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Huanqiu: Dispute Over Senkaku Islands Enters New Stage

According to Huanqiu, on the morning of December 13, 2012, a Chinese maritime surveillance airplane entered into the territorial air space of the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands in Japan). “This was another significant step forward this year to reinforce the safeguarding of our sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands. … The Japanese air force responded with eight F-15 fighters and an Early Warning and Control aircraft (AWACS) to intercept the Chinese aircraft." The Huanqiu article stated that Japan no longer has actual control of the Senkaku Islands and that the dispute has now entered a new stage.

Source: Huanqiu, December 14, 2012

Xinhua Maintains Twitter Account Irking Chinese Netizens

Chinese medai have reported that Xinhua now maintains a Twitter account in English at “@XHNews.” On Twitter, Xinhua has over 5, 000 followers. The first posting dated back to March 1, 2012. The report has received wide attention from bloggers in China. “Many Chinese netizens learned for the first time that the Communist Party’s official media maintains an official blog on the overseas social media, in addition to its official blog on China’s domestic social media. The netizens blogged that they would love to visit the official blog.” The news angered Chinese micro-bloggers as they question why they are not allowed to access Twitter but Xinhua can. 

[Editor’s Note: Twitter and Facebook are not accessible from inside China, as the Chinese authorities block them. Only by using anti-censorship software in violation of the law can people in China “climb over” the Great Wall of Internet censorship to access Twitter and Facebook.]

Source: Nanfang Daily reprinted by, December 11, 2012

Government Policy Results in Blind Development of Wind and Photovoltaic Power Industry Sectors

On December 9, 2012, China Review News published an article analyzing why the development of the wind power and photovoltaic industry sectors in China are slowing down.

According to the article, the government’s “one size fits all” policy is one of the most direct causes of the excessive and blind development of these two sectors. Any enterprise that invests in these two sectors can obtain very generous government funding support and policy support. Attracted by such direct benefits, investors have completely ignored the risks and any possible vicious competition.

Source: China Review News, December 9, 2012

China Review News: Low-Cost and High Return Will Gradually Disappear in China

On December 9, 2012, China Review News published an article discussing the transformation of China’s economy over the next decade. Over the next ten years, China will gradually lose the advantage it has of a high rate of return on capital because of low-cost. According to the article, China’s huge consumption potential can gain new impetus for China’s economy. However, the transformation of the direction of China’s economy should focus more on key technology development, technology upgrades, and product upgrades.

Source: China Review News, December 9, 2012

The U.S. Flies Its First Shipborne UAV in Order to Suppress China

The International Herald Leader, a newspaper under Xinhua News Agency, published an article on December 7, 2012, titled “The U.S. Flies Its First Shipborne UAV in Order to Suppress China.”

The article asserted, “The timing of the U.S. Navy’s test of the X-47B landing on a ship coincided with the completion of the first joint practice of the Liaoning ship and carrier aircraft F -15. Analysts pointed out that the U.S. Navy’s intention was to suppress China’s emerging naval power so as to maintain its leading military position.”

Source: International Herald Leader, December 7, 2012

Xi Jinping: China Must Develop a Strong National Defense and a Strong Army

From December 8 to 10, 2012, Chinese Communist Party leader and military head Xi Jinping conducted an inspection tour of the Guangzhou military base. While addressing the local military leaders, Xi emphasized that “the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The dream is a dream of a powerful nation. To the army, it is also the dream of a strong army.” Xi further stressed that to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, (we) must adhere to unifying the efforts to empower the nation by empowering the army; (we must) strive to develop a strong national defense and a strong military. 

 Source: Xinhua, December 12,2102

People’s Daily: Government Taxes and Fees Take Seventy Percent of the Cost of Housing

People’s Daily recently published a report on the result of research on the cost of housing. International Finance News, which is owned by People’s Daily, conducted the research, which delved into the full cost chain of the housing market from establishing the construction project to the final delivery to the ultimate buyer. The research showed that the entire process involves seven categories of government taxes and fees. These break down into thirty seven accounting cost items. The total cost of these government taxes and fees amounts to seventy percent of the price of the property. Different provinces may have some differences in those fees. In Beijing, the housing development process involves over twenty government agencies. In Guangzhou, this number is over thirty. Experts suggested that the real number would be higher than seventy percent if one considered upstream and downstream costs outside the scope of the construction project. 
Source: People’s Daily, December 8, 2012

WCIT2012: China and Russia Called for New Internet Rules

The Shanghai based newspaper Dongfang Daily recently published a report on the World Conference on International Telecommunications 2012 (WCIT2012), which started on December 4 in Dubai and will last 12 days. Government representatives from over 193 countries attended the event. During the event, the Internet governance issue once again became a big topic. China and Russia called for a new UN-based governance structure for the Internet instead of the current system managed by the US-based non-profit organization ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). China and Russia expressed the belief that all Internet member countries should have equal rights to Internet management. The United States and some other countries in the West took a strong position against any measure that would allow governments to monitor what people read and say online. Large Internet companies such as Google also stood against the new proposal. The WCIT2012 host, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU – a UN branch), suggested that everybody should focus on the fact that there are still 4.5 billion people who couldn’t even connect to the Internet.
[Editor’s Note: Media later reported that, on the afternoon of December 10, China, Russia, and other countries with poor records on freedom of expression withdrew their proposals.]
Source: Dongfang Daily, December 4, 2012