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CRN: The Chinese Economy Faces Its Biggest Adjustment

China Review News (CRN) recently published an article analyzing the direction in which the Chinese economy is moving. The article expressed the belief that, based on the numbers from the first month of the third quarter, the Chinese economy shows no sign of having any hope in the near term. The official July PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) reached a new low for the past eight months. Export growth is now down to 1%. GDP growth slipped to 7.6%, which represents a slowdown for the last six consecutive quarters. The author suggested that the structure of the Chinese economy is heavily distorted. For example, government investment contributes to over 50% of the GDP; consumer spending is constantly on the decline; by the end of 2010, local government debts had reached RMB 10 trillion. Meanwhile, over the last 10 years, the domestic supply of the Chinese currency to the market increased 600%. The author concluded that the Chinese economy is quickly approaching the point of a total breakdown, which will reflect the combination of all the accumulated risks it has taken in the past several years. 
Source: China Review News, August 24, 2012

Li Yuanchao: Further Strengthening the Party’s Ability to Manage Talent

Xinhua reported that the Central Coordination Group for Talent Management held a meeting on August 24, 2012, to “study and plan the work needed to strengthen the Party’s ability to manage talent.” Li Yuanchao, the head of the Organization Department, stressed the importance of carrying out the “Opinion on the Work of Strengthening the Party’s Ability to Manage Talent,” which the central administration recently issued. Li asked all levels to execute the guidelines in the “Opinion” and to implement the Party’s talent management system.

According to the article, the “Opinion” is a guideline developed under the new environment. It laid out systemic requirements which will enable the Party to be completely in charge of talent management, while the rest of the government entities should carry out their responsibilities and actively assist the Party.

Members of the Central Coordination Group for Talent Management as well as the leaders from the Ministry of Organization at the provincial and municipal levels attended the meeting. Representatives from the Ministry of Organization of Heilongjiang and Hebei provinces, the Nanjing City Municipal Government, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the China Association for Science and Technology, and Tsinghua University shared their experiences at the meeting.

Source: Xinhua, August 24, 2012

RFA: The Decline in China’s Countryside

RFA carried a report on China’s growing urbanization and the social implications of the coutryside’s decline.

The report stated that, according to official statistics, in 2011, China had 691 million urban residents, which accounts for 51.27 percent of the total population. This was the first time that the urban population exceeded that of the countryside. The China Urban Development Report of 2012 predicted that, if urbanization grows one percent per year, the urban population will exceed 60 percent by 2020.

Many experts are concerned about the social implications of the growth in the urban population. Agricultural productivity has declined as more and more young and middle aged farmers have left the countryside. Other potential issues include: 1) when farm workers go to the city to work, their family members can’t go with them; 2) farmers do not have title to their land and can’t transfer or sell the land; 3) because of their residential status, farm workers do not have social security.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 24, 2012

Red Flag Manuscript: More Effort Should Be Made to Develop the Public Sector of the Economy

On June 27, Qiushi Theory carried an opinion piece that was originally from Red Flag Manuscript. A research fellow at the Academy of Marxism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences wtote the article. The piece stated that, in the current economy, the development of the public sector part of the economy should take precedence over the non-public sector. It also raised the question as to what can be done to bring back the dominance and control of the declining State Owned Enterprises (SOEs).

According to the article, China’s economic model consists of the co-existence of public and non-public ownership. During the Party’s 16th National Congress, a proposal was made to extend an equal effort in developing both the public and non-public sectors of the economy. The author asserted, however, that these efforts can’t carry an equal weight. Rather, the development of the public sector of the economy should take priority over the non-public sector. The author stated, “The public sector of the economy provides the base and the guarantee that the people will be the masters in a socialist country. Allowing the public sector to dominate will determine the characteristics of the socialist system.”

At the end of the article, the author raised the question as to what can be done to protect the dominant status of the public sector of the economy and enable the SOEs to regain their dominant status. The GDP of SOEs dropped from 49.6 percent of total GDP in 1998 to 26.6 percent in 2010, while the GDP of the private sector increased from 3.1 percent to 30.5 percent in the same period and has thus surpassed SOEs.

Source: Qiushi Theory, June 27, 2012

A Look at Von Hagens’ Body Plastination Factories

[Editor’s Note: On August 9, 2012, the Chinese government held a one-day trial of Bo Gu Kai Lai for murdering British businessman Neil Heywood. Many people questioned the government’s handling of the case, saying it was calculated to cover up facts it did not want revealed. One question raised was about the body plastination factory that German businessman Gunther von Hagens started in Dalian when Gu’s husband, Bo Xilai, was the head of Dalian City, Liaoning Province. What role did Gu and her husband play in arranging for von Hagans to obtain bodies for the plastination factory? This topic surfaced on overseas Chinese media first, then mushroomed on micro blogs and online forums in China. As a result, von Hagens’ plastination factory has drawn more and more attention on the Internet. On August 16, 2012, China’s Caijing Magazine was one of the first in China to break the media’s silence. It published a report on the increasing number of micro blog condemnations of von Hagens’ factory and raised questions about its operation. Below is an excerpt from the original report.] [1]

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People’s Daily Over Fifty Years Ago on Island Ownership

Epoch Times reported that, many years ago, People’s Daily wrote two articles that show that China acknowledged that it does not owner the Ryukyu Islands. The images of the two People’s Daily articles have been posted on the Chinese Internet and have been spreading rapidly. They are dated January 8, 1953, and March 26, 1958, respectively. The March 26, 1958, People’s Daily editorial quoted Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai as saying, “These islands have never been determined to be separate from Japan in any international agreement.” In the earlier January 8, 1953, commentary, People’s Daily stated that the United States falsified a Beijing Radio news report that said China would not give up its sovereignty over the Ryukyu Islands. People’s Daily commented, “This is clearly a vicious attempt at instigation; it is aimed at exciting the Okinawan people’s strong emotions, as they seek the return of Okinawa to Japan … "

China claims that the Ryukyu Islands do not include the Pinnacle Islands (which are also called the Diaoyu Islands in China and the Senkaku Islands in Japan, and which China now claims). Japan also claims ownership of the Pinnacle Islands. Ownership of the Pinnacle Islands would allow for exclusive oil, mineral, and fishing rights in the surrounding waters.

Source: Epoch Times, August 19, 2012.

Party Official: Corruption and Anti-corruption at a Stalemate

Li Xuefeng, an official with the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection stated that corruption and anti-corruption have reached a stalemate. “Our Party has taken on anti-corruption as a major political task and has assiduously pursued the goal of establishing clean politics. … It can be said that that no political party in the world is like ours in that it has attached such great importance to the fight against corruption. … We have blazed a trail of anti-corruption with Chinese characteristics.” Li stated that corruption and anti-corruption are at a stalemate, that the situation remains grave, and that the tasks are arduous.

Source: The Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China, August 22, 2012

Xinhua: Be Prepared for an Escalation of the Struggle against Japan

Xinhua published an article commenting on the conflict between China and Japan regarding the recent incidents in the Diaoyu (Senkaku) islands. The article argues, “The Chinese government must be prepared for the uncontrollable development of the Diaoyu Islands conflict, including necessary military preparations. Because of the impact of the Japanese right wing, the Diaoyu Islands crisis has become an irreconcilable conflict. An earlier tacit agreement between both China and Japanese government not to amplify the conflict has collapsed. In the current situation, both governments are cornered. Because of the intense hostility in both societies, they must push the situation forward.

“The Chinese government probably can only follow public opinion and go forward with a real fight with the Japanese to take control over the Diaoyu Islands. The true requirement of the people is that the government resolutely repel the government of Japan’s provocative acts. China will move forward on the Diaoyu Islands issue; it cannot go backwards or stand still. People clearly want to see such material progress.

“Many scholars of strategy believe that such a request lacks strategic wisdom. The Chinese should be tolerant and continue to fight against Japan and the U.S., who is remaining hidden in order to improve its overall strength and growth, so as to create the certainty of eventually taking over the Diaoyu Islands. This proposition is indeed a much smarter way, but it is not feasible in real politics.”

Source: Xinhua, August 22, 2012