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The Paper: The U.S. May Lift the Vietnam Arms Export Ban

Well-known new Chinese news site The Paper recently reported that the U.S. Defense Secretory testified at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, expressing the current administration’s intent to lift the arms export ban on Vietnam. No details are yet available; however this statement was made before President Obama’s planned visit to Vietnam. The United States partially lifted the ban in 2014 to help Vietnam patrol the seas. U.S. officials said then that, in the future, the U.S. might consider selling Vietnam weapons that can be mounted on aircraft. Last year when U.S. Defense Secretory Carter visited Vietnam, he made the promise to provide Vietnam with a US$18 million loan. In the meantime, Tom Malinowski, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, explained that multiple things need to be considered before lifting the ban, including human rights conditions. 
Source: The Paper, April 29, 2016

China Refused U.S. Aircraft Carrier’s Hong Kong Visit

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the Chinese government refused to allow the USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) aircraft carrier to stop in Hong Kong. After the carrier completed its exercises in South Korea, it hosted a visit by U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and the Defense Minister of the Philippines. Now the USS John C. Stennis is at the U.S. naval base in Singapore. Both the U.S. State Department and the Department of Defense confirmed China’s refusal. According to the news report, this carrier has been “particularly enthusiastic” recently about the activities in the South China Sea and observers around the world now consider it to be a symbol of “U.S. hegemonism” in the region. Analysts expressed the belief that the Chinese refusal was a response to Mr. Carter’s last-minute cancellation of a visit to China. The spokesperson for the Chinese Defense Ministry commented that the so-called U.S. “freedom of navigation” is a “military provocation against China” and it is “very dangerous” since it may trigger unexpected accidents. 
Source: Sina, April 30, 2016

RFA: Arrest of Senior Officials in Financial Industries Exposes Hidden Plots in Chinese Stock Market

RFA published an article stating that the arrest of Xu Xiang, former Chinese private placement investor and the General Manager of Zexi Investments (泽熙投资), a Chinese investment company, and Chen Boming, General Manager of CITIC securities, reveals that the stock market in China is full of hidden plots from which a small group of people have benefitted. The market should have been regulated a long time ago.

RFA interviewed an economics professor from the Beijing Institute of Technology who observed, “The China Capital market is no doubt the darkest market; it is full of hidden trades behind closed doors and involves a number of illegal activities. It has been used to supply funding to the failing SOEs. A large number of low performance companies have been repackaged and have gone through the IPO procedure. A small number of special interest parties, who use their power to manipulate the market, were the ones backing them. Xu Xiang and Chen Boming are just two of the examples of this special interest group. The supervision and regulatory department should use this opportunity to establish regulations for the Chinese stock market and make it more transparent.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, April 29, 2016

Xinhua: Legally Registered Social Organizations Now More than 660,000

Xinhua reported that, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by the end of first quarter of 2016, there were 664,800 registered social organizations including 329,000 social groups, 4,841 foundations, and 331,000 private non-enterprise units in China. The article stated that the private non-enterprise units have grown and now account for 50 percent of the social organizations. They include non-profit private schools, hospitals, senior homes, museums and other categories. Xinhua said that, starting September 1, 2016, following the revision in the Charity Law, private non-enterprise units will be called social service agencies. They will include the agencies that provide assistance to people with disabilities, exploited children, and low income families.

Source: Xinhua, May 1, 2016

RFA: Central Administration Issued Directives to Stop Using Slang Words for Xi Jinping

Radio Free Asia carried an article which stated that, based on a report from Hong Kong Ming Pao, China’s central administration recently issued a directive, through the Propaganda Department, asking the local administrations not to make casual modifications of the official statements from the central administration. The directive also asked that slang words, such as “Core” (“核心”) or “Xi Da Da” (“习大大”), not be used when referring to Xi Jinping and that slang words such as Peng Mama (“彭麻麻”) not be used when referring to Xi’s wife. The article pointed out that these slang words have often been used in Chinese official microblogs or in Xinhua. Since last year, songs that had a personality cult flavor and which praised Xi Jinping have even circulated on the Internet. These have caused concern among the Chinese people who fear the return of the Cultural Revolution. Hong Kong Apple Daily reported that Xi Jinping has noticed the negative impact of these terms and told the Propaganda Department not to use these phrases and to delete any flattering contents about him.

Source: Radio Free Asia, April 29, 2016

New Law Adopted to Regulate Foreign NGOs

On April 28, 2016, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s Congress adopted a law to regulate the activities of foreign NGOs in China. The law will become effective in January 2017. 

The law has seven chapters and 54 articles. Article 5 provides that these overseas NGOs “must not harm China’s national unity, security, and national solidarity and must not harm China’s national interests, the public’s interests and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, and other organizations. “Foreign NGOs shall not engage in or fund for-profit activities and political activities, and shall not illegally engage in or fund religious activities.” 
According to Article 6, the Ministry of Public Security and the provincial police departments will be responsible for the registration and regulation of foreign NGOs. Under Article 9, foreign NGOs operating in China must not engage in activities in China without approval. 
Article 20 provides that while engaging in activities in China, foreign NGOs must not impose additional terms and conditions on their Chinese cooperating organizations and beneficiaries which violate Chinese law and regulations. 
Source: The Central Government of China, April 29, 2016

Luo Yuan: The American Military Won’t Go Away If We Just Grin and Bear It

Luo Yuan, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of the Chinese Strategic Culture Association, recently published an article which included tough talk about U.S. military activities in the South China Sea region. He said in the article: 

“The Military’s core function is to focus on how to fight; it is to be able to fight and to win the war. There is no such thing as ‘hawks’ or ‘doves’ [in the military]. One cannot accuse Chinese soldiers of intervening in political affairs and being militant. The U.S. Defense Secretary not only used the language of a bully in the South China Sea but also acted as such, personally, aboard the aircraft carrier in the South China Sea. Why not condemn the U.S. for military intervention and for being a war fanatic? Will the U.S. aircraft carrier leave by itself if we are humble and submissive? There is a bottom line in obtaining peace. We cannot barter away principles or territory for peace."  
“We do not have to make every bush and tree look like an enemy. However, now the wind in the South and the East China Sea is already heaving the waves. The U.S. Navy and Air Force are moving 60 percent of their forces to the Asia-Pacific region. Almost all their advanced weaponries have shown their faces in the South China Sea. Even the aircraft carriers and strategic bombers have come here. We cannot always take the ‘ostrich policy.’” 
"We can have the kind heart to believe that the ‘U.S. returning to Asia is not aimed at China,’ but are the facts convincing? Even the Americans themselves admit it is aimed at China. The Philippines’ 2015 GDP is less than US$0.3 trillion. The United States does not help it to improve poverty. Instead, the U.S. provides it with US$425 million in military aid, advanced weapons, and equipment. Is it pouring fuel on the fire, thus inciting the Philippines against China? If this is not planning a ‘proxy war,’ then what is it? We should not be ‘crying wolf’ every day, but if we are not prepared, we will not have the chance to cry if the wolf really comes.” 

Source: People’s Daily (originally from Global Times), April 22, 2016

Xinhua: Xi Issued Directives to the Political and Judicial Department Workforce

Xinhua reported that, on April 25, the National Political and Judicial Department held a working conference in Beijing. At the conference, Xi Jinping issued directives to all the political and judicial departments requiring them to build an honest and upright team, to improve their professional skills and the quality of their work, and to be persistent in managing the workforce in accordance with the law. Meng Jianzhu, Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, announced the directives. The conference participants included the head of Public Security, the Supreme Court, and the Procurator General.

Source: Xinhua, April 25, 2016