were willing to take the vaccine, while 78.8 percent people were not.

Two other reports by the Jing’an District Health Committee showed that healthcare providers have a low interest in the Chinese vaccine. The Cishuixian Women and Children’s Hospital surveyed 135 people, but only 33 people were willing to take the shot. In Huadong Hospital, 616 out of 1,261 surveyed people were interested. In the Shanghai Dermatology Hospital, 124 out of 735 surveyed people were interested.

Government employees were not interested either. Only 25 people from the 155 people surveyed in the Shanghai Municipal Health Insurance Management Center were open to taking the vaccine.

Ten delivery companies surveyed 1,196 people, with a total of 12 people showing interest. One taxi company has 2 people out of 101 surveyed who showed interest and another taxi company had only 1 out of 30 surveyed who showed interest.

The district has 42 senior centers and 1 rescue station in the district. A total of 1,317 people in these institutes were surveyed. While 35 institutes reported zero interest, the other 8 institutes had 48 people who showed interest.

Excerpt in Chinese:



上海市静安区卫生健康委员会在2021年1月8日提交的《2020年度静安区疾病预防控制工作汇报》中透露:1. “辖区排摸11.3万人,有意愿接种的2.4万人”;愿意接种新冠疫苗的比例仅为21.2%,不足四分之一;换言之,四分之三的上海静安区市民是不愿意接种新冠疫苗的。









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Pandemic: Status of COVID-19 in China as of February 4, 2021

The COVID-19 virus has continued to spread in China. Both Beijing and Shanghai have reported cases.

As of February 4, 2021, the Chinese government published 10 high-risk areas and 51 medium-risk areas, in Beijing, Shanghai, the three provinces: Hebei, Heilongjiang, and Jilin.

High-risk areas are in five cities:

  • Beijing (with 1 high risk area)
  • Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province (1)
  • Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province (4)
  • Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province (3)
  • Tonghua City, Jilin Province (1)

Medium-risk areas are in the following cities:

  • Shanghai (with 3 medium-risk areas)
  • Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province (3)
  • Xingtai City, Hebei Province (2)
  • Baoding City, Hebei Province (1)
  • Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province (1)
  • Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province (21)
  • Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province (19)
  • Changchun City, Jilin Province (1)

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China’s New Regulation Restricts Online Self-publishers

On January 31, 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced that online self-publishers (also called We Media) must first obtain a “permit” before posting news information. The CAC will implement “review before publishing” management for live streaming and interactive content. It will focus on disruptions of the order on social media platforms that involve self-publishers.

Zhuang Rongwen, Deputy Minister of the CCP Central Propaganda Department and CAC Director pointed out that regardless of the nature of the platform, regardless of the form of communication, they must place a top priority on adherence to the correct political direction.

Earlier, on January 22, 2021, the CAC issued a new regulation to restrict China’s tens of millions of self-publishers on social media platforms even further. The regulation will be effective February 22, 2021. According to the new regulation, public accounts that “provide online news service to the public shall obtain the Internet News Information Permit and other relevant media accreditation.”

Sources:, February 1, 2021
Cyberspace Administration of China, January 22, 2021

Pandemic: Fake Vaccine in China

China reported a case involving fake COVID-19 vaccine. The public security authorities recently cracked a case involving counterfeit vaccine. The authorities arrested more than 80 suspects and seized more than 3,000 sticks of fake vaccine which were filled with physiological saline.

The case involved police from Beijing, Jiangsu Province, and Shandong Province. The suspect has been selling the fake vaccine since September 2020.

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