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Duowei: New Navy Nominations of “Dark Horses” Sends an Important Signal

At the beginning of 2017, the People’s Liberation Army underwent big personnel changes that surprised outside observers. First, the Chinese Navy commanders of all the three major fleets have been replaced. Then, for the first time, the commander-in-chief of the combat region was promoted from the Navy. This series of personnel changes sends two signals: First, China’s southern combat region, that is, the South China Sea, will become the main strategic focus. Second, one of the objectives of the 2017 military reform is to highlight three-dimensional warfare.
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Xinhua: Liaoning Province Admitted Forging Economic Statistics

Xinhua recently reported that Liaoning Province officially admitted faking its official GDP data from 2011 to 2014. The governor of the province, Chen Qiufa, reported the government’s wrong-doing in his formal speech to the provincial congress. The Communist Party’s central inspection team in Liaoning pointed out some related issues in 2014. The Chinese National Audit Office also found similar problems in its 2013 audit report. However, experts expressed the belief that the root cause of the data-forging issue across the nation was the direct and tight association between the GDP numbers and the government officials’ promotion opportunities. The public is looking forward to the follow-up steps of identifying the individuals who performed these illegal activities.

Source: Xinhua, January 18, 2017

Global Times: Shen Jinlong Promoted to Navy Commander

Global Times recently reported that Shen Jinlong was mentioned in Chinese Naval News as the Navy Commander. This means Wu Shengli is no longer the Navy Commander and Shen Jinlong was promoted to this position very recently. Shen was previously the Commander of the South China Sea Fleet. Other than some of China’s military founding generals, Shen is the first one promoted to Navy Commander directly from the position of fleet commander. Shen never had any experience in the Chinese military’s central command. However, Shen has been commanding the South China Sea Fleet during the period when the South China Sea has been the most heated region for potential conflicts among many countries. Shen also commanded the Joint Exercise of the three major fleets in July last year. Shen’s South Fleet confronted the United States Navy three times before and, not long ago, managed the incident of capturing the U.S. unmanned vessel. He was also the commander of the Chinese Fleet that participated in the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) that the United States led in Hawaii in 2014. That Fleet visited the U.S. San Diego Naval Base afterwards. Shen served as the president the Naval Academy of Commanding between 2011 and 2014. The Academy is the top academy of the Chinese Navy.

Source: Global Times, January 20, 2017

Level of China-Owned U.S. Bonds Continues to Drop

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that China has relinquished the title of the largest U.S. bond owner to Japan for two consecutive months now. China just revealed the official numbers showing that the total capital outflow in 2016 reached US$305.3 billion, which was a record high. Chinese held U.S. bonds are on the decline. As of the end of November 2016, China’s U.S. bond level was US$1.0493 trillion, which was US$66.4 billion less than the end of October. This was the lowest level in six years. Analysts expressed the belief that the cause of China selling U.S. bonds was to defend the Chinese currency, the RMB, which has been suffering rapid depreciation. Since the Chinese government was worried about the potential market disorder resulting from capital outflow as well as currency depreciation, the Chinese authorities have been applying capital outflow controls on the investment level.

Source: Sina, January 20, 2017

China’s Long Term Aircraft Carrier Plan “Project 048” Revealed

Well-known Hong Kong pro-mainland TV station and news site Phoenix New Media recently reported on some leaked information on China’s “Project 048,” which is China’s roadmap plan for developing its aircraft carriers. The project was finalized in August of 2004; hence the name “048.” According to the leaked roadmap, the carrier building plan consists of three phases. Phase one is to build two mid-sized carriers within 10 years; phase two is to build two large scale carriers in the next 10 years; phase three involves building large nuclear-powered carriers. The ultimate goal is to have 10 carriers by the year 2049. A model “001A” carrier is almost completed and will soon be launched in the city of Dalian. The building process on the Model “002” carriers started in 2015. They are large scale ships still using conventional power and a catapult take-off. Model “003” carriers aim to be the equivalent of the U.S. nuclear-powered Nimitz-class carriers. According to Project 048, China is improving its steam catapult so that it is one third more efficient than the U.S. equivalent. It is estimated that the Chinese Model “003” nuclear carrier will have electromagnetic catapult take-off capabilities on the same level as the U.S. Ford-class, and will launch in the year 2030. At the current pace of parallel design and building of multiple models, the year 2030 target should be reached three years earlier.

Source: Phoenix New Media, January 17, 2017

China News: Chief Justice Called for Standing Firm against the Western Idea of “Judicial Independence”

China News recently reported that Zhou Qiang, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court and the Communist Party Secretary of the Supreme Court Branch, delivered a speech at the National High Court Chiefs’ Conference. He called for “clearly and firmly standing up against” wrongful Western thoughts such as “Constitutional Democracy, the Separation of Powers, and Judicial Independence.” Zhou also called for putting up a decisive fight against the idea and the people with the idea of dismissing the leadership of the Communist Party and the Socialist system. He required the high courts of all provinces to set these tasks as the highest priority on their work agenda. Zhou also asked all courts to include these requirements in the human resources systems to measure candidates in their performance review and promotion processes. Monitoring and accountability mechanisms must also be established.

Source: China News, January 4, 2017

Chinese Government Asked Owner of App Showing Pollution Index to “Fix” It

Radio Free Asia (RFA) and the Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily each reported recently that the Chinese environmental protection agency asked the owner of the mobile app “Air Matters” to “fix” the app so that it will not display the air pollution index numbers once they reach a certain level. The app displays air pollution index values based on officially released government data. However, the app did make it significantly easier for average citizens to obtain pollution level information. The app uses Chinese standard measures to display the data and it is also capable of interpreting the data using other standards such as the U.S., the British, and even the Indian standards. The Chinese authorities have been saying that it is “obviously unreasonable” to use a foreign standard to measure Chinese data. The event triggered a massive discussion online among Chinese netizens. Most posted comments such as, “The government is unable to fix the smog pollution over a long period of time; however, it can fix the app writer’s <ability> to show the pollution level very swiftly.” The government has subsequently also blocked any comments on this news.

Radio Free Asia, January 9, 2017
Apple Daily, January 8, 2017