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BBC Chinese: Teachers and Unions Join Hong Kong Protesters

On September 28, 2014, Hong Kong police used tear gas against the peaceful pro-democracy protestors, the students who have boycotted classes, and the “Occupy Central” group. The Chinese government’s withdrawal of its previous promise for a true free election in Hong Kong by 2017 is what sparked the Occupy Central movement. The police forces’ use of tear gas did not scare the protestors away. The Hong Kong Federation of Students then delivered an ultimatum to the Hong Kong SAR government. If the Hong Kong SAR government did not respond to their requests before midnight, they would call for more protests, including a continuous boycott of classes, a general strike, and the closing of shops until there is a “people’s victory.”

The Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (HKPTU), the city’s largest teachers’ union, declared a strike in response the police use of force in its crackdown on student demonstrators on Sunday. The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) also called for a strike to protest the ruthless actions taken against unarmed peaceful protestors. The Chinese government’s Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R. published a statement, accusing the “Occupy Central” gathering of being “illegal.” It supported the “legal actions” of the police against the protestors. A spokesman from China’s Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the state Council responded that “the central government firmly opposes any illegal actions to damage the rule of law and society’s peace.”

Source: BBC Chinese, September 28, 2014

People’s Daily: China’s People’s Congress System Is Superior

In order to fend off any requests for more democracy, China has kept promoting its own political system. People’s Daily published an article stating that China’s People’s Congress system is better than Western parliamentary democracy. The article gave the following reasons:

First, the "people’s democratic dictatorship" is what determines the nature of China’s People’s Congress system, while the purpose of the western political system is to serve the "bourgeoisie dictatorship." Second, China’s system is a democracy based on “the rights belonging to the people,” while the western system is a democracy based on "the rights belonging to capital." Third, China’s People’s Congress is the organ with the highest power of the state, but the Western system has a "separation of powers." China’s system guarantees the public has the top power, where the Western system is balanced. Fourth, China’s system is one legislative body following the "democratic centralism" principle. The Western system is a multi-party or bicameral system. China’s system ensures the efficiency of carrying out a substanial initiative quickly.

The article further rebutted the suggestion to adopt a Western style of democracy. It stated that the [Western] "one person one vote" election system would quickly lead China into turmoil or even civil war. "[If] it gave up the political path that has the People’s Congress system as the foundation of its political system, [China] would for sure fall into social turmoil, the country would be split, the result would be people’s deaths, and government policies would end."

Source: People’s Daily Online, September 30, 2014

BBC Chinese: China’s Per Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions Exceed the EU Number

BBC Chinese recently reported on the latest numbers for China’s carbon dioxide emissions. For the first time, emissions per capita exceeded the level in the EU. For a long time, China has maintained that the Chinese emissions level needed to remain high due to the country’s strong economic growth. However the Chinese government has always added that China’s per capita number was way below other large economies. From now on, this claim will no longer be true. At the present time, the total Chinese emissions level is higher than that of the United States and the European Union combined. A high ranking Chinese government official recently pointed out that China has been taking action to reduce emissions instead of just talking and that it is the lack of communication that has put China in a “misunderstood” position. According to the World Meteorological Organization, carbon dioxide emissions reached a record high in 2013.
Source: BBC Chinese, September 21, 2014

Wang Yang: China and Japan Should Resume the Economic Dialogue

The South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong based century-old newspaper, recently reported that Chinese Deputy Premier Wang Yang met with the Japan-China Economic Association Delegation on September 24. At the meeting, Wang suggested that the two countries should resume the Senior Officials Economic Dialogue that they suspended four years ago. This comment was made in response to the Japanese Delegation’s emphasis on the importance of improving the two nations’ relationship. The Japanese Delegation also called for a meeting between Prime Minister Abe and the Chinese President Xi Jinping at the upcoming APEC Leadership Summit. However Wang kept quiet on this matter. The Japan-China Economic Association has high ranking managers from large Japanese companies as members. Since 1975, it has sent 39 delegations to China. The current delegation, which is the largest ever, hoped to meet with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. However, that did not become a reality.
Source: South China Morning Post, September 25, 2014

Exponential Growth in Cloud Computing Expected in Chinese IT Market

Well-known Chinese site Sina recently reported that Chinese IT experts have the strong expectation of major growth in the Chinese cloud computing market. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology just released its 2014 Cloud Computing Whitepaper, which revealed that the Chinese cloud computing market size was RMB 4.76 billion (around US$777 million) in 2013, representing a 36 percent year-over-year growth rate that was above the global average. Senior government officials at the Ministry indicated that China’s key strategy is to build large scale leading companies in the field and to establish a full-cycle industrial chain (from suppliers to retailers). Financial market analysts expressed the belief that China is ready for a major boost in the cloud computing market segment, since the business models and customers are becoming much more mature.
Source: Sina, September 23, 2014

Xinhua: 850,000 Volunteers to Guard Security in Beijing during the Upcoming National Day Events

Xinhua reported that 850,000 volunteers registered as security guards in order to safeguard security in Beijing during the upcoming events for China’s 65th National Day on October 1. According to the Beijing Comprehensive Management of Public Security Committee, these volunteers will assist the public security bureau to conduct inspections at checkpoints that have been set up at bridges and tunnels on the passageways to enter Beijing. They will also work with the cameras installed in certain neighborhoods to monitor any unusual situations.

Source: Xinhua, September 29, 2014

People’s Daily Article on the Average Income of College Graduates Born in the 1990s

People’s Daily carried an article on a report that the Market and Media Research Center of Beijing University recently published on the average income of college graduates in China. One area of the report focused on the job market for the college graduates who were born in the 1990’s. The research results showed that, even though GDP grew four times in the past ten years and the minimum wage grew from 380 (US$62) a month to 1400 (UD$229) a month, the average salary for college graduates was 2,443 (US$399) a month in 2014 compared to 1,550.7 (US$253) a month in 2003 [an increase of just over 1.5 times for that period]. The report showed that the starting salary varies in different geographic locations, with those in Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen earning 3,241 (US$529), 3,109 (US$507), and 2,905 (US$474) respectively versus those in the Midwestern regions who make as little as 2,000. Moreover, even for those who graduate from elite colleges or with a Masters’ degree, the income gap is getting smaller. In addition, the major that has the highest income has shifted from computer science, business management, and industrial technology in 2003 to hotel management, telecommunications, and e-business in 2013.

Source: People’s Daily, September 28, 2014

Guangming Daily: PLA Intensive Military Exercises Showcase China’s Military Power

Guangming Daily carried an article that China News Service had originally published on the PLA’s recent intensive military exercises. The article reported that, in September, the PLA conducted no less than six military exercises, including one in the South China Sea. It indicated that some military experts view the exercises as a move to strengthen China’s military power while demonstrating that China is not threatened by any external military power. Even though the article mentioned that the exercises were planned at the beginning of the year, it also quoted a statement by an anonymous foreign media saying that “when the U.S. military conducts military exercises, it takes China as its opponent. Now China is using its military exercises in the South China Sea as a response to demonstrate that China is not afraid of the US and can fight against it.”

Source: Guangming Daily, September 28, 2014