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Red Flag Manuscript: State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Are the Bellwether for the Rise of the Economy

[Editor’s Note: The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission was mandated in the year 2000 to report to Congress annually on the security implications of trade with the People’s Republic of China. It recently published its 2012 report, "An Analysis of Chinese Investments in the U.S. Economy." [1] Bill Gertz discussed some of the report’s conclusions in an article he wrote for the Washington Free Beacon, "Congressional Report: Chinese government-controlled enterprises threaten U.S., world economy." Gertz summarized from the

report, "The Chinese system of state capitalism or ‘capitalism with Chinese characteristics’ has blocked many of the potential benefits of a free market, not only in China, but among China’s trading partners," "The state-owned sector in China can undercut prices charged by privately held competitors globally due to a variety of subsidies granted by the Chinese government: low-interest-rate loans; below-market-rate land, fuel, and electricity; special exemptions from environmental and labor regulations; tax abatements and preferences." [2]

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agreed that having the backing of state funding and favorable government policies gives China’s SOEs a huge economic advantage. Hu Angang, Director of the Center for China Studies, Tsinghua University, wrote an article on for Red Flag Manuscript, a publication of the Central Committee of the CCP in which he argued that, although China’s SOEs are a form of enterprise and compete in the global market, they differ greatly from Western enterprises in that they are state-owned and under the leadership of the CCP. China’s SOEs have the advantage of being backed by state-owned capital and, as such, have the ability to generate strong competition to rival the world’s top 500 enterprises. They should be the leading force for China’s "going abroad" strategy. The following are translated excerpts from the article.] [3]

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Money Spent on Domestic Production of Satellite Navigation System to Exceed 200 Billion Yuan by 2015

The China Hi-Tech Fair was held in Shen Zhen from November 16 to 21, 2012. The Shen Zhen Beidou Navigation Application Alliance was officially announced at the fair. Based on the estimates from the Shen Zhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Science, the monies spent on the domestic production of its satellite navigation system will exceed 200 billion yuan (US$32 billion) by 2015.

According to the president of the Shen Zhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Science, the development of the Beidou Navigation System broke the GPS monopoly and will be a significant strategic benefit to China. It was reported that the Beidou Navigation Application Alliance will achieve the development and industrialization of the Beidou navigation system in the following four areas: core components, application platform, smart phone, and an auto service terminal.

Source: Huanqiu, November 17, 2012

Political Bureau Mapped Out Plans to Impart Key Messages from 18th Congress

The 18th Political Bureau held a meeting on November 16, 2012, at which it mapped out plans to disseminate key messages from the 18th Congress. The meeting emphasized that the most important political task in the near future will be to “diligently promote and promulgate the key messages from the 18th Congress and to unify people’s understandings and efforts to achieve the goals and tasks set by the Congress.”

Xi Jinping, the new General Secretary of the Party, hosted the meeting.

Source: Xinhua, November 16, 2012

China Displays the FB-6A: China Made Version of Avenger Air Defense System

At the 9th Airshow held in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation displayed a variety of missile systems, including the FB-6A, an air defense system claimed to be similar to the U.S. Avenger Air Defense System, but with better missile defense capability.

According to Zong Wenbo, Vice Dean of the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, the missile used on the FB-6A has better air defense capability than the Stinger Missile used on the Avenger Air Defense System. Its price is reasonable and suitable for large volume export. The system has been used in military exercises and can provide air defense capability for the field army.

Source: China Review News, November 17, 2012

What Did the CCP’s 18th National Congress Tell the World?

On November 14, 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) chose seven Politburo Standing Committee members. They are Xi Jinping (习近平), Li Keqiang (李克强), Zhang Dejiang (张德江), Yu Zhengsheng (俞正声), Liu Yunshan (刘云山), Wang Qishan (王岐山), and Zhang Gaoli (张高丽). What does this selection tell people about the future direction of the Communist regime?

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People’s Daily Editorial: Hailing the New Communist Leadership

On November 16, 2012, China’s state media, the People’s Daily, ran an editorial to hail the Party’s new central leadership which was "elected" on November 15, 2012. The article stated, “The 18th National Congress of the Party unequivocally has demonstrated to the world what banner the Party will uphold, which path the Party will take, what kind of mental state we will have, and towards what goal we will progress, … it has established the scientific concept of development, Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and the important thinking of "Three Represents" as the guiding ideology of the Party which the Party shall uphold for a long time to come …”

Source: People’s Daily, November 16, 2012

Xi Jinping: The Party Faces Severe Challenges

In Beijing, on November 15, 2012, as the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party concluded, Xi Jinping, the new head of the Chinese Communist Party and China’s military gave a speech to those present. In his speech he stated, “We are a political Party that serves the people wholeheartedly. … Our Party faces many severe challenges and there are also many pressing problems within the Party that need to be resolved, particularly problems such as corruption and bribe taking by some Party members and cadres, being out of touch with the people, and placing undue emphasis on formality and bureaucratic red tape. We must make a strenuous effort to resolve them. The whole Party must stay on full alert.”

Source: People’s Daily reprinted by the Chinese Communist Party website, November 15, 2012

Xinhua Article Suggests Obama Follow Advice from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

Xinhua published an opinion article commenting on why Obama actively plays "luxury diplomacy" in the Asia-Pacific. The article said, “After winning the general election, Obama immediately decided to visit the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The ‘Big Three’—the President, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense—all suddenly gathered in the same region in a period of less than 10 days. It is unheard of in the history of the United States. Why would Obama organize such a ‘luxury diplomatic team’ to visit the Asia-Pacific region?” 

The article gave four reasons: 1) to show "the will to return to the Asia-Pacific;" 2) after he won the presidential election for his second term, domestic political constraints on him weakened; 3) out of a need for the U.S. economy to recover; 4) to consolidate and expand the camp of U.S. allies. 

In its conclusion, the article expressed the main point, “There are people in the international community who cannot bear to see what Obama is doing. The always straight-talking Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suggested on November 12 that, ‘Obama should be committed to the management of his own country and should never try to split and invade other countries.’” The article suggested to Obama, “Regarding these words, President Obama may not want to listen, but it is good advice.” 

Source: Xinhua, November 15, 2012