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China’s Development Cannot Advance without Africa

ZHAO Changhui, a scholar at the Contemporary World Research Center, expressed the belief that China’s future development lies in Africa. He said the following in an opinion article published by Xinhua

“The geographic distribution of global business is being re-shuffled. Emerging markets will become the basic source for revenue and profit, whereas Africa is the battleground that all the players in the world will want to control.” 
“For the future, the most important issues are that China should do three things without any hesitation: 

1) Strategically, conquer Africa. The Chinese government, think tanks, the press, and the public need to adjust their view of the world, implement aggressive and mass scale African policies that are supportive and complementary to each other, and help the Chinese business community, especially the different central and local state-owned enterprises, to advance firmly and coherently in African. 

2) Tactically, steer China’s financial and monetary direction. China’s financial banking institutions, particularly the national financial institutions, should wake up and determinedly enter the most lucrative African market. The United States, as China’s geopolitical rival, is unrestrained in trade and financial protectionism, while Europe will remain flat over the next 10 years. 

3) As a goal, establish a unified market. Africa is eagerly looking forward to forming an alliance with China to have all-around cooperation in which China’s trade and investment will benefit Africa and the transfer of technology and productivity will lift Africa out of hunger, poverty, and social risks due the unemployment of young people. In today’s world, only China has strong finances, the technology, and the political will at the same time.”

“In short, the ‘China Dream’ is a new model for the world. Africa is the bridge for the ‘China Dream.’”
Source: Xinhua, March 27, 2013

The World China Studies Forum Held in Shanghai

On March 23 and 24, 2013, the "World China Study" Forum was held at the Shanghai World Expo Center. It was co-sponsored by the State Council Press Office and the Shanghai municipal government, including the Shanghai Social Science Academy and the Shanghai City Press Office. About 500 scholars in China studies came from around the world to discuss the relationship between China and the rest of the world, as well as China’s development road in the next decade.

Three scholars were given awards for their contribution to China studies:

Сергей Леонидович Тихвинский, a Russian Science Academy member, the former Russian special ambassador to China; Ezra Feivel Vogel, the Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus at Harvard University, former Director of the Fairbank Center for East Asian Studies; and Jao Tsung-I (Mandarin Pinyin: Ráo Zōngyí), the emeritus Chairman of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is currently the Wei Lun Honorary Professor of Fine Art and Emeritus Professor of Chinese Language and Literature at CUHK.

Source: Guangming Website, March 23

IHL: The Best Strategy is to Form an Alliance with Russia

According to the International Herald Leader, Yan Xuetong, Dean of the Institute of Contemporary International Relations at Tsinghua University in Beijing, said that, given the current international environment, the best strategy for China and Russia is to form an alliance with each other.

Yan pointed out that President Xi’s visit to Russia is not out of consideration of bilateral relations with the United States, but represents a totally new strategic paradigm shift. Yan further stated that the most important benefit such an alliance with Russia will bring to China is to solidify a favorable security environment for northern and western China so that China can focus on handling the pressure in eastern and southern China. Moreover, it may help re-balance the votes at the U.N. Security Council. Yan advised that China should take a proactive approach to forming an alliance and making proposals to Russia.

Source: International Herald Leader, March 26, 2013

China Will Limit Hong Kong’s Rights in Electing the Chief Executive of the HKSAR

On March 24, 2013, Qiao Xiaoyang, director of China’s National People’s Congress Law Committee, spoke at a forum where he explained the central government’s bottom line on the universal suffrage discussed for Hong Kong in 2017. Qiao said that anyone who stands against the central government will never be accepted as chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

Qiao’s purpose was to  reaffirm the bottom line on behalf of the central government: to ensure that Hong Kong residents consciously not choose a candidate who opposes the Chinese Communist Party.

Source: Hong Kong Wenweipo, March 25, 2013

Chinese Scholar: Five Non-Military Means to Respond to the Diaoyu Islands Dispute

On March 21, 2013, Cheng Enfu, member of the Presidium of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Academic Division, and director of the Academic Division of Marxist Studies, published an article on Huanqiu (the Chinese edition of Global Times) proposing five non-military means to deal with Japan on the Diaoyu Islands dispute (called the Senkaku Islands in Japan).

1) Mobilize overseas Chinese around the world to launch Diaoyu Islands Protection campaigns and ask Taiwan authorities to take the major responsibility to protect the Diaoyu Islands. 2) Take advantage of Japan’s eagerness to become the new permanent member of the United Nations and make a political deal with Japan. 3) Reduce the export of rare earths and other strategic resources to Japan and tighten the importation of Japanese goods. 4) If Japan does not back off on the Diaoyu Islands dispute, then support Russia and South Korea’s position on the South Kuril Islands and Dokdo Island. 5) Mobilize friendly Japanese people from all walks of life to boycott and split up Japan’s rightist militant forces.

Source: Huanqiu, March 21, 2013

Wen Wei Po: China and Russia to Strengthen Military Cooperation is of Great Significance

On March 25, 2013, Wen Wei Po published an article titled “It Is of Great Significance for China and Russia to Strengthen Military Cooperation.” Xi Jinping, Chairman of the PRC and the Central Military Commission, visited the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Russian Armed Forces’ Operational Command Center. Xi Jinping is the first foreign leader ever to be allowed inside the Russian Armed Forces’ Operational Command Center, the "heart" of the Russian military establishment.

“In recent years, the United States has implemented the ‘return to the Asia-Pacific’ strategy and instigated Japan to provoke the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands dispute in Asia. Thus the risk of an accidental Sino-Japanese battle is rising; Japan’s attitude on the South Kuril Islands has turned firm. Therefore, China and Russia need to support each other and maintain the international order in the post-World War II era.”

Source: Wen Wei Po, March 25, 2013

People’s Daily: China’s Cellphone Internet Usage Higher than EU and U.S.

People’s Daily recently reported on the findings of the "2012 Chinese Urban Communications Behavior Research" published by the Ericsson Consumer Research Center. The research results showed that 87 percent of Chinese smartphone owners used Internet services. This percentage is higher than the high of an 86 percent usage rate for the U.S. and EU developed nations. Chinese users have a higher rate for phone services, web browsing, and Internet gaming. For instant messaging, Chinese customers are drastically more active than EU and U.S. customers. The research also found that Chinese mobile users are more interested in using smartphones than they are in using laptops or tablets to get onto the Internet. The research is part of a global telecommunication study conducted by Ericsson.
Source: People’s Daily, March 23, 2013

Xinhua: Xi Jinping Visited Russian Defense Ministry

On March 23, 2013,  Xinhua reported that new Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the Russian Defense Ministry. This was the first time the head of the Chinese government visited Russia’s Ministry of Defense. It was also the first time any head of state paid a visit. The Russian Defense Minister welcomed Xi and guided the tour. Russian President Putin recommended this visit. It was seen as a gesture to demonstrate the close relationship between the two countries. Xi suggested that the military cooperation between the two countries is especially important in the “comprehensive strategic partnership” relationship the two are building. Xi spent quite some time experiencing the live operations of the Russian Federal Combat Command Center.
Source: Xinhua, March 23, 2013