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Does Wuhan Need Donations of Medical Supplies?

On January 23, 2020, Wuhan announced a “lockdown” of the city because of the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic. On the same day, eight major hospitals in Wuhan requested the public donation of face masks and other medical materials. The government also issued a donation request, but stated that it would not accept donations from overseas.

The government donation request was issued in the No. 4 Announcement of the recently established Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control Command Center. The announcement stated, “Temporarily do not accept materials not related to epidemic prevention and control, or donations from overseas.”

Sing Tao Daily reported that despite Wuhan’s refusal of overseas help, many Chinese lived overseas and were still donating money and materials and trying to find channels to ship the medical materials to Wuhan.

Radio Free Asia reported that a Chinese netizen commented on the Internet, “The group of doctors is usually the most obedient. Normally, if hospitals run out of materials, they go to the supervising government office or other hospitals for help. If they need to go to the public for donations, the government will handle the request and then distribute the received goods among the hospitals. This time Wuhan hospitals made the announcement on their own. That is, uniformly, a slap in the face for the Wuhan government. It showed that the medical community in Wuhan was totally sad, disappointed, and desperate (because of what the government did), and could no longer tolerate it.”

Radio Free Asia also commented on the Wuhan government’s not accepting overseas donations. It said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not want to lose face. Claiming itself to be “leading the world” and handing out tens of billions of dollars every time it visited Africa, Xi Jinping and the CCP do not want to make themselves look bad by asking for help from other countries.

1. People’s Daily, January 23, 2020
2. Sing Tao Daily, January 24, 2020武漢告急 全球華人募集防護品/
3. Radio Free Asia, January 24, 2020

Taiwan Condemns China for Using Wuhan Pneumonia to Play Politics

Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, Taiwan has confirmed at least one case of the Wuhan pneumonia. Nevertheless, Taiwan was not invited to join other member states with confirmed cases in an emergency meeting that WHO (the World Health Organization) held on Wednesday January 22.

On Wednesday, in its response to the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic, the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Geng Shuang said at a regular press conference regarding Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO, “No one cares more about the health and well-being of Taiwan compatriots than the Chinese central government.” On Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, Geng said, “Reasonable arrangements must be made through cross-strait consultations under the one-China principle.”

The Taiwan government responded to Geng’s statement with dissatisfaction, regret, and condemnation. Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Joanne OU said on Thursday that, while the pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan has “intensified sharply and continued to spread outward,” not only did the Chinese Foreign Ministry not “share the facts about the epidemic’s situation” with Taiwan, but it also “posed as the central government and played politics” to denigrate Taiwan’s national sovereignty status. “The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs deeply regrets such a bad act on China’s part and condemns it.”

In an interview with the VOA, Richard Bush, a senior researcher at the East Asian Studies Center at the Brookings Institute, said that the handling of the new coronavirus put China in an awkward situation, but Beijing’s political operations may “not be a bad thing. It actually let people see clearly what kind of government it is.”

Source: Voice of America, January 23, 2020

Xinhua: Xi Jinping Set National Strategy to Combat Wuhan Pneumonia

Xinhua reported on January 25th, the first day of the Chinese New Year, that Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. The Chinese top leadership meeting focused on fighting the Wuhan Pneumonia epidemic. The meeting officially formed the Epidemic Central Leadership Working Group, directly reporting to the Standing Committee. The Working Group is dispatching guiding groups to key provinces where outbreaks occur to strengthen “frontline combat.” The meeting requires the nation to listen to the central command, enhance the coordination of a number of activities, ensure the distribution of medical and other supplies, protect the medical personnel, stabilize the domestic market, and strengthen the guidance of public opinion. The State Council was tasked with the coordination of the operational work across the nation. The meeting also established the principles for the central management of patients, the central management of medical experts, the central coordination of resources and supplies, as well as centralized rescue and treatment. Under these principles, the plan is to appoint or set up central hospitals and medical camps nationwide dedicated to this disease, to coordinate and combine both military and civilian medical supplies, to establish treatment procedures with both Western and Chinese traditional practices, and to prepare enough financial support for the needs. The meeting also required increasing the monitoring network for early signs and early reports; sanitizing key public places like food markets, transportation hubs and means; and developing new medicines. The meeting emphasized the importance of controlling public opinion and communication. As part of the plan, China is also willing to cooperate with international organizations like WHO (the World Health Organization) and the authorities of other nations and regions to contain the disease.

Source: Xinhua, January 25, 2020

Beijing Funds a Professorship at Distinguished University in Germany

Recently, several alumni from the Free University of Berlin (FUB) published an open letter to Germany’s Federal Minister of Education and Research, the Mayor of Berlin, and the President of FUB, calling for clarification on the issue of China funding a German professorship position in the East Asian Studies Department. They called for an immediate end to such a practice. The advocate of the open letter, David Missal, had been deported from China in August 2018 for following the story of a Chinese activist lawyer who the regime had suppressed.

According to the Berlin based Daily Mirror newspaper, the Chinese government agency Hanban has being funding a professorship at FUB. The professor will create a Chinese teaching program while, at the same time, serving as the head of the Confucius Institutes in Berlin. The newspaper also reported that the German government was aware that Hanban is a cultural institution under the Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and that China and the CCP are trying to exert influence on Germany’s China scholars through the activities of the Confucius Institutes, which have close ties with Hanban. Signatories of the open letter are worried that such a language teaching program will exclude articles that are critical of the CCP. Because this professorship receives funding from China, it faces a greater risk of self-censorship. One cannot even rule out the possibility that the CCP will fund political science professorships in the future.

The open letter made four requests. These include the exposure of the contents of the contract signed between Hanban and the FUB on the professor position; clarification of the channels via which such an agreement was reached; an announcement of the measures planned to prevent Hanban and the CCP’s influence on teaching contents; and a request that either Hanban’s contract for this new professor position be terminated immediately or the position be funded through other channels.

The Daily Mirror reported in December of last year that the Liberal Democratic Party’s parliamentary group warned against China’s influence over German universities through cultural institutions. There are currently 19 Confucius Institutes in Germany, most of which cooperate with German universities. The Confucius Institute at the Free University of Berlin started in 2006. It is the first Confucius Institute in Germany.

Source: Deutsche Welle, January 21, 2020

The First Confucius Institute in the U.S. Will Close

The University of Maryland announced that it will close its Confucius Institute when the 2019-2020 school year is over. The university’s President Wallace Loh stated that this decision was due to a Federal law. The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) requires that the Department of Defense stop funding the Chinese Flagship Program at U.S. colleges that have Confucius Institutes, unless they receive an exemption.

The Confucius Institute at the University of Maryland was established in 2004. It is the first one in the United States. Confucius Institutes have received many criticisms for spreading the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) ideology and political control throughout the hosting country.

The University of Missouri also announced that it will close its Confucius Institute in August.

Source: Epoch Times, January 18, 2020

RFA: Muslims in Xinjiang Are Forced to Drink Alcohol

The Islam doctrine prohibits Muslims from smoking and drinking. However, as part of their efforts to get them to leave the Islam religion, some local governments in the Yili region of Xinjiang have tried to make the Muslims smoke and drink.

The communist authorities target people who do not drink and beat them or arrest them. However, when they see a Muslim drink, they also provide encouragement. Because of the government’s position of supporting drinking, the police will let those who drive under the influence of alcohol go without any punishment.

“In their eyes, whoever drinks is a good person.” Serkjan, the founder of a human rights organization in Kazakhstan said, “People who do not drink or smoke are those who have religious beliefs and must be arrested. The police do not dare to arrest those who are drunk, even if they are creating trouble.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, January 17, 2020

Wuhan Police Silenced People Who Warned about the Wuhan Coronavirus

During the early stages of the spread of the coronavirus in Wuhan City of China, the police stopped people from mentioning it on the Internet.

The Wuhan Police official Micro Blog account published a notice on January 1, 2020:

“Recently, some medical institutes in our city have received several pneumonia cases. The municipal National Health and Family Planning Commission issued a public statement. However, some netizens, without verifying the information, posted and forwarded false information on the Internet and caused an adverse social impact. The police organization, after investigation, has summoned eight persons who violated the law (in posting the information) and dealt with them according to the law.

“The police reminded (everyone), that the Internet is not a territory free from the law. Those who post information and discussion on the Internet must obey the relevant laws and regulations. The police will investigate and punish, with no tolerance, any illegal actions of fabricating and spreading rumors and disturbing the social order. We hope that all netizens obey the relevant laws and regulations; do not create rumors, believe in rumors, or spread rumors; and build a harmonious, clean cyberspace.”

{Editor’s Note: It is a norm in China for the Communist regime to silence voices that do not echo the party’s “main melody” or voices exposing information that the party does not want people to know.}

The first coronavirus case was reported in Wuhan on December 8, 2019. However, China made the issue “low key” until January 20, 2020, when it started to spread to several other countries, including Thailand, Japan, Korea, and the U.S.

Source: Phoenix Media, January 1, 2020

Wuhan Hospitals Are Full; Patients Are Told to Stay at Home for “Self-Quarantine”

In the past, the Chinese Communist regime had been reporting unbelievably low numbers on the Wuhan Coronavirus cases. On January 22, 2020, it admitted the existence of the outbreak in China and reported 547 cases nationwide, with 444 cases in Wuhan.

However, several people told the Epoch Times that the situation in Wuhan is much worse than what was reported.

Some netizens reported that groups of people who had a temperature had lined up at hospitals waiting to be inspected. Many were told, after getting a shot, to go home and quarantine themselves. After being diagnosed with pneumonia, some were not even accepted for hospitalization.

Dr. Wei, a doctor at a local community clinic, said that many doctors were infected because the government hid the information during the early stages of the spread. “For nearly two months, we worked (with the patients) without any protection. Five people in my organization were infected. That’s about 10 percent of the total employees.”

A nurse from the Wuhan Union Hospital, the best hospital in Wuhan, said that some her colleagues have been infected and went home for self-quarantine. “Now the hospital does not allow us to resign and won’t allow us to leave Wuhan. Many medical staff members have been infected, but the hospital will not confirm that they have the virus. The problem is that, once confirmed, they will receive free treatment and their cases will be added into the national count.” “There is no effective treatment; it’s all up to one’s own ability to resist. … I’m at work every day. I could receive a notice any day telling me stay in the hospital (to be quarantined).”

Another citizen posted on the Internet that she heard from the medical staff that the infected medical staff members amount not just to 15 cases as the authorities reported; it was more than 150. The second floor of the Wuhan Union Hospital is packed with the infected medical staff members.

A woman reported to Epoch Times that her brother’s treatment was delayed and he died on January 7. “My brother had the ‘unknown pneumonia’ and died in ten days. He was not included in the official count of the Wuhan Coronavirus deaths.”

Five other family members of hers are also likely to have contracted the infection from her brother. Her sister was hospitalized on January 4. Her brother’s daughter and son-in-law also got pneumonia. The hospitals said that they didn’t have beds to keep them there, so it told them to quarantine themselves at home. Every day, they needed to come to the hospital and stand in line for up to four hours to get a shot. The son-in-law is now too weak to walk that much. Her brother’s sister-in-law and her husband were also infected; the husband was quarantined at a hospital and the sister-in-law wanted to be checked, too.

“We have no other request,” said her brother’s daughter. “We just want a hospital bed. We want to live. We are also the infection source. (Keeping us out of the hospital) will infect other people.”

1. Epoch Times, January 22, 2020
2. Epoch Times, January 22, 2020