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Ambassador Haley: Human Rights Are at the Heart of the U.N. Mission

On March 29, the Chinese edition of Voice of America (VOA) reported that the U.S. permanent representative to the U.N. Nikki Haley delivered a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

Ambassador Haley discussed the United States’ goals for its term in April as president of the UN Security Council. She outlined her plans to highlight human rights.

VOA quoted Haley as saying, “In case after case, human rights abuses are not the byproduct of conflict; they are the cause of conflict or they are the fuel that feeds the conflict.”  “It might surprise many Americans to learn that human rights violations have not been considered an appropriate subject for discussion in the Security Council.” Haley observed, “Human rights are at the heart of the mission of the United Nations.”

Ambassador Haley mentioned the North Korean regime, which forces political prisoners to work themselves to death in coal mines to finance its nuclear program, and Syrian intelligence, which uses torture, including the deliberate systemic torture of children, to identify and silence opponents.

VOA noted that Ambassador Haley did not name China, where human rights lawyers and activists face large-scale suppression. However, the Telegraph reported on April 3 that “Russia and China are yet to approve Ms. Haley’s schedule, and as a result she has not been able to (get agreement to) a timetable for the events she wants to hold.”

“The United States is the moral conscience of the world,” said Haley, “We will not walk away from this role but we will insist that our participation in the U.N. honor and reflect this role.”

VOA Chinese, March 29, 2017
Telegraph, April 4, 2017


People’s Daily on Japan’s Intention to Deploy “THAAD”

A Japanese news agency reported that, on March 30, the Japanese ruling Liberal Democratic Party submitted a proposal to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that the Japanese government purchase the United States “THAAD” anti-missile system. People’s Daily published an article asking, “Korea’s ‘THAAD’ dispute has not yet cooled down. Now Japan is immediately following in Korea’s footstep. What is Japan up to?”

The article commented that Japan already had the intention a long time ago. As early as the end of 2016, the Japanese Ministry of Defense set up a Committee to hear testimony as to whether to import the U.S. military equipment for the “THAAD” anti-missile system. In January this year, Japanese Minister of Defense Tomomi Inada went to the United States Anderson Air Force Base in Guam to inspect the U.S. military’s “THAAD” system. He said Japan would finalize the blueprint for missile defense by the summer of 2017.

In an interview with the newspaper, Zhou Yongsheng, Professor at the International Relations Institute of China Foreign Affairs University, said, “North Korea’s missile threat to Japan is not so urgent. Japan claims that it is to prevent the DPRK’s ballistic missile threat, but defense is only a small part of the anti-missile system. Once the system is completed, it will greatly help Japan to achieve its strategic goal of amending its constitution, finalizing a complete military system, and becoming a military power.”

Zhou also said, “The deployment of ‘THAAD’ is also one of the means by which Japan will move closer to the United States. Arms trade is an important step for the United States to develop its strength. Japan’s purchase of the ‘THAAD’ anti-missile system is to enhance the relationship with the Trump administration and with U.S. arms manufacturers. It has also made the deployment of the U.S. global anti – missile system more complete.”

Source: People’s Daily, April 3, 2017

China’s Genetically Engineered Opium Seeds Pumped up Afghan Drug Growth

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the opium output in Afghanistan is growing. Since 2015 Chinese genetically engineered opium seeds have been showing up in Afghanistan. The new seeds not only offer early maturity; they also allow year-round growing. This resulted in a major annual growth rate of 43 percent in 2016 across Afghanistan. According to statistics that the Afghan government released, opium output is showing rapid growth, which is in line with the findings that the the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNOCD) report published in 2016. The UN report showed that the growth was mainly the result of the new Chinese seeds and the shortening of the harvesting cycle from three months to two. They also extended the six-month growing season to the full year. Some Afghanistan farmers said some people handed them the seeds and promised to come back and buy the opium. They also provided funding as well as fertilizers. The Afghan government revealed that a large amount of the opium was sold to Russia and Pakistan. Europe and the United States were also major markets. The UN estimated the Afghanistan opium export volume to be US$4 billion in 2007. Now it should be much higher.

Source: Sina, March 27, 2017

China News: Many Companies Faked Air Quality Monitoring Data

China News recently reported that the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection issued its report on inspection results from 18 critical cities that have air quality concerns. This was a joint effort among the Ministry and six provinces. The Ministry sent 18 inspection teams to the cities and counties. The teams inspected over 8500 organizations and companies and found 3119 had problems. The joint inspection effort made several key findings. First is that response plans for heavy air pollution events were unrealistic. Second is that committed air pollution remediation plans did not get implemented. Third is that companies continued to ignore air pollution laws. The fourth finding is that many companies faked air quality monitoring data. The fifth finding is that the lack of dust control remains a common practice. The inspection effort also found that various levels of government branches did not take much action on their environmental protection responsibilities.

Source: China News, March 31, 2017

China Has Become World’s Largest Purchaser of Companies in Chemical Industry

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that industrial consulting company A.T. Kearney recently released its report on global chemical industry mergers. The A.T. Kearney Report estimated the potential mergers in 2017 globally will be worth US$300 billion. Three quarters of this total will cover four major unfinished deals: Dow – DuPont, Bayer – Monsanto, ChemChina – Syngenta, and Praxair – Linde. Each of the four may reach US$40 billion to US$70 billion. Each is worth two to three times the total of any single deal in the past decade in that industry. China’s share of the global chemical industry mergers has been growing steadily and it has become the largest buyer of chemical companies in the world. China now accounts for a quarter of the world’s mergers in the chemical industry.

Source: Sina, March 27, 2017

Party Officials Criticized for Mispronouncing Words during Public Speech

A Duowei News article quoted an article from Jiefang Daily on March 30 which sharply criticized a number of party officials for mispronouncing words during their public speeches and said that the phenomenon resulted in quite a lot of laughter and jokes in China. Some of the officials were reported to have even repeated the same mistakes at several locations. These officials were criticized for poor language skills and knowledge while the people around the officials were reportedly too scared to make any corrections or to say “No” to certain of their bosses’ inappropriate behavior. As Duowei reported, the Jiefang Daily article questioned whether mispronouncing the words was simply mispronouncing the words or if it sent another kind of alarming signal.

Source: Duowei News, April 1, 2017

Duowei News: Four New Appointments at Provincial Level in One Day and More to Come

According to an article published in Duowei News, the recent power shuffling indicates that Beijing is building a foundation to prepare for the upcoming 19th National Congress in the second half of the year. On April 1, Beijing announced four major changes at the provincial level. They included a new governor for Hainan and Gansu provinces and a new Secretary of the provincial Party Committee for He Longjian and Shandong provinces. The article stated that, based on the statistics that Duowei collected, since January 2016, among 31 provinces, direct-controlled municipalities, and autonomous administrative regions in China, a new Secretary of the provincial Party Committee was assigned in 18 provinces and regions and a new governor was assigned in 28 provinces. As of April 1, there were only 8 Secretaries of the provincial Party Committee and 3 governors left that had not been changed. The article predicted that there could be retirements and other more “exciting and critical” changes to come.

Source: Duowei News, April 1, 2017

Xinhua: China to Set up Xiongan New Area Special Economic Zone in Hebei Province

Xinhua recently reported that the Central administration announced on April 1 that it will set up a new special economic zone in Hebei Province, 100 kilometer (62 miles) southwest of Beijing. It will be called the “Xiongan New Area” and will be situated in the region where Beijing, Tianjing, and Baoding are located. It will cover 100 square kilometers (25,000 acres) at the start of its development, grow to 200 square kilometers (49,000 acres) in the second phase, and 2,000 square kilometers (494,000 acres) in the final phase. According to Xinhua, Xi Jinping visited An Xing County in Hebei Province on February 23 and hosted a development planning forum during his visit. According to Radio Free Asia, Xiongan New Area will help to ease the population, transportation, and environmental stress in Beijing while promoting economic development in the inner provinces such as Hebei and Henan provinces. The Xiongan New Area will become the third special economic zone following the Shen Zhen special economic zone and the Pudong New Area in Shanghai.

Xinhua, April 1, 2017
Radio Free Asia, April 1, 2017