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Chinese Scholar: The U.S. Position on Dealing with North Korea

Zhang Liangui, a professor at the Institute of Strategy Studies, Central Party School and an expert on Korea Peninsula issues, talked about the possible U.S. approaches to dealing with North Korea.

“Trump might talk to North Korea first to find out if it plans to give up nuclear weapons. If it says it ‘absolutely will not give them up,’ Trump will cut the talk and go down the showdown track. If it says ‘I will give them up,’ Trump might give it a timetable. For example, ask it to abolish nuclear weapons in two years and specify the goal for the first month, second month, third month, etc. … If North Korea misses a milestone, the U.S. can take the showdown path. In other words, the U.S. would want North Korea to comprehensively, verifiably, and irreversibly abolish nuclear weapons.”

Source: Weinxin, February 15, 2017

China’s 2017 Economic Theme: Seeking Progress while Maintaining Stability

President Xi Jinping said on February 28 that this year, in order to achieve healthy development, China will stick to the basic economic theme of “seeking progress while maintaining stability.”

Xinhua News Agency reported Xi’s outline for this year’s economic work: to improve the quality and efficiency of the economy, to deepen supply-side structural reform, and to make major headway in economic restructuring. Xi gave this speech at the 15th meeting of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economic Affairs, which he heads.

Three other politburo standing committee members, Li Keqiang, Liu Yunshan, and Zhang Gaoli also attended the meeting.

Xi urged that more effort be put into reducing excessive production capacity and that government departments firmly solve the problem of zombie enterprises, as they are unprofitable, debt-laden, and tie up public resources. As for people affected by the reduction in excessive capacity, Xi said that they should receive training for new job skills as well as social aid.

Xi reiterated the necessity of establishing long-term methods to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. He again affirmed that “houses are built to be inhabited, not for speculation.”

Xi also said that the decisions made at all meetings of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economic Affairs must be implemented.

Source: Xinhua News Agency, February 28, 2017

China’s Labor Force Decreased by 33.25 Million over the Last Five Years

Caixin, a mainstream news media specializing in China’s economy, reported that China’s labor force continues to decline and its aging population continues to expand. According to data that China’s National Bureau of Statistics released in January 2017, at the end of 2016, the number of working-age population who were between the ages of 16 and 60 was about 33.25 million lower than in 2011. At the same time, China’s population aged 60 years and over at the end of 2016 increased by 45.87 million compared with 2011.

The report also mentioned that China’s population structure compared unfavorably with India.

Source: Caixin, February 27, 2017

Global Times: How to Respond When a U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters China’s Waters in the South China Sea?

Chinese military specialist Li Jie told Global Times that China has many ways to respond if a U.S. aircraft carrier enters into the 12 nautical miles within China’s islands in South China Sea.

Li stated, “We don’t want to create trouble, but when the opponent challenges us, we should firmly counter back.”

Li said that in addition to the traditional warning, following, and driving away approaches, China now has more options. China can send an unmanned ship or drones to conduct close reconnaissance and to warn the ship, or it can use electromagnetic interference technology to interfere with the ship.

Source: Global Times, February 21, 2017

Liaoning Province 2016 GDP Number Was 23 Percent Higher than Reality

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported on newly released official economic statistics that showed a 23 percent decline in Liaoning Province’s 2016 GDP number. The surprising number reflected the adjustments needed because of the province’s illegal activities in faking the province’s official statistics. The governor of Liaoning acknowledged his predecessor’s wrongdoing. However, the adjusted new number also reflected an economic decline resulting from debt defaults, production reductions, and massive layoffs in this industrial province that relies heavily on producing steel. Last April, Liaoning became the first province in seven years to report a negative growth rate. Many economists expressed their belief that political manipulation of economic data has been a widespread issue across China. Liaoning is not an isolated case. For many years, China’s national GDP total has always been less than the sum of GDP numbers from all provinces.

Source: Sina, February 23, 2017

BBC Chinese: Relationship between China and the Philippines Intensified

BBC Chinese recently reported that, at the last minute, Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng cancelled his February 23 visit to the Philippines. Gao originally planned to sign around 40 infrastructure investment project agreements during this trip. Neither side provided an explanation for the cancellation. However, Philippine Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay commented in the ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Foreign Ministers’ Conference that China constructing artificial islands in disputed territories may change the rules of the game. He also immediately added that the Philippines was very happy with its relationship with China and that China promised there would be no more construction. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented that China wishes Yasay would act in line with his own President.

Source: BBC Chinese, February 23, 2017