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Scholar: It Is Imperative to Stop Birth Control Completely

In the June 2018 issue of China’s Human Resources and Social Security magazine, Zhou Tianyong, a government scholar at The Institute for International Strategic Studies of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Party School, published an article titled, “It is Imperative to remove birth control requirements completely.” The magazine is a publication of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

“As data that the National Bureau of Statistics released demonstrates, China’s population is facing an increasingly serious situation. The trend can be summarized by three declines, one rise, and one contraction.” As it continued, the article stated, “The first decline is the drop in the birth rate. In 2017 the national birth rate was 12.43 (births per year per 1,000 of population). The number was 12.95 in 2016. The second decline is the decline in the population of newly born babies. The number in 2017 was 630,000 less than in 2016. This is the equivalent of 4 percent fewer newborn babies. The third decline is the decline in fertility. In 2016, China’s fertility rate was only 1.24; the fertility rate in 2017 may be around 1.2.”

According to the article, “One rise refers to an increase in the aging population. In 2017, the population of the country’s population aged 60 and above was 240.9 million, accounting for 17.3 percent of the total population. Of those, 158.31 million were 65 and older, or 11.4 of the population. The population of both 60-plus and 65-plus years-of-age increased by 0.6 percentage points over the previous year.”

“One contraction means that the economically active population continues to shrink. China’s working-age population has continued to decline in proportion of the total population. The working-age population of people in 2017 who were aged between 16 and 59 was 901.99 million, accounting for 64.9 percent of the total population. In 2016, the number was 907.47 million, accounting for 65.6 percent of the total population.”

“Because of the combined effects of the above factors, the current population of China has formed a pattern of an accelerated decline of the birthrate, an increase in the population of the aging, and a shrinkage in the economically active population. The prospects are not optimistic.” “The reasons for this include difficulty in getting a job, the high cost of education, medical care, and housing, as well as the low supply of nurseries and kindergartens. They are important reasons for couples of childbearing age not to consider a second child.”

“In the next five years, with the youth population being reduced by about 30 million, China is likely to show a fast trend of an aging population, even faster than countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The aging of the economy will further put pressure on economic growth, and add to the burden that pensions create on the fiscal and financial systems.”

“It is Imperative to stop birth control completely.”

Source: The Paper, July 21, 2018

Huanqiu Opinion Article: Taiwan Name Change Referendum Cost Taichung the Right to host East Asian Youth Game

On Tuesday, July 24, the East Asian Olympic Committee voted to rescind an agreement for Taichung Taiwan to host the first-ever East Asian Youth Games in 2019, a decision that was made four years ago in 2014. Huanqiu published an opinion article claiming that the voting result aims at Taiwan’s intent to use politics to influence sports and no one can challenge “Chinese Taipei” as the name to be used at the Olympic Games. It referred to Taiwan’s intent to hold a name change referendum which proposed to change its name from “Chinese Taipei” to “Taiwan” during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. The article stated that results of the vote of the eight East Asian Olympic Committee members broadcast the message that the decision “perfectly fit the spirit of Olympics” and the end result is a well-deserved lesson for “Taiwan Independence” forces.

Source: Huanqiu, July 24, 2018

China Leads the World in Mobile Payment Market

Huanqiu reported that, as Apple Pay or Samsung Pay become more popular outside of China, China is still the world’s leading country in the mobile payment industry. It was estimated that in 2017 the net income in China’s mobile payment industry was $98 billion and its mobile payment transaction volume exceeded the volume worldwide for Visa and MasterCard transactions combined. Alipay and Wechat pay are the two leading mobile payment companies in China. Each of them has a monthly transaction volume greater than US$451 billion which was what PayPal made in the full year of 2017. As more Chinese tourists travel overseas, these companies are also expanding their business overseas. According to Nielsen Marketing Research firm data, 65 percent of Chinese tourists use mobile pay while traveling overseas. These mobile payment companies are also reshaping the online marketing channel. Some companies have started to use the mobile payment platform to market their products rather than traditional online marketing. Successful examples include Starbucks, restaurant delivery, and online Taxi services.

Source: Huanqiu, July 23, 2018

Online Videos Show Veterans from Yantai City of Shandong Province Blocked from Taking Train to Beijing to Petition

Epoch Times reported that, on July 24, a group of veterans from Yantai City of Shandong Province decided to go to Beijing to petition for their pay and medical benefits but they were blocked from entering the train station. The posted videos showed that the group first went to the Yantai Municipal government building but no one from the municipal government came out to meet with them. The group then walked to the Yantai Train station to take the train to Beijing. The staff at the ticket booth in front of the train station refused to sell them train tickets while the police force from Yantai formed a human wall in order to block the veterans from entering the train station. One representative told Epoch Times, “We are legal citizens. The Communist Party oversees the train station yet they wouldn’t even sell train tickets to us. What are their grounds? What are they afraid of? . . . All of the officials are afraid that they might be investigated for corruption. All they are concerned about is to maintain stability.” Epoch Times reported that, on the same day, a group of veterans from Zhengzhou City of Henan Province also went to the Zhengzhou Municipal government to appeal for their rights. In June, several thousand veterans from Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu Province went to the local municipal building to appeal but the police force violently beat them up. There are nine videos embedded within the Epoch Times article. They contain live footage of how the veterans were treated. For example, the one that is 22 seconds shows the human wall that the police created.

Source: Epoch Times, July 24, 2018

Chosun: China Strengthened Economic Support to North Korea

South Korea’s largest newspaper Chosun recently published two reports in its Chinese Edition on significantly increased support from China to the North Korean economy. After Kim Jong-un’s third visit to China in June, China reopened its aid in the form of fertilizer, food, and cooking oil. It was part of China’s promise of “large scale” aid. The fertilizer volume could have set a record high already, surpassing the 200,000 tons peak volume in 2013. The crude oil supply from China to North Korea is now at the pace of 80,000 tons per month, which is the equivalent of an annual volume of 960,000 tons. The UN sanctions set the annual ceiling at 560,000 tons. Many people witnessed that a large number of iron ore trucks entered China in June. The United Nations currently bans North Korea from exporting iron ore. Also, starting July 10, North Korea established a free trade market in Rason City, which borders with China. Chinese citizens are allowed into the market without a visa. Aquatic products are currently the most popular item in that market. This is an important channel for North Korea to obtain foreign currencies.

Sources: Chosun
{1} July 20, 2018.
{2} July 19, 2018.

Global Times: China Heavily Criticized U.S. Trade War Arguments for Five Days in a Row

Global Times reported on July 20 that Hua Chunying, spokeswoman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has heavily criticized the U.S. positions on the trade war against China for the fifth day in a row. Hua called out Peter Navarro, Director of the White House National Trade Council, and suggested his comments on the U.S. “suffering a loss” in trade with China is “reversing black and white.” She said that Navarro’s “nonsense” was just designed to fool those American people who did not want to have the trade war. Hua gave the examples of General Motors and Apple. The Chinese market supplied 58 percent of GM’s annual sales, and China only made 1 percent out of the US$649 average iPhone 7 retail price. Hua asked where the “U.S. loss” was. She concluded that a lot of Americans are “living in their imaginations,” and are attacking other countries “just for domestic political fights.” She expressed the belief that the U.S. is the biggest threat to the world’s stability.

Source: Global Times, July 20, 2018

Oriental Daily: Chinese Drug Dealers Now Supply 90 Percent of Russia’s Drugs

Popular Hong Kong newspaper Oriental Daily recently reported via its online news site that, according to Russian anti-drug authorities, China is now Russia’s largest drug supplier. Around 90 percent of Russia’s chemical-based drugs are sourced from China. The primary channel for the Chinese drug dealers to ship drugs to Russia is the postal mail system. The drugs are mailed into Russia as “food.” For example, the Russian Rostov Court announced on July 10 that it is currently hearing a case against some senior Cossack officials illegally working with Chinese drug dealers in Jilin Province, China. According to recent Russian reports, most of the drugs from China are packaged in plant oil bottles or buried in half-baked food like dumplings. The Russian police are currently improving the process of inspecting packages of Chinese food that sent in the mail. Oriental Daily has been Hong Kong’s number one newspaper; it has been in circulation since 1976, with a record readership of over 3,100,000.

Source: Oriental Daily, July 20, 2018

Duowei Opinion Article: Reflecting on Beijing’s Misjudgment on Trade War

Duowei News, an overseas Chinese media, published an opinion article on the U.S. China trade war. It reflected on Beijing’s position on the trade war from the beginning and concluded that there are four areas in which Beijing was not prepared. Below is the translation of the article.

On July 20, President Trump told the media that he is ready to impose a tariff on US$500 billion worth of imports from China. On July 19, Peter Navarro, Director of Trade and Industrial Policy said that “China is in a ‘zero-sum game’ with the rest of the world when it comes to trade.” On July 18, Larry Kudlow (Director of the National Economic Council) said that he believes that “Xi (Jinping) is holding the game up.” In short, the trade war is still the focus of China and the U.S.

In reality, contrary to the conclusion the U.S. has drawn that Xi is blocking the trade deal, Beijing has taken a number of measures to cool down the media’s tone on the trade war. It has shifted from calling it the “Sino-U.S. trade war” to the “Sino-U.S. trade tension.” The shift is different from the previous trade tension with Japan, France, the Philippines, and South Korea, which were often accompanied by the increasingly high-profile hostility of China’s official media, and the ruthless “boycott diplomacy” against companies in these countries. This time China has torn up the scripts it relied on in other economic disputes. Instead, it has sought allies in Europe, Asia, and the U.S. themselves. China’s official media reports and comments are relatively restrained. The official Chinese media has been softening the remarks about its controversial industrial policy of Made in China 2025. Beijing has also instructed the media to avoid attacking Donald Trump himself.

On the specific approaches it took to solve the problem, Beijing has repeatedly said that it has appealed to the WTO (World Trade Organization) since July 6, highlighting the solution to trade disputes and minimizing the breakout of the trade war. It has made significant changes in its response strategy because there are several areas that Beijing has misjudged.

First, China was too optimistic about the trade war. After Liu He reached an agreement following his visit to the U.S., Chinese media widely reported on the “achievements” and conducted a special interview with Liu. This in itself suggested that China didn’t recognize the seriousness of the problem between China and the U.S. It was too optimistic. On July 10, after the U.S. announced that it would impose a tariff on $200 billion of imports from China, the Ministry of Commerce responded with shock, even though Trump had already warned on June 15 that, if China was going to retaliate, he would impose tariffs on an additional $200 billion of imports from China. It meant that the U.S. had already issued a warning and this was not a sudden move. How then could the Ministry of Commerce feel shocked? Is this a signal that it lacked preparation or there was an illusion that the U.S. wouldn’t impose a $200 billion tariff on China? China’s counter-attack measures, which were initially formulated, were aimed at Trump’s base (in agriculture states). Some Beijing media even mocked that the U.S. is an agricultural country. After several rounds of negotiations between China and the U.S., China had certain expectations that the trade war might not move forward. It believed that Trump would make a compromise in order to keep his supporters in the agricultural states and China had already met Trump’s request to import more U.S. products. So it was optimistic to think that China would definitely win the battle. In fact, the trade war was not just to reduce the deficit. Trump should know where the problem is between China and the U.S. If the trade war was an election strategy, then he would not easily give it up before his re-election, especially when Trump had already announced his intention to run) for re-election. He could at least use the trade war to win a second term.

Second, the ZTE and Huawei incidents magnified China’s loss and caused nationalist sentimentality among the Chinese public. Beijing didn’t expect the intensity of the impact. The trade war is a tough political move that the U.S. took. It is also true for Beijing. The U.S. slammed Beijing in the key science and technology area, so it has to take tough measures to respond to the feelings of loss of its general public. However while it tried to restore the confidence of its people, it also led the public to the other extreme of blind arrogance thinking that China could easily win the trade war.

Third, Beijing misjudged the influence that the American public, especially the American business community, could exercise on Trump. Liu He had intense meetings with large numbers of U.S. corporations. Beijing has repeatedly called on the U.S. companies to persuade the U.S. government (not to engage in a trade war). However, the reality is that Trump, who was a businessman, does not value input from others in the business community on his foreign policies. In August 2017, Trump made an announcement to end the manufacturing council and the Strategic and Policy Forum which consists of CEOs from large corporations. On the Paris Agreement, Trump was not swayed by the corporate lobbyists. Trump moved ahead on the trade war despite the fact that 24 major U.S. corporations jointly wrote a petition letter asking him not to impose tariffs on Chinese products. Wall Street elites Rex Tillerson and Gary Cohn were kicked out of Trump’s inner circle. Beijing should realize that Trump’s policy itself is unpredictable and others cannot easily influence Trump. The traditional influence on U.S. leaders does not work on Trump.

Fourth, from the very beginning, Beijing misjudged that Peter Navarro and other economic views would have become the mainstream and it did not expect the trade hawk would have gained control in the White House. After Trump won the election, China didn’t expect that the Sino-U.S. relationship would enter into economic confrontation so quickly because the economic views led by Navarro were not popular prior to that. At that time, Beijing was trying to use the 100-day plan to meet the Trump administration’s economic demands on China. Back in 2017, China’s official media repeatedly emphasized that China would not lose the trade war and that the U.S. is bound to be defeated. Beijing was shocked by Trump’s $200 billion tariff. It was shocked because the U.S. is risking its own interests to face a trade war with China. Beijing didn’t expect the trade hawk to become the mainstream voice in Trump’s China trade policy. As a political outsider, after Trump was elected, he took completely different approaches (from his predecessors). The trade hawks didn’t and will not lose their influence in a short time. Trump has not only changed the political environment in the U.S. but also reshaped the international stage. It is not appropriate to look at Trump with traditional eyes and techniques anymore. Beijing’s revised strategy in dealing with the trade war is, itself, a way to determine how to deal with Trump.

Source: Duowei News, July 20, 2018