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Xi Jinping Speaks on Party Corruption and Discipline

Xinhua reported that the Communist Party Politburo held a special meeting on December 28 and 29, 2015. The discussion at the meeting centered on the “profound lessons [to be learned] from the abuse of power cases of former senior Party officials Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, Xu Caihou, Guo Boxiong, Ling Jihua and others.” Those who attended participated in “criticism and self-criticism” that centered on the Party’s disciplinary regulations and policies. The participants were asked to watch their families closely

Xi Jinping presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Xi urged adherence to the "three stricts and three earnests." The phrase referred to being strict about morals, power, and discipline, as well as being earnest about decisions, business, and behavior. 
The meeting emphasized that what Zhou, Bo, Xu, Guo, and Ling did illustrates that the seniority of a Party official does not necessarily mean the Party official has a high Party spirit. In fact, without constant self-improvement, the official may totally lose his Party spirit. Xi emphasized that, “By conducting investigations and severe disciplinary actions against them, [we] are being responsible to the Party, to our country, and to the people, as well as to history.” 
 Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2015

People’s Daily: China Confirmed Building a Second Aircraft Carrier

People’s Daily recently reported that the Chinese Defense Ministry confirmed in a press conference that China is currently designing and constructing a second aircraft carrier. China’s first aircraft carrier is a modified and modernized Russian aircraft carrier. This second one will be a completely China-made carrier. The spokesperson for the Defense Ministry emphasized that the decision to build a second aircraft carrier does not conflict with China’s peaceful foreign policies and defensive military policies. The main construction site of the new carrier is located in the city of Dalian. The ship’s displacement level is at 50,000 tons. The design sports a conventional power system and the primary airplane model will be the domestically made J-15. Fixed-wing aircraft will utilize a ski-jump ramp for take-off. The new aircraft carrier design absorbed many lessons learned from the first one and it will incorporate many new adjustments and improvements. The Defense Ministry is committed to providing more information once it is available. 
Source: People’s Daily, December 31, 2015

Activist Compensated for Being Detained by Police

Liang Zhuqiang, a 57 year old entrepreneur in Guangzhou who was arrested for “inciting subversion of State power” only to be released due to insufficient evidence, filed a claim against local authorities and was awarded compensation of 41,087.64 yuan (US$6,324.53). 

“At 15:30 on December 10, 2014, police found that, on December 4, 2014, the suspect had published online remarks inciting subversion of State power, which caused serious harm to national security.” It was believed that Liang posted remarks supporting Hong Kong students and residents in their protests against the Beijing supported Hong Kong government. 
On December 11, 2014, Liang was detained for “provocative and disturbing behavior.” He was formally arrested on December 25, upon approval of the Guangzhou Liwan District Procuratorate office. 
Liang’s case was then transferred to the Guangzhou City People’s Procuratorate Office. On June 5, 2015, the Guangzhou City People’s Procuratorate Office decided not to bring charges due to insufficient evidence. 
After his release, Liang filed a claim against the Guangzhou Liwan District Procuratorate Office for State compensation asking for a written apology, restoration of his reputation and compensation for the 187 days he was held in detention. On December 15, 2015, the Guangzhou Liwan District Prosecutor’s Office issued a written decision to compensate him in the amount of 41,087.64 yuan. 
Source: Weiquanwang, December 20, 2015

CCP Said to Consult Other Parties on Top Leadership Candidates

On December 10, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee published "The Opinion on Implementing Political Consultation with Other Parties."

The Opinion stated, "The main subjects on which the CCP Central Committee will conduct political consultations with other parties will include: Key documents for the CCP National Congress and the CCP Central Committee, recommendations on amending the Constitution and other important laws, candidates for national leadership, and mid- and long term plans for the economy and social development …"

Regarding the candidates for key leadership positions, the CCP Central Committee will organize the political consultation meeting during the nomination phase.

Source: Xinhua, December 10, 2015

HK Media: Beijing May not Trust Leung Chun-ying

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported that there were two things worth noticing when Leung Chun-ying (CY Leung) went to Beijing to report on his work.

The first one was that Leung sat on the side during the meetings. In the past, the central government leader and the Hong Kong Chief Executive sat next to each other in the same row. This year, for the first time, the central government leader sat at the chair’s place at a long table and Leung sat on the side. Both meetings with Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang used this format.

The second one was that Xi only used the term "Full Affirmation" to appraise Leung’s work. The central leaders always used this term in the past. It does not mean that Xi is happy with Leung’s work. The fact that Xi didn’t use “Trust" in his appraisal indicates that there is a trust crisis in regard to Leung.

Source: Apple Daily Online, December 25, 2015

Former Party Theorist on China’s Political System’s Faults

On December 7, Caixin published a public speech that Yu Keping (俞可平), a former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official and theorist gave at Beijing University. The topic was "Six Political Axioms that China’s Political System Violated."  

The first axiom was "A power holder only recognizes accountability to those who give him the power." Yu argued that the CCP has claimed officials are the servants of the general public. In reality, officials are only submissive to their bosses and treat the general public as if they are nobody. That is because officials are appointed by their bosses. Yu hinted at a solution. If the public elects these officials, they will have to serve the public.

Yu also pointed out other areas that violate the political axioms: the government is inefficient because there are too many agencies in charge of the same thing; lower level officials dare not tell the truth when providing policy feedback to the upper level officials who gave them the policy order; the number one leader at each level tends to become corrupt because there is no checks and balances system to keep them in line; subordinate officials tend to yield to their bosses because they have lower rights and benefits and perceive they are lower; the income levels are quite different between officials who at the same rank but work in different agencies and different regions.

Yu served as the Deputy Director of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau that focuses on ideology and theory research. He resigned from that post to become a political science professor at Beijing University. Caixin introduced Yu as a "famous scholar and political scientist" and mentioned that his article "Democracy Is a Good Thing" had resulted in a lot of discussion in China.

Source: Caixin, December 7, 2015

A Corrupt Official’s Last Words before His Execution

[Editor’s Note: Wen Qiang (文强), former Deputy Director and Deputy Party Secretary of the Chongqing Police Department, was sentenced to death in 2010. He was charged with the crimes of accepting bribes, protecting and conniving with mafia-like organizations, possessing a huge number of assets whose sources could not be explained, and rape.

Wen Qiang started as a local policeman in Ba County, Chongqing and gradually moved up the ranks. Before he was taken down, he had solved several big cases and was highly regarded as a top police chief in China.

Bo Xilai, then head of Chongqing took Wen Qiang down. He later started a high profile campaign to “strike the black” (attack the mafia in Chongqing) to build his personal fame so that he could eventually seize the top leadership position in China from Xi Jinping. Critics alleged that many victims of his campaign were businessmen who were falsely accused so that Bo could take over their properties.

An article with what was said to be Wen Qiang’s statement before his execution spread widely over the Internet. He admitted that he had accepted bribes and had improper sexual relations with many women, but he claimed that corruption is a nationwide, systemic problem. Not only would any official in his position have done the same thing, but the officials criticizing him were also corrupt.

Though Wen was executed on July 7, 2010, his last words can serve as a good reference in the current anti-corruption campaign in China. It sheds lights on the breadth and scale of the official corruption problem in China.

The translation of his last words follows:] [1]

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China News: Chinese Government Encourages Reasonably Lowering Housing Prices

China News recently reported that one of the key 2016 goals set by the Central Economic Work Conference is to absorb the housing market inventory. The Conference clearly pointed out that real estate developers are encouraged to “reasonably” reduce the prices of commercially available assets. In the meantime, the government will discontinue “some outdated” policy constraints. The pricing recommendations are also to allow mergers to happen among real estate developers to improve “industrial concentration” in that market segment. In order to build up a new buyer’s base in the housing market, the central government is relaxing the restrictions that traditionally barred the agricultural population from gaining city resident status. However, the Conference warned that farmers working in industrial sectors in cities may have limited buying power – and they should not be pushed too hard into taking out loans for real estate purchases.
Source: China News, December 21, 2015