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Xinhua: Unliquidated Bonds Reached RMB 23 Trillion

Xinhua recently reported on a warning regarding the scale of China’s unliquidated bonds. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) issued the warning in a report on its findings after monitoring all bonds. As of the end of September, China’s unliquidated bonds reached RMB 23 trillion yuan, which is the equivalent of fifty percent of China’s total GDP. The report suggested that the proportion of unliquidated bonds equals about half that of the bonds for the entire “Emerging East Asia Region.” Among the 23 trillion, 17 trillion are government bonds, while 7 trillion are corporate bonds, which is a rapidly growing section in China’s bond market. The ADB called for caution against the potential risks. The top ten corporate bond issuers are all China’s national level state-owned companies. Zhu Haibin, J.P. Morgan Chase’s Chief Economist for the Chinese Market, suggested that corporate bonds are becoming the primary new borrowing channel for local governments given the environment in which land sales for real estate developments have suffered a sharp decline.
Source: Xinhua, November 26, 2012


Xinhua: Someone Else Ate the Students’ Nutritious Lunches

Xinhua recently reported on a widely spreading story about the corruption scandal related to some village elementary school students’ "nutritious" lunches. The story first broke on China’s twitter-like microblogging sites, where college volunteers posted messages online exposing the fact that many elementary school students are receiving problematic government-funded “nutritious lunch” packages. There lunches are only worth about RMB 3 yuan (around $0.51). One package contained one small piece of bread and one small carton of cold milk. Its actual cost was widely estimated to be below RMB 1 yuan (around $0.17). Similar problems occurred in many provinces. Remembering such incidents as expired milk, Chinese public opinion quickly turned into an active discussion of widespread corruption. Even the government controlled media are questioning the bidding process for those who supply lunches and are calling for a full scale investigation.
Xinhua, November 26, 2012
People’s Daily, November 26, 2012

Xinhua: Over 1.1 Million Participated in the National Civil Services Exam

Xinhua reported that, on November 25, more than 1.12 million people all over China participated in the National Civil Service Exam to compete for 21 thousand government job positions. This is the largest government position exam ever organized. The number of people taking the Exam increased by 150 thousand over last year. Cheating is a big problem for the exam. The State Bureau of Civil Services required everyone who took the exam to sign a “Statement of Good Faith.” Also, a large national database was established to track wrong-doings on an individual basis. Experts expressed the belief that there are three main reasons that this exam has become such a heated competition: (1) Unemployment pressure is still high across the nation. This year alone there are seven million new college graduates joining the job market. (2) The Civil Service Exam system is relatively open and transparent. It demonstrates more fairness than other channels. (3) Government work is more reliable, relaxed, and reputable than other types of work.
Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2012

The Beijing News: Emigration of Chinese Merchants’ Is Increasing, Threating Economic Environment

Chinese News Review carried a commentary that was originally published by The Beijing News, about the increase in the wave of emigration of China’s rich and powerful merchants. According the article, 70 percent of China’s rich and powerful people have emigrated or are considering emigrating overseas. As a result, China has become the country having the largest number of people emigrating overseas. As to the reason for their leaving China, the article cited two causes: lack of security and a desire to improve life satisfaction.

According to the article, when those emigrants leave China, they also take their wealth with them. It was estimated that between 1997 and 2010 over 17 trillion yuan (US$2.73 trillion) left China. The number has grown even larger since 2010. The article stated that the domestic inflation that has occurred in recent years has had a negative impact on ordinary Chinese people’s wealth. As more and more of China’s rich and powerful merchants choose to leave, it will be more and more difficult to increase domestic demand.

Toward the end, the article raised a question of what can be done to keep people from leaving China. Based on the 2011 China Private Wealth Report published by China Merchants Bank (CMB) and Bain & Company, 27 percent of Chinese merchants having personal assets over 100 million yuan (USD$16 million) have already emigrated while 47 percent are considering emigration.

Source: China News Review, November 25, 2012

Lung Cancer, the Number One Cancer Killer, Jumped 56 percent in 10 years

The Beijing Health Bureau reported that the statistics collected by the Beijing Institute for Cancer Research affirmed that, in Beijing in 2010, lung cancer had the highest occurrence rate among male cancer patients and second highest among female cancer patients, second only to breast cancer. The lung cancer rate grew 56 percent from 2001 to 2010; it now accounts for one out of five cancer patients. In 2010 alone, the lung cancer mortality rate among Beijing city residents was 48.9 out of 100,000, the highest of all the cancer patients. Moreover, there was a sharp increase in lung cancer patients among adults 35 and older, with the male and female ratio at 172 versus 100. According to the Beijing Health Bureau, the main causes of lung cancer are smoking, followed by environmental pollution.

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2012

Beijing Times: More Work Needed to Encourage Mainland Chinese to Consider Donating Organs

Xinhua carried an article, which had originally been published by Beijing Times, stating that more work is needed to encourage people to consider donating their organs. The general public’s perception needs to change at the same time that fair and just procedures are implemented.

According to Huang Jiefu, China’s Vice Minister of Health, China is building an organ donation system. It is also considering putting together a stimulus plan to provide the donors and their family members with a certain level of economic compensation, including waiving hospital and funeral charges, aid, tuition discounts, and a reduction in taxes.

The article further stated that it will be difficult simply to relying on financial incentives to encourage more people in China to consider organ donation. It pointed out that the key factor that prevents the Chinese people from donating organs is that they are deeply influenced by China’s traditional values. One’s body is given by one’s parents; (the dead should) retain their intact body and reach peace until they are laid to rest. Another concern that people have is a lack of transparency about the distribution of organs as illegal organ trading is reputed to be taking place. The article concluded that it is imperative that people’s thinking changes, while an open and fair donation system is also needed.

According to statistics, each year in China, one million patients are on a waiting list for kidney transplants, 300,000 for livers, and 200,000 for hearts, lungs, and other organs. However there are only 13,000 patients who undergo organ transplant surgery each year. The article stated that here is a severe shortage of organs being donated.

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2012

Can Xi Cross the River by Feeling the Stones?

China’s most notable “change” in recent history dates back to 1978 when Deng Xiaoping ascended to power and initiated the “reform and opening up” policy. Deng, unsure of how to proceed, used an experiment famously known as "crossing the river by feeling the stones" (“摸着石头过河): partial reform composed of economic liberalization and political conservatism. Since then, China has been “feeling the stones” for more than 30 years.

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Five Street Children Died in a Dumpster

On November 20, 2012, The Beijing News reported that five boys were found dead in a dumpster in Bijie, Guizhou Province. An elderly woman, a rubbish collector, discovered the bodies. Beijing News said that the boys had apparently taken refuge from the cold by staying in the dumpster; they burned charcoal in order to keep warm. The preliminary cause of the deaths was determined to be carbon monoxide poisoning. Several dozen policemen sealed off the funeral home to which the bodies were transported. Three or four days earlier, the boys had been seen in rags looking for food and rotten wood they could burn to keep warm.

[Editor’s Note: It was later confirmed that the boys were between 9 and 13; all belonged to the same extended Tao family. They were the sons of three brothers who are poor. Ironically, two are garbage collectors in another city. Li Yuanlong, the reporter who broke the story about the boys’ deaths, disappeared after the police forced him into a vehicle.]

The Beijing News, November 20, 2012
Radio Free Asia, November 22, 2012