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Xinhua Exclusive Report Says Western Media Incited Turkish Anti-China Demonstrations

China’s state media Xinhua published an exclusive report to “disclose” information about the recent Turkish demonstrations against the Chinese government. In asking what caused the demonstrations, the report quoted unnamed analysts who “point out that a few Western media have long been distorting China’s ethnic policy and the living status of those in ethnic minority areas. A small group of agitators and their reporting of rumors that [China] banned the ‘Ramadan fast’ in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region have brought about the recent anti-China protests in Turkey.” 

As for why the demonstrations are worsening to such a level, Xinhua News Agency reporter Zou Yue in Ankara  said that since the holy month of Ramadan began on June 18, a few Turkish media quoted foreign media that said that Xinjiang has banned some Muslims from fasting for ‘Lent.’ Thereafter, related reports were spread on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites. Some Turkish nationalists have posted pictures on social media of so-called ‘Chinese police beating and maiming Uighur women and children.’ The Turkish mainstream media subsequently also made the relevant reports.” “After the incitement of various distorted reports, anti-China sentiment in Turkey increased rapidly.” 

Source: Xinhua, July 6, 2015

HK Mingpao: New Poll Showed Impression of Beijing Getting Worse

Mingpao, one of the primary Hong Kong newspapers, recently reported on a poll of Hong Kong residents. The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a widely trusted polling organization, administered the poll. It tracked the Hong Kong residents’ level of confidence in the “one nation, two systems” policy and was taken not long after the Hong Kong Legislative Council vetoed the proposed political reform plan that Beijing supported. According to the poll, around 52.4 percent of the people had weakened confidence in Hong Kong’s “high degree of autonomy.” A record high of around 36.2 percent of the HK residents surveyed said they had a bad impression of the central government – the same number was 4.3 percent in 2007. At the same time, only 20.9 percent of the population had a good impression (the same number in 2007 was 58.2 percent). 
Source: Mingpao, June 29, 2015

HSBC PMI Number for Chinese Manufacturing Remains Low

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the June HSBC PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) number for the Chinese manufacturing industry remains low, at 49.4. The employment sub-index under the manufacturing PMI reached a six-year low (46.6). Despite the slight recovery of new orders and new export orders, the manufacturing industry continues to cut jobs. Also in the news, the Chinese Mainland’s new media company Caixin Media just announced that, starting August 1, Caixin Media will replace HSBC to sponsor the same PMI number, which has been managed and calculated by the British market study company Markit. Caixin confirmed that there will be no change in the data collection methodology or the formulas. The HSBC PMI is typically lower than the official PMI number that the Chinese government releases. PMI is an indicator of financial activity reflecting purchasing managers’ acquisition of goods and services. A PMI number below 50 typically reflects a decline.
Source: Sina, July 1, 2015

BBC Chinese: Chinese Military Audit Discovered Numerous Financial Issues

BBC Chinese recently reported, based on Chinese media coverage, that the Chinese authorities conducted a wide scale military audit starting in February. They discovered numerous financial problems. The key issues include blocking the proper distribution of military funds, reducing the released funding level, and the misappropriation of funds. Other findings include opening inappropriate bank accounts, spending without a budget, forging invoices, and expanding capital investments without approval. The Chinese military system is one of the key areas for Chinese President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption movement. In the past couple of years, many high ranking military officials have been captured, including one top level general. In the nineties, the Chinese military was prohibited from engaging in civilian business transactions. However, in recent years, many military officials have, once again, gotten deeply involved in civilian businesses. 
Source: BBC Chinese, July 2, 2015

China Consumes Half of the Antibiotics in the World

Xinhua reported on a research study that the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, which is part of Chinese Academy of Science, had recently conducted. The study found that the consumption of antibiotics in China was 162,000 tons (147 million Kilograms) in 2013 which accounted for half of the total usage in the world. Of this total, 52 percent was for animal use and 48 percent was for human use. The study also found that over 50,000 tons (45 million Kilograms) of antibiotics was discharged into soil and water each year. The statistics also revealed that China’s average antibiotics consumption per person was 5 to 8 times higher than in Western countries and that antibiotics were found in close to 60 percent of children’s urine samples. The expert stated that the over usage of antibiotics was driven by two factors. One is that doctors like to prescribe antibiotics in order to seek a speedy recovery for their patients and the other is the higher profit margin of antibiotics which can bring economic benefits to the hospital.

Source: Xinhua, July 6, 2015

Qiushi Theory: Cliques Are Absolutely Disallowed within the Party

Qiushi Theory published an article that reprinted a talk that Xi Jinping gave on preventing Party officials from forming cliques or factions of members that stick together in order to protect their own interests. The article said that the phenomenon is getting worse and has damaged the “advancement,” “unity,” and “purity” of the nature of the Party. The article then named some conditions that resulted in the formation of small interest groups within the Party. It called these a "culture of factionalization,” which occurs when officials study power circles and learn how to work around them through the “back door.” “Bourgeois liberalization” has resulted in officials not being able to balance the relationship between themselves and the Party. Thus they “seek and form personal interest groups,” which refers to the “die hard circle” of friends, alumni, and comrades–in–arms, who stick together for their own interests. The article stated that there should be zero tolerance for this type of behavior; it is a “battle that the Party cannot afford to lose.” 

Source: Qiushi Theory, June 30, 2015

Beijing Youth Daily Described Party Development Work in Private and Foreign Owned Companies

Beijing Youth Daily published an article on how Party organization development work is conducted in privately owned and foreign owned enterprises. The article listed a few privately owned enterprises that recently established Party organizations. They include Xiaomi, Inc., a privately owned Chinese electronics company headquartered in Beijing; Leshi Internet Information & Technology, also known as LeTV, which is a Chinese entertainment company and the largest online video company; and Tongchen Travel, a tourist company in Jiangsu Province. 

As to the structure and funding of the Party organizations, the article used Samsung Electronics in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province as an example. According to the article, in 2007, Samsung Electronics in Suzhou had its first Party branch office. In an interview with Beijing Youth Daily, the Party secretary of Samsung Electronics in Suzhou said that the strategy to build a Party organization in a foreign owned enterprise has always started with the Chinese manager who is in charge of the human resource department. In terms of the funding, the article said that, unlike privately owned enterprises, the foreign owned enterprise does not allocate funding to the Party organization. Therefore financing in Party branches within a foreign owned enterprise can be very tight. 
As to roles and responsibilities, the article pointed out that most of the Party officials of a privately owned enterprise have dual positions within the company. For example, they could be both the company CEO and the Party secretary. This enables the Party organization to get involved in the decision making process while still having separate Party meetings as Party members. The article also mentioned that the Party organizations use online websites and microblogs to post newsletters and activities or use video and teleconferencing to host meetings. Some of them are considering the development of applications to manage the Party membership. According to the article, among 2.9 million privately owned enterprises, 1.6 million of them have established Party organizations. The goal, according to the article, is to continue to “improve the Party organization development work at the grass roots level and continue to expand the Party’s coverage.” 

Source: Beijing Youth Daily, July 6, 2015