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Economic Downturn Will Impact 2015 Fiscal Revenue

China’s Finance Minister Lou Jiwei predicted that, in the next few months, the State will face considerable pressure to meet its 2015 revenue target. He made these remarks when speaking to the People’s Congress on June 28, 2015. "In the next several months, due to factors such as the pressure of the economic downturn, we expect to face considerable pressure to meet the central government’s fiscal revenue target."

Lou set out five priorities for the future. In regards to in-depth reforms of the taxation system, Lou stated that efforts will be made to study a reform proposal on the personal income tax and to support real estate tax legislation. 
Source: Ministry of Finance of China, June 29, 2015

Dongxiang Magazine: Zeng Qinghong’s Two Trusted Subordinates in the National Security System Sacked, a popular Chinese media website, republished a report (originally from Dongxiang, a Hong Kong news magazine) that suggested Zeng Qinghong might be in trouble. 

The report said, “After Xi Jinping came to power, he started to purge the Ministry of State Security, which Jiang Zemin’s faction had long dominated. Following the sack of Zeng Qinghong’s henchmen Ma Jian, Vice Minister of the CPC National Security Ministry, Zeng’s other confidant Le Dake, deputy director of the Tibetan People’s Congress, was then put under investigation.” 
Le’s dismissal was announced on the morning of June 26. He is the first provincial-level official to be investigated in Tibet after the "Eighteenth Congress of the CCP." Zeng Qinghong promoted Le and he has worked in the national security system for nearly 20 years. 
“The Hong Kong newspaper Sun reported that Tibet and Xinjiang have been resisting the anti-corruption campaign, using the excuse of exceptional circumstances. Especially at the local public security level and the national security system, corruption has become a ‘forbidden zone.’ Le Dake’s arrest shows that Xi does not recognize any forbidden zone in anti-corruption.” 

“Le’s dismissal is another major case in the state security system. He represents another important dismissed figure following the Beijing National Security Bureau head Liang Ke, Vice Minister Lu Zhongwei, and Vice Minister Ma Jian of the Ministry of State Security.” 

Source:, June 27, 2015

Xinhua: Chinese Communist Party’s Grass-roots Organizations Continue to Expand

Xinhua recently reported that, according to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Organization Department’s latest statistics, as of the end of 2014, the total number of members of the Chinese Communist Party was 87.8 million, a net increase of 1.1 million over the previous year, or a growth of 1.3 percent. The Party’s grass-roots organizations had 4.36 million members, an increase of 56,000 over the previous year, or a growth of 1.3 percent.
The Party’s grass-roots organizations have continued to expand. CCP organizations are in place in 7,565 urban Street Offices (城市街道), 32,753 townships, 92,581 communities or neighborhoods (居委会), and 577,273 administrative villages, with a coverage rate of more than 99 percent. 194,000 state-owned enterprises have Party organizations, accounting for 91.0 percent of the total state-owned enterprises. Party organizations have been installed in 1.6 million non-public (private) enterprises, accounting for 53.1 percent of the total number of non-public enterprises. Party organizations have been installed in 184,000 nongovernment organizations, which is 41.9 percent of the total.
Source: Xinhua, June 29, 2015

RFA: A Thousand Workers Renounce Their Membership in the CCP

According to Radio Free Asia (RFA), the Human Right Defender’ website quoted a report about the Dyeing and Weaving Factory in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province, which is an old state-owned enterprise in Central China. Just a few days before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was to celebrates its 94th anniversary on July 1, all of the members of the Communist Party at the factory renounced their membership in the CCP. Some of them had been Party members for decades.

There has long been a problem since the government stopped providing retirement benefits to the factory’s retirees. Employees of the factory appealed many times and even confronted the government many times. Each time they were suppressed. When the people became completely desperate, all Party members at the factory decided to renounce their membership in the Party.

Radio Free Asia, June 29, 2015
Human Rights Defenders, June 29, 2015

Global Poll Showed U.S. Still Enjoys a Better Image than China

Well-known Chinese news portal Netease recently reported that the latest global Pew poll, which has been conducted annually since 2005, showed that, as usual, the United States has a better national image than China. Around 69 percent of the global population surveyed expressed a positive impression of the United States, while 55 percent were positive about China. In most regions of the world, the U.S. won a higher preferable ratio. Interestingly, both China’s highest and lowest ratings were from Asia. Around 82 percent of the people surveyed in Pakistan gave China a positive score. At the same time, the poll in Japan showed a below-single-digit percentage positive rating for China. This has been the case for the past three years. 
Source: Netease, June 26, 2015

Shanghai Plans to Establish Gold Fixing Price in RMB

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the Shanghai Gold Exchange is planning to use the Chinese currency RMB for its gold fixing price. The Exchange already submitted its plan details to the Chinese central bank for approval. Once approved, the Exchange will decide on the international and domestic banks that will be part of the process of fixing the prices. This is the latest of China’s efforts to improve its status in the world’s gold market. Currently the Base London Gold Fixing Price is the primary indicator of gold prices. However the London Fixing Price has been under legal investigation for potential manipulations. If the RMB-based Gold Fixing Price is established and accepted globally, the world gold trade could then be settled in RMB. This could render the London Gold Price irrelevant. However the Chinese currency is not yet freely exchangeable.
Source: Sina, June 24, 2015

BBC Chinese: After the Strategic Dialogue, the U.S. Criticized China on Its Human Rights Record

BBC Chinese recently reported that the U.S. released its 2014 World Human Rights Report right after the completion of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. The Dialogue was a routine face-to-face conference among high-ranking government officials from the two nations. The newly released report criticized China for its human rights record, pointing out that China has continued to suppress political activists. The Chinese government denied all the charges. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Tom Malinowski also mentioned that China has introduced draft laws to constrain NGOs in China. He expressed his concern that such a laws may have a significant impact on commercial, cultural, and educational exchanges between China and the United States as well as on human rights conditions and on the rule of law in China. The U.S. did mention this concern to China in the Dialogue. 
Source: BBC Chinese, June 25, 2015

Survey Shows Over 70 Percent of Doctors in Guangdong Would Not Want their Children to be Doctors

In 2014, the Guangdong Medical Doctor’s Association conducted a survey of its members. According to the survey 71.65 percent of the doctors who responded would not want their children to become doctors. They were also asked if, given another chance, whether they themselves would still want to be doctors. The answer for 57.52 percent of them was that, given the choice, they would not want to be a doctor again. The article said that doctors and patients in China have had intense disputes and conflicts. In addition, a doctor’s workload is very heavy. The survey results showed that more than 50 percent of the doctors had to stay late at work, 44 percent of them needed to work on weekends and holidays, and 14 percent were required to participate in various academic activities during weekends and on holidays. Moreover 65 percent of the doctors did not feel that they were compensated adequately for their efforts. The survey showed that 16.5 percent of the doctor’s received an annual salary of less than 30,000 yuan per year (US$4,830) while 22.9 percent made 30,000 to 50,000 yuan (US$4,830 to $8050) each year.

Source: Guangming Daily, June 27, 2015