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China’s M2 Exceeds 100 Trillion Yuan

According to People’s Bank of China’s latest release, in March 2013, M2, China’s broadest measure of money supply, reached 103.61 trillion yuan for the first time. Over the past 10 years, China’s M2 money supply has risen sixfold from 13 trillion yuan in 2000. It was just below 50 trillion yuan in 2008. However, starting in 2009, M2 increased 10 trillion every year. In 2012, it exceeded 97 trillion.

Currently, the ratio of China’s M2 to GDP is close to 190 percent. This number brings to light a clear acceleration when compared to recent years. It reflects the reality of a decreased return on investment and a narrowing path of economic growth driven by money supply.

Source: People’s Daily, April 12, 2013

Xinhua: Who Really Wants to Make Trouble on the Korean Peninsula?

On April 11, 2013, Xinhua published an article by Hu Wenlong, research fellow at the China Academy of Military Sciences. Hu stated that it is inevitable and understandable that North Korea may be making trouble because of the U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution against North Korea. However, the United States may want North Korea to make trouble.

According to Hu, the U.S. response this time is different from its previous responses in three respects. First, its ultimate motive is different. The U.S. is not trying to diffuse the tension or push for negotiations. Instead, it is watching North Korea and following suit. It is escalating the military confrontation, thereby demonstrating its selfishness rather than a desire to safeguard world peace. “In fact, a phone call would diffuse the tension, but Obama does not pick up the phone.” Second, the U.S. is maneuvering things militarily. Besides issuing threats and escalating the situation, the U.S. is preparing for war. “More importantly, the U.S. is engaging in combat deployment and is rehearsing operations. Clearly the U.S. wants North Korea to make trouble. It is not the U.S.’s real wish for North Korea not to make trouble.” Third, the U.S. points a finger at China in order to mislead the media, to the extent that it wants to hold China responsible. “Now it is clearly pressuring China and blaming China for not taking tougher measures against North Korea. … Targeting North Korea is a pretext; targeting China is its true intent.”

Source: Xinhua, April 11, 2013

Chinese Government’s Ban on Satellite TV Receivers Meets with New Technologies

During the "two sessions" [the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)] held in Beijing, it was decided that satellite TV receivers would be taken off the shelves from China’s major online stores. One official, who was unwilling to disclose his name, told the VOA reporter that the Chinese government’s provision of banning individual citizens from receiving foreign satellite TV programs dates back to 1993. Then Premier Li Peng issued a regulation forbidding Chinese citizens from receiving foreign television programs, but allowing the installation of receivers at three-star hotels that accommodate foreigners. Later, the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) installed satellite receivers in every village so that the people in remote areas could "hear the voice of the Party’s central committee." Some people are now familiar with the technique of using one receiver to watch programs from multiple satellites. After watching the government programs, they are then able to switch immediately to programs from foreign satellites by just swirling the knob.

Recently, a number of self-immolation incidents have occurred in Tibetan areas. As a result, the Chinese government intensified the campaign against unauthorized installation of satellite TV receivers in Qinghai and other settlements of mostly Tibetans. During the "two sessions" in March this year, the Qinghai provincial government issued a new regulation to confiscate and burn satellite TV receivers in monasteries and residential homes, to impose fines for those who disobeyed, and to reward those who reported the sales network of receivers. In Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture alone, 26,984 sets of satellite receiving equipment were confiscated and destroyed.

On the other hand, with the development of the Ku-band broadcasting satellite technology, satellite signals are growing stronger over China. At the same time, the ground satellite receiver is getting smaller and smaller. Some can even be put inside a room in the house or on the patio. A new technology has been developed called the TV rod. It can be plugged into the computer thus enabling the immediately reception and watching of foreign television programs, including Voice of America.

Source: Voice of America, April 8, 2013

China’s State-Media Comments on The U.S. Air Force’s Designation of Six Cyber Tools as Weapons

China’s state-run media published an article commenting on the U.S. Air Force’s designation of six cyber tools as weapons. It said, “This unprecedented decision means that the government and the military of the United States officially define the attacks on the Internet as the reality of war. In addition to land, sea, air, and outer space, virtual cyberspace has become the new real battlefield.” “This approach will extend the arms race to Internet space, thereby affecting the international military and political structure.” 

The article pointed out that for the U.S. to launch attacks using cyber tools was not a secret; the move may have had two major purposes. First, the U.S. Air Force is trying to echo the propaganda that the Obama administration put forth on "cyber threats" this year. Second, the U.S. military wants to secure more defense funding from the U.S. Congress. 
The article was initially published on the website for China Youth Daily. Other major websites for China’s state media then republished it. 
Source: People’s Daily, April, 10, 2013

More H7N9 related Deaths; Additional H7N9-positive Samples Found

Xinhua reported that, as of 7:00 p.m. Beijing time on April 10, 2013, China had a total of 33 H7N9 cases with 9 deaths and no epidemiological connection between these cases. On that same day, China’s Ministry of Agriculture said that, in lab tests, 14 more poultry samples in the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui in east China were discovered to have been H7N9-positive. The samples were from 2,099 samples collected in poultry farms and markets. Eleven of the 14 positive samples were found to have been taken from the 743 samples from Jiangsu Province.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Avian Flu Reference Laboratory concluded from a gene sequence analysis that that the strain of the H7N9 virus found in the 14 samples was highly congeneric with that found earlier in a pigeon on April 4.

The Ministry of Agriculture has ordered the three provinces to shut down and thoroughly disinfect the markets from which the samples were taken and to cull all live poultry.

Source: Xinhua, April 10, 2013

After Retirement, Former Top CCP Official Seeks Protection in a Taoist Temple

On April 4, 2013, the website of Voice of Taoism published a report about Wu Bangguo, an acknowledged Marxist atheist. Soon after his retirement, Wu visited a Taoist temple seeking protection and wealth from Taoist deities. Chinese Internet users ridiculed his worship of Taoist deities, calling it an "ironic scene."

Wu is a former member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress in China. He had vowed to adhere to the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Before he retired from his leadership position, he opposed any political reforms and universal values.

Source: Voice of Taoism, April 4, 2013

China’s Military Official: H7N9 Bird Flu Is a U.S. Conspiracy against China

Dai Xu, the Director of the Marine Security and Cooperation Research Institute and an Air Force Colonel in the People’s Liberation Army, asserted that the H7N9 virus is part of a U.S. conspiracy against China and Chinese authorities should simply ignore it. Dai posted his bird flu comment on Sina Weibo, a Twitter-like site, late Saturday night on April 6, 2013. Dai said, “As for the recent bird flu fad, China’s top government departments must not deal with it extensively. Otherwise, it will be just like SARS in 2003! At that time, the U.S. was fighting Iraq and feared China might take advantage of the situation, so it deployed a bio-psychological weapon against China. The country was thrown into turmoil, just as the U.S. had hoped. Now, the U.S. is trying the same old trick. China should learn a lesson from the past and respond calmly.”

An earlier version of the post was subsequently deleted, but multiple other users preserved it in screenshots. It ended on a different note: “A few may die, but that’s not even one-thousandth of the deaths from car accidents in China.”

Source: BBC Chinese and The Wall Street Journal, April 7 and April

China Has again Become Canada’s Largest Source for Immigration

According to Radio Free Asia on April 8, 2013, China has again become Canada’s largest source for immigration. In 2012, a total of 32,990 Chinese people obtained permanent resident visas. China’s social system, social problems, and environmental disasters have filled the Chinese people with despair. That is why China has been Canada’s largest source for immigration. However, China is in the 3rd position in terms of the number of permanent residents having become Canadian citizens. 

Source: Radio Free Asia, April 8, 2013