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The Paper: The New US-EU Zero-Tariff Trade Deal So Far Is Just Talk

The well-known Chinese news site The Paper recently reported that the newly reached zero-tariff trade deal between the U.S. and the European Union (EU) sounded a lot better than the outcome of the G7 and the NATO summits. It is understandable and logical that these old allies wanted to avoid an ugly final show-down on trade when both sides were under heavy internal pressure. However, the actual negotiation, as the result of the agreed framework, will be very tough and will drag on for a long time. Only one day after the announcement, the world started to hear different interpretations of the deal. The Germans were more optimistic about the trade deal, but France sounded very cautious and immediately excluded agricultural topics from any future negotiation. The soon-to-start negotiation rounds most likely will be a long and tedious process since it is naturally hard to get 28 EU members to agree on anything. Chinese trade experts expressed the belief that it seems the developed countries now think that the WTO trade framework no longer serves their best interests. That sounded a lot like the TTIP negotiation Obama started with the EU, which ended up going nowhere. The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented in a press briefing that China expects the efforts between the U.S. and the EU will follow the international multilateral trade rules, such as the non-discrimination principle.

Source: The Paper, July 28, 2018

China News: Republicans are Optimistic about Mid-Term Election

China News recently reported that the U.S. Republican Party members would have had many reasons to feel upset or even to panic since the Trump summit with Russian President Putin caused a massive domestic media coverage disaster. However, the Republicans have, in fact, remained calm and even optimistic about the up-coming mid-term election. They expressed the belief that the constant infighting among Democrats is helping. Some members of the Republican National Committee observed that, ever since Hilary Clinton lost the presidential election, the conservatives in the Democratic Party have been under heavy attack from the liberals. This trend has caused many Democrats to move further towards the left. The Republicans thought that the infighting significantly blurred the focus on impeaching the President, weakening ICE, and blocking the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice.

Source: China News, July 24, 2018

Former Huawei Employee Sued the Company for Sending Him to Steal Trade Secrets

Well-known Chinese news site Netease recently reported that Jesse Hong, a former employee of the Huawei U.S. branch, Futurewei Technologies in Santa Clara, sued the company for firing him due to the fact that he thought it was wrong to spy on Huawei competitors. According to Hong, in 2016 Huawei sent people twice to steal information from competitors and transmit the stolen technical information back to Huawei’s Chinese headquarters. Hong warned his colleagues that these activities were not legal and later he was fired. Hong asked for US$105 million in damages in his suit. Huawei said the company never collected any of the information that Hong described.

Source: Netease, July 15, 2018

People’s Daily: China Launched Television and Movie Showings Dubbed in French in French Speaking Regions in Africa

People’s Daily reported that, on the afternoon of July 19, the State Council Information Office, the State Administration of Radio and Television, the Chinese Embassy in Senegal, and the Senegalese Ministry of Information jointly organized the opening ceremony of the “China Film and Television African Screening Program (French Region)” in Dakar City in Senegal. The StarTimes Media Company in Senegal and Senegal Radio and Television hosted the ceremony. At the launching ceremony, the guests watched the promotional film for the “China Film and Television African Projection Program (French Region).” According to the plan, 26 Chinese films and 20 Chinese TV dramas dubbed in French will be screened in several French-speaking countries in Africa such as Senegal. The selected programs will be aired through the mainstream media of Senegal, the platform of the “African Satellite TV Project,” the satellite TV platform of the Star Times Group, and its “Mobile Cinema” stations.

Source: People’s Daily, July 28, 2018

RFA: Chinese Residents Extremely Unhappy with Xi Providing Aid to Foreign Countries during His Visits

Radio Free Asia reported that Xi Jinping recently visited the Middle East and African countries and provided economic aid amounting to billions of dollars while he was there. It resulted in dissatisfaction among the general public in China. People felt that the residents who live in impoverished regions in China need more help. According to statistics, in the first half of this year, China provided low-interest or interest-free loans to foreign governments in the amount of 2.26 trillion yuan (US$330 billion) but it only allocated 800 million yuan (US$117 million) in funding to the 10 provinces in southern China that suffered from the flood disaster. At the same time, it was reported that Heilongjiang Province, whose pension insurance was losing 20 billion yuan (US$2.93 billion) announced that it would delay the pension payments. In addition, statistics showed an overall economic downturn in the first half of the year and a reduction in summer grain production. The article quoted one resident from Shanghai who told Radio Free Asia that he hopes that the U.S. will win the trade war. He said, “If the U.S. were to win the trade war, Chinese citizens would gain true freedom, democracy and human rights. The government would not inadvertently rob us of our property. We would live in a happy environment and would not eat poisonous and harmful products.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 26, 2018

As a Result of Tightened Control, Chinese Think Tanks Could Not Give Accurate Assessment of the Trade War

Radio France International carried an article that the South China Morning Post had originally published. The analytical article stated that the reason that the Chinese think tanks gave an incorrect assessment of the trade war was that all these think tanks have to mouth the “party’s voice.” Beijing’s tightened control of ideology on all levels, especially at the college campuses, requires that they must closely follow the party line. Any discussion of government policy without permission could be regarded as “acting wantonly and issuing groundless criticism of the party’s decisions and policies.” It could result in punishment. According to the article, since the top priority of Beijing’s policy is to maintain the party’s power, some policy advisers have avoided in-depth discussions with U.S. think tank researchers and have thus missed the opportunity to understand Washington’s latest thinking and ideas. The article also cited other incorrect approaches that China has taken, including the fact that Beijing hoped to use Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson and Former Secretary of State Kissinger as a “back-door” channel to understand U.S. policy. However, Trump doesn’t even talk to these people. Beijing has seriously underestimated the anti-China sentiment among the upper class in the U.S.

Source: Radio France Internationale, July 27, 2018

China’s Youth Sinologist Training Program

The, a China based news portal, reported on the three-week long 2018 young sinologist training program that ended on the afternoon of July 27, with a closing ceremony held at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Thirty-two young sinologists from 27 countries participated in the training.

Scholars from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Fudan University, East China Normal University, Tongji University, and Shanghai International Studies University gave lectures at the training session. The trainees also visited historical, business, and political sites in Shanghai and Beijing.

The Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism hosts the Youth Sinologist Training Program. Launched in 2014, the program has finished 12 sessions, graduating 360 young sinologists from 95 countries. The project “aims to build a global platform to support overseas young Sinologists in conducting China research and to create opportunities for young talent in the field to exchange and cooperate with outstanding Chinese academic, cultural, and educational institutions and scholars and to provide them with convenient and substantive assistance in their research.” It also “takes the opportunity of personnel training to promote long-term and stable relations between the academic institutions of different countries, Chinese institutions, and think tanks, in order to achieve mutual exchanges and mutual learning, and the joint promotion of the development of China studies.” In 2018, the program started its Spring, Summer, and Autumn classes in 6 cities including Chongqing, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Xi’an. The number of trainees this year will exceed 200.

Source: The Paper, July 29, 2018

China Brings Digital TV to 10,000 African Villages

At the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2015, China’s President Xi Jinping proposed that China implement the “10 Cooperation Plan” with African countries over the next three years. One of the 10, the Humanities Cooperation Plan, included a proposal “to implement satellite TV projects for 10,000 villages in Africa.”

A recent People’s Daily report gave an update, with quotes from villagers in Kenya, Senegal, and Zambia. They expressed gratitude toward the Chinese government and President Xi for being able to watch TV programs for free using set-top boxes that the Chinese company installed.

According to the report, on July 20, 2018, the local digital TV project was launched in a village in Uganda’s capital, Kampala. According to the plan, the project will select 500 villages in the country and provide digital TV equipment for 1,500 public institutions and 10,000 households without charge, so that villagers can watch TV programs for free. The project is expected to be completed in mid-September, covering 60 percent of the entire Republic of Uganda.

StarTimes Ltd. is the Chinese digital TV service provider that Beijing picked to implement the program. The company is currently connecting digital TV signals for 10,112 villages in 25 African countries. For each village, it will provide two sets of solar projection TV systems and one digital TV system free of charge and will install digital TV set-top boxes for 20 families, also free of charge.

StarTimes has been involved in the African digital TV market for over ten years. As early as 2011, it launched a TV program translation center. The company has developed into a sizable program translation base with nine languages, including Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Swahili, Hausa, Yoruba, Luganda, and Tweed and a capacity for 10,000 hours of programming. It also established a comprehensive content system, with more than 480 channels including internationally renowned channels, Chinese mainstream channels, African local channels and 42 self-operated channels.

The report quoted praise from Zambian president, Edgar Lungu, and Uganda’s First Lady and Cabinet Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Museveni. It also mentioned the upcoming Beijing Summit of FOCAC in September, which will “make new plans for the China-Africa comprehensive strategic partnership.”

Source: People’s Daily, July 27