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Xinhua: College Party Secretary and Principals to Strengthen Party Political and Ideology Education

Xinhua reported that, recently, while attending training courses at the Party school in Beijing, the Party secretary and the principals from a number of universities hela forum. Liu Yunshan, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, spoke at the forum. Liu emphasized that colleges and universities need to provide an education that follows “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” Colleges and universities should conduct work on political and ideology education among students and faculty members while further promoting the development of the work of the Party.

Source: Xinhua, March 28, 2015

Ministry of Finance: The Growth in Fiscal Revenue Slowed Down Sharply

According to a recent article in People’s Daily, China’s Ministry of Finance recently released statistics showing that, in the first two months of 2015, the growth in China’s fiscal revenue slowed down sharply, while expenditures increased. 

In the first two months of 2015, fiscal revenue grew 3.2 percent year on year, reaching 2.57 trillion yuan (approximately US$417.5 billion). Excluding the transfer of government funds, the growth rate was 1.7 percent. Revenue from taxation was 2.24 trillion yuan (US$360 billion), a 0.8 percent increase year on year. This is a historical low, said Bai Jingming, an official from the Ministry of Finance. 
Meanwhile, expenditures rose to 1.89 trillion yuan (US$300 billion), an increase of 10.5 percent year on year, with a 52 percent increase for transportation, an increase of 21.2 percent for housing, 15.6 percent for social security and employment, and 14.5 percent for education. The recent Budget Report of the Ministry of Finance that the third session of the twelve National People’s Congress approved set the target for fiscal revenue to grow at 7.3 percent in 2015. “Based on the current situation, it will be very difficult to achieve the annual revenue growth target," said Bai Jingming. 
Source: People’s Daily, March 17, 2015

Expert: U.S. Has Expanded Its Cyberwar Battle Mode

In an interview with a reporter from China National Radio (CNR), Chinese military expert Li Wei said that the U.S. will use cyberwar deterrence as a new form of battle. He indicated that it would be difficult to break the U.S.’s cyber-hegemony in the short-term. Below is a translation of CNR‘s report: 

Recently, the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, Mike McCall, stated that the Korean network paralysis that occurred last December was due to the retaliatory measures that the United States initiated. It is the first time that a U.S. lawmakers publicly acknowledged the U.S. attack on North Korea. Why did the U.S. lawmaker suddenly release this information? Is the U.S. cyber army really not conquerable? The reporter interviewed military expert Li Wei on these and related issues. 
As early as back in the 1990s, the U.S. proposed the concept of cyber warfare. The U.S. has been developing its cyber army even more in recent years and has actively built up its military activity in cyber space under the banner of safeguarding national interests. Li Wei pointed out that, although the United States followed the previous framework of its military forces, the combat mode has undergone enormous changes. It has become a team of Internet experts in military uniform. 

The United States has often used Hackers as a reason to accuse other countries, but the U.S. Congressman has now acknowledged publicly, for the first time, that the U.S. attacked North Korea’s cyber network. Li Wei said that the U.S. lawmaker’s statement may herald that the United States will add to its cyber deterrence as a new deterrence in addition to its nuclear and conventional deterrence. 

Li Wei suggested that the United States is far ahead in Internet hardware and technology. Such hegemony is difficult to break in the short term. In the face of such a situation, other countries should develop their Internet core technology and, at the same time, use the U.N. and other international organizations to counterbalance the United States. If we allow the United States to stay dominant, the United States will always maintain its Internet hegemony. 

Source: China National Radio (CNR), March 19, 2015

U.S. Enters Hegemony Menopause, Fearing Loss of Absolute Military Superiority to China

In a commentary article, Peng Guangqian, Deputy Secretary General of the China National Security Forum, stated that America’s dominance is in decline and is in the stage of “menopause.” Below is an excerpt from the article: 

“Not long ago, the U.S. Senate and the House Armed Services Committee held a hearing to examine the security challenges that the United States faces in the world. In the hearing, ‘Chinese military threat’ became the ‘keyword’ and was used with the highest frequency. America, which has always regarded itself as unbeatable, now has many senior officials and generals expressing their ‘shock’ at the progress of China’s military modernization and their ‘fear’ of losing the United States’ absolute military superiority. Aside from the mentality of American politicians that ‘unless you are the same race (as us), your heart will always be different,’ the United States really seems to be less powerful than it once was.” 
“History tells us that on the eve of hegemonic decline, when it is declining but not yet completely down, it is precisely at a stage where it is the most vulnerable, the most sensitive, and the most likely to lose its sense of mind. Compared to the past, America’s voice, when talking today, is getting louder and louder, which is precisely a manifestation of its inner anxiety, nervousness, and lack of self-confidence. It is a reflection of hegemony menopause. Obama said the United States ‘will never be in second position.’ This shows precisely that the U.S. is anxiously realizing the real possibility of becoming ‘second.’ In this particular sensitive time, the probability that the United States will have some irrational reactions is greatly increased.” 

“After all, the United States has the world’s largest super war machine and is a superpower with international influence. Once the United States loses its mind, once the decline of American hegemony is out of control, it is, of course, a disaster for the United States itself, and it will not be a good thing for the world either. Therefore, we must be especially vigilant about the direction in which the U.S. is heading. 

Source: Xinhua, February 26, 2015

Qiushi: The U.S. Is Using Ukraine as a Pawn against Russia

Qiushi reported that Ukraine is nothing but a pawn in the chess game the U.S. is playing against Russia. Recently both the United States and Britain announced plans to send troops to train the Ukraine military. 

“In the Ukraine crisis, it is deceitful for the United States to act as a ‘messenger of justice.’ The truth is that it wants to weaken its target, which is Russia.”
“Although it appears that the United States is increasing its aid to Ukraine, at the critical moment, out of national interest and other factors, the United States will ‘abandon’ its pawn to protect ‘its king.’”
“Thus, even with the ’direct intervention,’ of the U.S., the Ukrainian crisis will not be alleviated or resolved quickly. On the contrary, the so-called Western ‘aid’ will more likely change the crisis into the continuous process of a vicious circle. Ukraine will not escape its destiny which is to be a pawn that the United States uses against Russia.” 
Source: Qiushi, March 24, 2015

China Demands That the Dalai Lama Reincarnate

Some discussion has gone back and forth recently between Beijing and the Dalai Lama as to whether he will reincarnate after he passes away. Since last year, the Dalai Lama has expressed several times that the decision is up to the Tibetan people and he might not reincarnate if they feel it is not relevant. Beijing, however, has criticized his decision as "a betrayal to the country (China) and a betrayal of Tibetan Buddhism."

Tibetan Buddhism follows the "Living Buddha Reincarnation" system. When the current Dalai Lama leaves this world, his soul comes back to life through a young child. Traditionally, the Tibetan government and the Dalai Lama’s close followers search and identify the child. Then the Central Government (China) acknowledges the child officially as the Dalai Lama. These days, the Dalai Lama has expressed that he does not want any person or power, including China, to choose his successor out of "political motivation."

After the Dalai Lama expressed his desire to cease the reincarnation process, on December 18, 2014, Zhu Weiqun, Director of Religion of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and former Deputy Minister of the CCP’s United Front Work Department, criticized the Dalai Lama for this "double betrayal." He stated, "Only the Central Government can decide the existence or abolition of the Dalai Lama system. It is not something that the 14th Dalai Lama can decide."

Again, on March 11, 2015, at the national conference of the CPPCC, Zhu again blamed the Dalai Lama for the "double betrayal." He said the Dalai Lama was "irresponsible" and "showed no respect toward religion and the country (China)."

Lobsang Sangay, the head of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile countered, "The Chinese government’s determination of the reincarnation candidate is the equivalent of Fidel Castro saying, ‘I will appoint the next Pope; therefore, all Catholics should follow him.’ It is that ridiculous."

An Internet comment said, "The religious leader wants to terminate reincarnation, but the atheist Party scolded him harshly (and won’t allow him to do so). I can’t understand this at all."

1. Deutsche Welle Online, March 11, 2015中国政协高官再次高调抨击达赖喇嘛/a-18307177
2. World Journal, December 18, 2014達賴喇嘛要結束轉世-無神論中共怒斥/

Wenweipo: Police Arrested Participants at a Local Political Consultative Conference in Chengdu

Hong Kong-based Wenweipo reported that the police interrupted the Jinniu District’s Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province and arrested both reporters and staff members.

The reason was that they discussed Li Chuncheng, one of Zhou Yongkang’s confidants. Li had been the Deputy Party Secretary of Sichuan Province. In 2012, he was taken down as a "tiger" and was charged with corruption.

On February 10, 2015, at the closing ceremony of the Fourth Session of the Sixth Jinniu District CPPCC, Vice Chairman Shen Yong proposed: "For a long time, Li Chuncheng interfered with the Jinniu District’s work and caused adverse effects. All CPPCC members should make more suggestions and conduct democratic monitoring to cleanse Li’s bad influence." The majority of the CPPCC members seconded the proposal.

However, officials from the Jinniu District didn’t like this proposal. The CPPCC’s Chairman voted against it. The Party Secretary (the number one official in the district) skipped his speech and just stated, "The vote is invalid," and, "The meeting is adjourned." All leaders from the Party committee, the district government, the people’s congress, and the CPPCC, except Shen Yong, left the conference.

The Police came in. They stopped the meeting and arrested several reporters and staff members. Shen Yong was detained and investigated for corruption.

The closing ceremony was held on the next day, without any mention of Li Chuncheng.

Source: Wenweipo Online, March 23, 2015 Xi Jinping Narrowly Escaped Assassination Attempts; Is Ready for the Worst

On March 23, 2015, published an article titled “Xi Jinping Narrowly Escaped Assassination Attempts Several Times and Is Ready for the Worst.” It seems that the original news report from is no longer available. According to the article, Xi Jinping, the current General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and the President of the People’s Republic of China, has suffered 6 assassination attempts. Assassins hired internally within the Party have made such attempts from around the period of the 18th CCP National Congress from November 8 to 14, 2012, when he took power, up until the present day. To prepare for the worst, prior to August 1, 2014, Xi wrote a letter to the Central Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party and proposed that a five-regent team be established and ready for a power transition just in case. Li Keqiang, China’s current Premier of the State Council, was proposed as the head of the “Backup” leadership. Xi has also reshuffled the Central Security Bureau that is in charge of his personal safety, which confirms that he did not fully trust the original members of the security bureau.

Since Xi Jinping assumed power, he has carried out a powerful anti-corruption campaign within the Chinese Communist Party. Those whose powers and interests have been taken away, or who are still in danger, will not wait without a fight. After having taken down Zhou Yongkang and Xu Caihou, two important tigers from Jiang Zemin’s faction, Xi’s anti-corruption campaign has entered a critical stage. He still needs to face directly the "ultimate big tiger," Jiang Zemin, the retired top leader of the CCP, and his close allies.

Sources: & Epoch Times, March 23, 2015