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People’s Daily: ACT Cancelled the Exams in HK and Korea

People’s Daily recently reported that the U.S. ACT exams were unexpectedly cancelled in Hong Kong and South Korea only a few hours before they were supposed to start, impacting 5,500 students in 56 test centers. ACT suspected a wide-spread leak of the exam contents. This is yet another example of an “East Asian Cheating Epidemic” which is polluting the U.S. higher education system. In Korea, SAT leaks have happened for several years. Chinese students were found cheating on the SAT too. The report pointed out that the United States does not have a government run national college entry exam. The public has accepted the ACT and the SAT as recognized exams for college entry. The organizations running the exams are partially responsible for leaks – maybe their libraries of tests are not big enough and the test patterns are too obvious to discourage guessing. The SAT significantly increased the toughness of this year’s exams, which resulted in more students taking the ACT.
Source: People’s Daily, June 12, 2016

Xi Jinping: No Excuses Allowed for Refusing to Take Demobilized Officers

Leading news portal Sina recently carried a report from Xinhua titled, "Xi Jinping: No Excuses Allowed for Refusing to Take Demobilized Officers." President Xi Jinping underscored the importance of providing demobilized military officers with civilian jobs. This is considered a political task and is closely linked to national defense and military reform. On Tuesday, June 7, Zhao Leji, head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee’s organization department, conveyed Xi’s comments on this issue in a speech he gave at a recent meeting of the Politburo standing committee at the 2016 National Conference on Employment of Demobilized Officers. Xi also noted that a long-term solution for arranging civilian jobs for demobilized officers would be deepened reform. He called for measures to improve the management of the security mechanism for demobilized officers and to perfect the public service system as well as relevant policies, laws and regulations. 

Xi added, "No matter what the excuse, refusing to provide positions for demobilized officers is not allowed." Xi also serves as chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC). In March 2016, The Paper, a Shanghai-based online site featuring news and analysis on current affairs, reported that Xi had announced last September, at a parade marking 70 years since the end of World War II, that the People’s Liberation Army would cut its personnel by 300,000. The scale of the PLA will gradually come down to 2 million from 2.3 million, as part of a modernization drive to shift focus from its traditional land forces to more advanced sea and air forces, which require fewer but better training personnel. 

Liu Yunshan, a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, also attended Tuesday’s conference. Liu underscored Xi’s comments. He also called for better services for officers who look for employment on their own. Also attending the conference were Xu Qiliang, CMC Vice Chairman; Zhang Yang, a member of the CMC; and Ma Kai, Vice Premier of the State Council. 
Sources: Sina, June 7, 2016
The Paper, March 22, 2016

CCDI: No Impunity for Corrupt Officials Who Flee China

On June 5, the Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) published an article addressing corrupt officials who are thinking of leaving China or who have already left. The article stated that the objective to contain rampant corruption has not changed and that there should be no impunity for corrupt officials who flee China. 

“Party members and cadres who flee aboard with [misappropriated] funds commit treason against the Party and the State. … If they are not brought to justice and dealt with according to the law, Party discipline and the law will not tolerate it. Nor will the people accept it.” 
The article stated that, in addition to recovering the funds, there are also political considerations. “Even if the misappropriated funds have been almost spent and are not recoverable, these perpetrators must be brought back to China to be punished severely in accordance with the Party’s discipline and the law so that there will be a closure for these people.” 
“However far they flee, they will be brought to justice in China. It may take 5, 10, or even 20 years to track them down. Even if there is only one corrupt element left at large out there, our pursuit in order to track down these people and the funds that they took will never cease.” 
Source: The Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, June 5, 2016

Google CEO: We Want to Return to China in a Significant Way

NetEase ( reported that, at the Code Conference on June 1, Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressed his interest in Google returning to China. He said that he wanted Google’s return to happen in a significant way, but we’re "being thoughtful about [the return]." "It depends. We are open [to the idea]."

Google closed its search engine in China in 2010. Though Chinese manufacturers are using its Android system, many Google services such as the Play app store are not available in China.

[Editor’s Note: There were reports that Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai expelled Google from China as part of a deal they made with Baidu. in exchange Baidu then posted negative information about Xi Jinping and their other political rivals. Recently, Baidu has been under scrutiny from both the government and from netizens for irresponsibly selling forums and search ads.]

Source: NetEase, June 2, 2016

QQ Finance: The Biggest Secret in China’s Real Estate

Tencent (QQ) Finance published an article revealing the "Biggest Secret in China’s Real Estate." It is that the companies that have recently set records for the price of land purchases are actually State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). They are doing it just to create the illusion that the real estate market is doing well. The following is from the article.

For example, two companies, China Electric Power Construction Group and Guangzhou Fangrong Real Estate  Corporation bid 8.29 billion yuan (U.S. $1.3 billion) to win "A816-0060," a commercial and residential land development project in Longhua district, Shenzhen. The first company is clearly an SOE. After tracing the parent company of Guangzhou Fangrong several levels up, the owner of the second company was found to be China Sinochem, which is also an SOE.

The average purchase price per construction area was 56,781 yuan (U.S. $8,735) per square meter. Excluding general facilities that can’t be sold, it would be over 60,000 yuan per square meter for the sellable construction area. The land is not downtown; it is 12 km (8 miles) away from downtown. Residential buildings in this area currently sell at 50,000 – 75,000 yuan per square meter. It is hard to believe that the developers would be able to make a profit if they bid so high on the price of land.

Then, why would SOEs pay a record high amount to buy land?

The answer is simple. They are just collaborating with the local government to create the illusion that real estate prices will keep going up; they do it to cheat people.

China Times reported this practice back in 2014. "When the market is slow, the local government will ask SOEs to bid a high price for land purchases to create an artificially high market. To the government, the left hand pays the money to the right hand. There is no real gain or loss."

Another trick the government uses is to get a high bidding price but return a substantial amount of money back to the developer later. "Some companies may receive a return of nearly 50 percent of the purchase price. If the land was related to re-developing shantytown, the return might be 80 percent."

Source: Tencent, June 5, 2016

Comments after China’s Foreign Minister Vented His Anger at a Canadian Journalist

Wang Yi, China’s Foreign Minister, castigated a Canadian reporter at the joint news conference with Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion in Ottawa on June 1. Western media and some overseas Chinese media reported on the incident.

The comments that the Chinese made were split. Some criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for suppressing human rights; some, following the Party’s propaganda, denounced the Westerners; and some pointed out Wang’s response was a result of the Party’s culture which has ruined Chinese’ lives.

Reader’s comments on a BBC report:

A post from California:
"It definitely does not sound like what a foreign minister would say. … What he said was unreasonable and illogical. What is the connection between China’s getting people out of poverty or reaching $8,000 per capita GDP and China’s human rights record? He said ‘China has incorporated protecting human rights into its Constitution.’ This only shows that the CCP’s Constitution was only for show. In their Constitution, people have freedom of the press, assembly, and protest [but in reality they don’t have any of those at all]!"

A post from London:
"Some Western media are too prejudiced. Only we Chinese know how good China’s human rights record is. Only we Chinese have the qualifications to choose what is good for our nation at its current status. Westerners, go worry about your own human rights first! Don’t put your nose into our business. Xi Jinping said it right: China should have confidence in its own system. Besides, it is OK as long as we think it is right. As to how Westerners think about it, it does not matter, nor is it worth answering. Just take [their words] as farting."

A post from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China:
"Wang Yi’s response is a complete revelation of the CCP’s evil face. He said ‘it’s the Chinese people who most understand China’s human rights record.’ That’s right. As a Chinese, I have to say, ‘China’s human rights record is not only bad, but rather non-existent."

Epoch Times commentary:
"It is not news to see this kind of response by China’s diplomats. The most representative one was what former Communist leader Jiang Zemin said. When asked about a female college student whose participation in the June 4th democracy protest in 1989 resulted in being put in prison and raped, he answered, ‘She deserved it.’ Jiang also berated a Hong Kong reporter for being ‘too simple’ and ‘naive.’"

"Actually, the root cause for these foreign affairs scandals is the Communist Party culture."

"The Communist Party culture was a monster that the CCP created in China after destroying traditional Chinese culture. The CCP mingled the theory of evolution, atheism, Marxism and Leninism, and struggle theory together to create the Party culture. It then, via political movements and routine brainwashing, gradually implanted it into the brains of Chinese."

"Officials at all levels, despite their own personality, when in public, self-restrict themselves to speak the ‘Party language’ following the Party’s principles."

"Chinese, who have grown up under the CCP controlled environment, carry the imprints of the Party culture to a certain extent. The Party culture gave Chinese a twisted personality, such as the tendency to belittle and not respect their own selves, violence, offensiveness, rudeness, and pretense.

"After people accepted the Party language, it was hard for them to express themselves to and understand people outside of the Party culture. A typical example is the different interpretation of ‘human rights’ between Chinese and Westerners. When Westerners talk about human rights, they care for individual’s rights not being violated by the government. They are actually on the side of the Chinese people. If the Chinese people were normal people, they would express their gratitude. However, after bring immersed in the CCP’s brainwashing for such a long time, many Chinese have reacted to this issue the same as China’s Foreign Minister just did."

"The result of this is not only damaging China’s image, but also blocking Chinese from accepting outside messages with an open, calm mentality. It makes the whole Chinese nation incompatible with normal human civilization."

Below is Wang Yi’s response when he jumped in to answer a question which was asked to the Canadian Foreign Minister Dion about Canadian citizen Kevin Garratt who China had detained and about China’s human rights record.

Wang Yi: "I want to give a response to the questions that the journalist just raised concerning China. Your question was full of prejudice against China and an arrogance that comes from I don’t know where. This is totally unacceptable to me. Do you understand China? Have you been to China? Do you know that China has come from a poor and backward state and lifted more than 600 million people from poverty? Do you know that China is now the world’s second biggest economy with $8,000 per capita? If we weren’t able to protect human rights properly, would China have achieved such great development? Do you know that China has incorporated protecting human rights into its Constitution? I want to tell you that it’s the Chinese people who best understand China’s human rights record — not you, but the Chinese people themselves. You have no right to speak on this. The Chinese people have the right to speak. So please don’t raise such irresponsible questions again. China welcomes all well-meaning suggestions, but we reject all groundless accusations."

1. BBC Chinese, June 2, 2016
2. Epoch Times, June 6, 2016

Xi Jinping: China and U.S. Should Focus on Cooperation

On June 7, 2016, Xi Jinping met in Beijing with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and U.S. Treasury  Secretary Jacob Lew. 

According to People’s Daily, Xi recommended that “both countries should firmly continue the historical trend of Sino-US relations, focus on cooperation, do more practical things, properly handle differences, eliminate interference, and promote the healthy and stable development of Sino-US relations.” 
Xi Jinping emphasized that China and the U.S. can do a lot of things. “Both sides should do more things that are conducive to China-US cooperation; they should not do or should do fewer things that are not conducive to bilateral cooperation. As long as the two sides keep things in perspective, move in the same direction, and proactively take action, [we can] ensure that Sino-US relations move forward on the right track and build new relations between big powers.” 
Source: People’s Daily reprinted by Qiushi, June 7, 2016

Global Times: U.S. Department of Commerce Issued Administrative Subpoena to Huawei

Global Times recently reported that the U.S. Department of Commerce has issued an administrative subpoena to Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, asking for full records from the past five years on exports to Iran, Syria, Cuba, and Sudan. This was to assist in an investigation into a potential violation of the U.S. legal restrictions on telecommunications technology exports. The subpoena has been officially delivered to Huawei’s U.S. headquarter in Dallas, Texas. The investigation is to find out whether Huawei resold U.S. communications technologies to banned countries. The Department of Commerce has not charged Huawei with any wrong-doing. Global Times quoted the British Magazine The Economist and said the U.S. is playing the “national security card,” is once again tied to protectionism, and it is expressing the needs of its politicians. Another Chinese communications company ZTE was recently found guilty in a similar investigation.
Source: Global Times, June 3, 2016